On a scale of 10 to 10, how hard did Ted win tonight?

On a scale of 10 to 10, how hard did Ted win tonight?

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I've seen Farage debate people are destroy them before, but that was a fucking massacre

It was a public execution.

Anyone got a link to the good bits

watch the full thing it will do you a service

Bernie tried to put words in Teds mouth.. and he got shut the fuck down. That was satisfying.


Ted filleted Bernie like a fish, revealing how socialism is killing small businesses.

8/10. He got a little too anecdotal and avoided a few questions. He is clearly a way better debater than Bernie though.

Numbers confirm.


>backed up facts and figures

>that part when Bernie fucking lost it on the hair salon woman

0, he sucked and is worthless (as we know)

Bernie pls.

Somebody link please. I was unable to watch this raping at work.

was dead 50-50 for a while

Did we win again Sup Forums? I'm getting tired of winning so much

Sanders is too old. His mind isnt sharp enough anymore to keep up Cruz. He sounds like hes doing some kind of ronald regan "i am not a criminal" impression every time he speaks.


Did not state clearly enough that healthcare is not a right but rather a commodity. His Lambo analogy was close though.

Got a link

Leftists on /r/politics are crying and going B..BUT SANDERS WAS THE REL WINNER BECAUSE HE DID NOT USE FALLACIES

Here's the crowder broadcast, starts at ~6 minute mark. youtube.com/watch?v=xbdW0HRkaO8

>raping at work.

Australia YES?



Ted wasn't flawless with his argument but Bernie was such an incompetent fuckwit that Ted was a genius in comparison.

non commentary broadcast (at least so far, about 20 minutes in) youtube.com/watch?v=2ugBYg1zbuY



Bernie turned red, and started visibly having hand tremors. I was about 80% sure he was about to clutch his chest and die before he hit the ground. Frankly I'm surprised Cruz wasn't charged with a hate crime and attempted manslaughter for trying to murder a Jew

bernie kept trying class warfare tactics to hide the fact that his plan doesnt work.

anyone with a brain could see Cruz blew him away.

The scale is from ten to Ted.

no less than 10 normies switched sides tonight.

Bernie had no fucking answer for that salon businesswoman. He basically just said "fuck you, pull money out of your ass to pay for Obamacare if you want to expand"

It really showed how clueless he was, he really thinks money can just appear out of thin air like his free college bullshit.

Ted kept dodging hard questions and Bernie sounded like a lunatic who had no idea how he was going to pay for anything.

Honestly they both kinda sucked. I will say Bernie was worse because his answers were bad whereas for a lot of stuff Cruz simply didn't answer.

>We agree on how corrupt both parties are.
>Why would you want to give more power to the government.

nice work, am now riding cruz missle

Yeah but you idiots also thought Trump won every debate.

Don't get me wrong, he obviously won the election...

This asshole couldn't make a valid point to save his corrupt ass. Sucking on that sweet top 2/10ths of 1% trickle down. You mongoloids deserve to pay their taxes.

I only watched the end but 10/10. Ted had the facts down and even dropped a few bants. Sanders literally told a woman she shouldn't expand her business even though she wanted to.

It's okay Bernie. Go back to the lakehouse

Excellent point, so close to be checked.

so hard his daughter actually returned his high five

One thing I wish he pressed harder on.

>tfw you're bernie sanders and you just got absolutely destroyed by a canadian shitposter


honestly that is just capitalism. if you have no capital to get more profits then suck it up. she should go into a different field if her current one is too competitive

Zodiac Killer learned some 4d chess from Trump I think. I'm predicting that cowbell comment to end up in the news or twitter based on Trump's recent feud with them. So when normies check out the comment cause they heard someone talking about it, they'll get the general message Cruz was trying to get across in this debate. One that anyone who isn't a brain-dead liberal will agree with and look further into what he said and the administration is saying about healthcare.

If it was real capitalism, you shouldn't be forced to provide your employees with healthcare anyway.

The only time when ted dodged any question was when bernie sanders changed the topic. FACT.

Just got off work and watching this now. I'm about 15 minutes in. Anyone else notice how Ted talks about common sense reform or common sense solutions in an almost similar way to leftists talking about common sense gun control?

>Bernie kept spamming wealth distribution
>but it wasn't effective

Having an employee cap isn't capitalism. Regulation strangles economic growth.

Nah, he danced around the fact that he did basically want to kick the one woman off Medicaid (granted, it's because he thinks Medicaid is a shitshow, and it largely is).

He also dodged another question pretty hard, but can't remember what it was at the moment.

Dude if he had done that then Bernie Sanders would be dead on the floor and Ted would have been blamed for not providing effective health care.

