How is trump going to address this? so? spit it out, Sup Forums. i'll wait

how is trump going to address this? so? spit it out, Sup Forums. i'll wait.

>7 limes

haven't seen this one in a while

>$29 a week
Yeah I'm calling bullshit, my single mother who lives alone gets $400 a month in food stamps and she works and has no dependents in Oklahoma.

maybe in nyc but this image doesn't really hold up outside of spicnigger food deserts

>tortillas and black beans

>imported limes
>imported leafies
>imported avocado
Meanwhile corn is ~$0.07 an ear in rural Illinois.
Pampered white women don't know how to shop. Make sure you marry a poor European woman that knows how to cook.



Not even sure where the $29 a week meme comes from since the lowest available plan on SNAP is 200 a month, which isn't $29 a week

they can get a fucking job.

>hurr durr the lazy and uneducated (AKA less """privileged""") should get even more socialized food from our tax dollars

Commie detected

>1 post by this ID

>seven (7) lemons

My girlfriend and her mother were struggling to pay bills and rent, so they went on SNAP for a while, she only got $19 a month.

>be in local grocery line as a wagecuck
>buying greens, rice, bread, chicken thighs and eggs
>debating on purchasing some milk and decide not to
>in line, behind large black woman with food stamps
>has ribeye, sushi, chips and store made bbq sauce and dog food
>woman behind counter says she can't use card for dog food
>"that's fine, our dog can eat steak"
>sends son off who comes back with several pounds of sirloin

good, fuck these people

29$ more than i get which is 0.

Those are limes, friend.

Its like that meme was created for this exact moment

Bullshit, i live in nyc and the food in the OP pic is $15-20 if you dont buy at whole foods.

> produce

Oh Gwyneth Paltrow, you so silly... People on welfare don't eat vegetables. Or ... Are those fucking limes?
Silly woman, those are only used for Mexican bear and tequila.

Would you by chance be interested in trading some food stamps for some tequila, on that note?


i live with 3,50€ ($3,73) a day
24,5€ a week ($26,14)


where I live all that's like 15 bucks


>thinking you can afford to be vegetarian on a budget

10 pounds of chicken and rice, the rest on vegetable and seasoning, maybe a gallon of milk.

it's not hard.

Woops, forgot my pic

>~$7 of limes
>25% of your food budget

Food stamps are intended to supplement your income.

when the biggest health problem of the poor is obesity I highly doubt they need even more money for food

Consider budgeting better and buying more efficiently?

>The government should help you live for free

Are you blue blind?

>frozen veggies

if you're in the usa:
>seasonal fruits/veggies
>literally everything because america has no gommie quota system

This is what $29 gets you at the grocery store, put down the organic limes and learn to fucking live within your means.

I find it really unsettling how people praise fast food chains like McDonald's just for having cheap food, especially when they actively target poor black people. They're keeping poor people fat and sick yet alll these "woke" people think they're great because they're too lazy to roast a fucking chicken

>mfw I am a student
>mfw my salary just barely covers my appartment and transportation costs because I dont have a time and am too lazy to work more hours
>mfw I regularly have like $12 per week (or more) to spend on food
get on my level scrubs

That's largely due to the quality of food poor people eat though, not the quantity. The processed bullshit and fast foods are what's fucking poor people

Do you know your daddy, Tyrone?

Does anybody have the one of the retard showing off that they bought nothing but organic junk-food and acting shocked that it was expensive

Republican orthodoxy is that poor people deserve to die (that is, if they can't "pull themselves up by their bootstraps"). Will Trump contradict this? Probably not.

Silly cunt goes to Gelson's or some other pretentious douche canoe of a 1% grocery store to make vegan tacos or what ever stupid shit she's trying to make. Of course its $29.

What the fuck do you need 6 limes and 1 ear of corn for? 1 fucking tomato? Where the fuck do they sell 1 fucking tomato at a time?

OP is a retard.

"How is Trump going to address giving people over $1500 annually for food"

I live on 5$ a day and I eat like a fucking king.

Nothing to address but your unemployed ass.

Don't shop at Whole Foods

Tbh that's because healthy food is more expensive than McDonalds burgers.

you are wrong

obesity is a choice. it is ALWAYS cheaper to eat less. poor people are obese because they are unintelligent which means they have low self control which has caused their poverty and obesity

>and that you have the mental and physical capacity to cook for yourself
If you aren't a senile fucker and you can't cook for yourself you really deserve to starve to death.

>mental capacity


He's going to take resumes for the position of "this problem fixer."
Will you apply, or complain like a little bitch?

