
Well user's as you're all starting to become aware - our interpretation of the world is in fact what creates it. Before observation, it is only a possibility & as our observation is clouded by our emotions - to grow & transcend we must alleviate our fears & defend ourselves against the fears (control) of others. Love is the only way.

infant, refrain from doing me injury

Why do you find the truth to be injurious? To your present fear riddled soul the acceptance of love as the answer may scare you - we all fear change. But to move beyond your pain it is a necessity.

Thanks for the inspo
Think you accidentally posted on /pol instead of tumblr
Say hi to Boganon

There are no accidents user.

>hey guys I just did LSD for the first time and transcended
the post

>as our observation is clouded by our emotions
Unless you have some proof of this, shut up.

There is no true transcendence on this mortal coil, only glimpses of the digital other. Transcendence can only come when you have reached the end of your journey, accepted love & then pass on to the next realm. It may take many tries (lives).

I can offer the proof of all who have ever lived & felt. The world is infinitesimally small & lacking in options when we succumb to fear. To far down this path & the ego seeks suicide as an escape. When we love it becomes infinitely large & full of possibility.

I if you do not allay your fears you will return as that whom you fear most.

Love doesn't exist

Do you dismiss the existence of hate also?

But how can one love if one surrounds oneself with hate? If one feels love through hate does it not act the same? Is indifference as bad as or worse than hate?

Love built this.

You must be a sad little man to have never loved.

You can love if you stop surrounding with hate, you have free will user. You are not 'feeling love through hate' you may enjoy the activity, but it is empty & will eventually rob you of your humanity & ability to love. To be indifferent is not as bad as hate, but does indicate you need to grow.

so is reincarnation guaranteed?

>I'm dying that's why I ask

Unless you reach transience, yes. But even if you do - you have a choice. You may want to come back to help other souls, or re-experience the physical realm.

I also hope you find peace (if you need it) before you pass user. Blessings upon you.

Our ego is necessary as it plays a part in our identity & helps us discover our needs. If we make it our sole focus, it will shrink our world & cause us to fear it's diminishment.

How can hate truly be bad if hatred is passion and care for something? Is indifference truly better than feeling something? With hate, there's interaction but when one becomes indifferent, the world closes to love. Is hate truly that bad if it makes you feel as strongly as if you were to love?

Hate is based on entropy. When we hate something, it is because we wish to tear it down for the expense of ourselves. Hate is a very selfish emotion which is the expression of what the ego wants.

Then again, there is another state of entropy based on ignorance, which is loving something without understanding it. Ignorance is more prevalent in our times than hate, and is causing the Earth to entropy.

It from bit.

--John A. Wheeler

If the hate grows strong enough it will make you seek to destroy that which you hate & will leave a stain upon you. Not all passions are ultimately to your benefit. There might be a lesson to as why you hate but the lesson isn't the solution. Indifference is neither love nor hate & seems to be what the current western system want's of the world. The over prescription of anti-depressants are leaving many people indifferent to the world. Merely surviving as opposed to living & learning.

Yes user.

>ID: ytea

this thread is filled with dumb


what is your view on the relationship between love and pain, user? if love is radiant and pain is strangling how do you pull them apart and accept them both when your heart is broken?

I'm sorry that you fell that those that seek to elucidate 'dumb'. My only hope is that some of the words of anons here may resonate with you in the future. The fact that you read the thread shows you are at least open to enquiry. Peace to you.

Pain is part of the lesson user, for if we never felt it we would be less able to empathise. It gives depth to our experiences here. As hard as it might be able to understand at the moment, this life wouldn't be as beautiful without it. If it's the 1st time you've had your heart broken I deeply sympathise with you. It can tear you world in two. Time will heal if you give it chance & the lesson will reveal it's truth to you.

What is your opinion on decadence, user? Or to be destroyed by what we love... It's a question that perplexes me to this day, and the struggle of our civilization.

Decadence is the fulfilling of the ego above else. It will eventually destroy you if you don't pull back from it. It nearly destroyed me & has killed those I've known. Our society wants everyone to be compromised so that we don't have the moral capability to speak from the heart.

I wouldn't fear the struggle of our civilization too much user. It's something to be aware of but not preoccupied by. The postmodernists will eventually burn themselves out & good will rise out of the confusion.

Wise words. I'd like to add that more emphasis needs to be placed on disabling the egos of others, rather than feeding them. Most spiritual teachers teach about overcoming the ego for the self, but very few teach how we can help others overcome their egos. Decadence isn't just about resisting temptation, but inhibiting the temptations of others.

I've become a lesser soul since incarnating in the early 21st century, and only recently am I coming back to the right track. Yet if I was never aware of the corrupting influences that exist in this time, I would have fallen further still.

If something destroys us it isn't love. We can become infatuated with things, substances & people & confuse them for love.

As an example if a man loses a child & cannot cope with the loss & decides to end his life - it's the grief & loss of love that destroyed him. Not the love itself. He is overcome with negative forces & unable to learn the lesson life gave.

Ah. But here's the real world problem.

Suppose I practice unconditional kindness on a man which causes him to feed his ego and defile himself into becoming a monster. Think of the refugees in Europe who, whatever merit they may have, have grown to hold such hatred and contempt of those who spoil them with refugee and wealth. Loving someone in a way which corrupts their soul isn't a fault on love, but it's something else which isn't readily described by spiritual teachers. In a way, decadent love is a kind of evil that needs investigation.

We have to be very careful when it comes to helping others - if the help is not sought it can be actually seen as trying to control their actions. Maybe they are not ready for their truth yet.

Things you can do are casually drop things in conversations i.e. "I used to do this but now I see how destructive it is" Be very careful as not to be seen as moralising people - it's the ultimate sin in this present time, that's why they want us all compromised. Best of luck user.

Love is nothing but a chemical reaction in the brain in response to outside stimuli like the smell of someone and visually pleasing facial features/body structure.

Unless you mean platonic love which is kind of a really broad to the point its hard to be wrong about it. It's kind of saying something like happiness is the meaning of life when its hard to pin down what makes people being happy. Being a slave can make someone happy etc.

Furthermore love is the same thing as fear. It's an emotion that clouds rational judgement. Love is the only way is an empty platitude much like your post.

You too.

Yes, but I don't think this is actually done out of real love in some regards. They're are people who actively want to destroy what they see as their oppressors (as opposed to protectors). They've taken on board poisonous ideologies & don't see the danger of their actions. Time will reveal it to them. They're are enough industrious people in the west to combat the worst things that may happen. There is also a conscious shift underway to help us in preparation.

Good points. You truly are a wise soul.

You are offering something that has been hypothesised by science, not proven. Neuroscience hasn't & won't be able to localise consciousness. Intuition (some of it thousands of years old) has.

>love is the same thing as fear

It really isn't. Nihilism is an empty cul-de-sac where nothing grows. A purely materialistic view of the world is quite absurd. I hope life opens itself to you. I've struggled with such concepts myself - it's really an effort to control our understanding of the world & opposed to allowing it to reveal itself.