>destroyed by an old dying woman
>destroyed by time-travelling billionaire
>now destroyed by a fucking leaf

Can he ever recover?

Zodiac Killer struck again, no mercy for his victims

a zillion


Are you implying a provision and right provided the American people as a form of protection against tyranny is equivocal to a private commodity?


Yeah. Bernie's had the greatest argument on his side, which is that we as a society have a responsibility to ensure that people are treated in severe cases. It doesn't get more emotionally and logically effective than that. But he was such an incompetent clown that he bungled it and Ted won easily.


Don't forget when he was easily dominated by two BLM nigresses.

No I'm simply saying this sounded familiar to me.

People are dying... common sense solution... where have I heard this before...

I'm not making a statement. I'm just saying it sounded familiar. I'm still watching this by the way.

It's just a show. They both suck.

Ted brought pages of facts, statistics and even pulled out a map to show everyone. Bernie read off some WSJ headline to "refute" Ted that was so bad, even the audience laughed at him.

My two favorite parts were the salon question "pay up you greedy bitch I don't care if your business is unworkable" and when Bernie asked Ted if healthcare was a Right.

No it isn't. It's the repercussions of a mixed interventionist market.

Had enough, Bernard?

Perhaps you should know there exists a universe where tonight's debate is repeated in a neverending cycle.

If you make another lass at my delegates, well, you may find yourself stuck there.

Let this be a warning, Bernard. This is the priesthood rising.

>They both suck
>Cruz holds a North American Debating Championship Top Speaker title, among others - all of which he won while at Princeton

You're a special kind of retard, aren't you?

brb, gonna go scope out some leftist blogs and wallow in their tears

wait - this is weird - they're all saying the same things as you guys, just completely inverted

gosh golly, it's almost like in debates like this, where both participants are known quantities and the issue is a well-defined left-right one, people invariably come away feeling like "their" side won

but I'm sure you're right and those liberals are all just delusional

A fucking leaf destroyed bernie sanders... what a time to be alive


Sorry hun but Cruz lost

the man that wraps his gun with bacon? he's horrible. Bernie is killing him with his charm

dude the only part of the nhs that is privatized are the fucking pharmacies

Better add another 6 gorillion to The Zodiac's kill list

that's a cute lil map

Guy's got as much charm as the cokehead who lives behind 7-Eleven shrieking that communism will rise again


>when you get cucked by everbody
Bernie is the ultimate cuck


Aw, sweetie, it's so cute you think Cruz won!


Is....Ted Cruz one of Kek's warriors?

Got any links?

Would bang/10 is my score.

Hosptials and pharmaceatical companiys are getting cucked by socialists, why should I pay my hard earned money so sluts can get abortioned

Jesus Christ I'm 40 minutes in. Does Bernie give ONE fact or statistic? I've lost count of Cruz's examples.

if you count Bernie's oft repeated 'premiums went up under Bush' deflection, he had one. A pointless one, since Obamacare conspicuously was sold to the American people to "fix" that problem, rather than accentuate it (which was--of course--a lie).

you commiecuck, she never said her field was too competitive.

she said her industry's profit margins aren't sufficient to pay healthcare at the current cost. she can't even afford healthcare herself.

comrade sanders would rather she shut down her salons due to financial unviability, firing all 49 employees, than have her not pay for everyone's healthcare. kinda implied she was an evil bitch for not doing it too

10/10 ... then he tried to appear human by referencing the SNL Walken Cow Bell bit and botched it... so 7/10

is it worth watching buds?

Which amendment was healthcare again?

>g-guys, leftists talk about common sense something and we talk about common sense something, so we are just like leftists r-right

Definitely. If you like good facts presented to support your opinions, you get that. If you like someone getting curbstomped in a debate, you get that. If you like awkward Cruz mannerisms, you get that.

Hey, retard

Liberal asslands like reddit's politics board are literally saying Cruz won.

I mean fuck, just read it yourself: reddit.com/r/politics/ , sort top post by "new"

Like I already said it was my first impression 15 minutes into it. I thought Ted was using their own popular catchphrase against them.

I honestly believe Ted Cruz killed Bernie's hype.

It's not immediate but you will eventually see it. When Bernie keeps spamming his rhetoric stuff, they're gonna think back on how Cruz shut down his points and proved most of what he said just mathematically cannot exist.


that shitbag didn't win anything. his dad assasinated jfk and his wife is a dirty banking executive. can't trust him for shit.

El Rato is the best debater the Republican Party has to offer. Freeshit didn't stand a chance.

He won my heart, becruz I'm a #CruzMissile now.