>$ 27
I can make that work
hope she chokes on those limes

Buy more meat, eggs, beans, rice. I would suggest only one vegetable and not a leafy one ideally, very inefficient.

1. you could live off that for a week
2. how do you not have more than 29$ dollars a week, and if you're not living as familly you could defninitely live off that

>Food stamps are intended to supplement your income.

>healthy food is more expensive than McDonalds burgers.
It really isn't. A burger meal from McDonald's is like $5 at the cheapest. For one meal. That can buy you a lot of healthier food.

If that's all nig nogs eat, how come so many of them are so tall, strong and lean, basically built for crime?

yeah that's bull shit. anyone who goes grocery shopping regularly knows that's about $15 right there and people on food stamps get more anyway



maybe these people need to get off their asses and learn how to cook?

>she pretends the limit on foodstamps is $29 a week
this is why no one trusts liberals

I swear this is what I imagine a typical modern progressive womyn eats.

>tfw on a cut and that pic looks like what i just got at he grocery store

>Argentians thinking they're white

something doesn't add up here

I understand someone getting a bit fatter after high school/college/university ends and you're not as active as you once were, but I have no fucking idea how people let themselves get so goddamn big they can't fit in a fucking aeroplane seat, or through a fucking doorway, or even support their own weight for longer than a few minutes

You should only be able to buy corn, rice and beans with foodstamps. And Flintstones vitamins. THAT'S IT. Fuck these bitches buying filet minion with food stamps.

>I can't believe you won't give poor lazy people more free money.

That bitch is such a cunt.

You can get 20lbs of rice for 9 bucks at walmart.

What an efficient system welfare is. Having a job is good way of generating income too fyi.

They sure as hell don't cook it themselves. The amount of women under 30 who can look after themselves is laughably small, much like OP's penis.

$3 worth of apples = 1/3rd of week covered

You could buy a lot more for that too. They bought three clumps of fucking leaves. And a bunch of limes for some reason.

That's when they're young, the food you eat has effects far past after you've eaten it. iirc black people are killed the most by heart disease and diabetes.

2 bucks will get you:
>a serving of fries
>a kilogram of carrots

>april 2015

$29/week is complete bullshit.

I lived in an apartment where this nig a few doors down from me had something like $500/month in food stamps.
He even loaned me his food stamp card where I only had to pay him half the cost of what I bought. I ate like a king for those few months.

I can get all that for less than 20$ here

Because they eat very little, but work out (steal/run from police).

I work at a target and we sell our tomatoes individually.

This. $2 can get you like a pound of chicken at the grocery store if you keep an eye out for manager's specials. That and stuff like cereal, peanut butter, potatoes, rice can keep you on a decent diet for super cheap. If I eat out it's for stuff that I absolutely wouldn't know how to make at home. People spending about $12 for a bowl of soup and a sandwich at Panera baffles me.

>Make sure you marry a poor European woman that knows how to cook.

What fantasy do you live in? kek

You can get 20lbs of rice for $5 in real super market chains

That's exactly what I was thinking.

Where did this meme come from? I live in a city, Toronto, for 4 years and can guarantee you this is not the case. Eating fast food broke my bank more than just going to the grocery and getting meat.

This is coming from the same bitch that won't even use toilet paper that wasn't unwrapped / used first by her.

Not even making it up. She has many more stuck up standards as well

1 post by this ID

or 2lbs of lentils, plants are cheap as fuck

I understand some people just don't have time with 2/3 jobs.

But that's what a slow cooker is for. Turn that shit on to 8 hours, come home to food.

You must be one fat fuck if your cut is pure rabbit food

>dumb liberal bitch buys organic kale and shit and lies about amount shaniqua and her keeds receive per week

Also if she dropped some of that hippy shit like avocado she could've thrown in another rack of eggs and a bulk meat staple

Why live?

Fuck, now i want some Shin Ramyun

Pretty sure my mom got like $600 a month when we were on SNAP. OP BTFO


fine, whats the "I only don't eat meat"fag called in english?
I just call both vegan

same with social security faggots

God damn.. that pic was about as faggoty as one could possibly fag.

>Where did this meme come from?
It's poor fags looking at their weekly grocery bill and going:

>Huh... it's $30 for this... but this McDonald's bill only says $8

Even though the groceries last a week and the McDonald's meal meal.

White people have naturally higher glucose requirements. Haha fucking white people.

family of four here, used to get 800 a month ran out of ways to cook t bones and lobster pretty quick.

That's $15 max.

But what about muh limes?

Then there's even less excuse.

Why not steal from the grocery stores? Like seriously it's fuckin easy as shit & you're sticking it to the corporations.