This is the world we live in right now

>this is the world we live in right now

Other urls found in this thread:

I'm literally shaking

fuck christcucks, paganism is the way to go

>when the self proclaimed radical feminist start joining your side
Unsure how to feel.

it's about time

I was wondering when feminist women would get fed up with men putting on a dress and calling themselves women

Now you can do that in whatever bathroom you want, m'lady

Feminists are a bigger threat than transgenders, if a political war breaks out I think Sup Forums needs to side with the trannies.

>retarded kike puppets & retarded kike puppets team up to fight retarded kike puppets

merchant dot jaypeg

t. Closet Faggot

t. Incapable of Critical Thinking

is that why nobody gives me a hug when a take a shit in the lady's room?

Feminists are going to be some of the most loyal Sup Forumsacks in the future. They have this obsessive dedication towards purity but direct it towards feminism rather than something like religion or eugenics.

Someone screencap this.

Go to /lgbt/, lurk around a bit, and then come back here and tell me you still believe we should side with them. The super feminist are bad, but at least they accept biological fact.

what if Sup Forums sided with nobody because trannies make up like .03% of the population. it's not hard to round them up with the trigglypuffs

Christianity was a mistake.

It had it's time, and did some good things, but then it morphed into a culturally suicidal cuckold's religion.

The sooner we get rid of Christianity, the sooner we can get rid of the immigration problem, and the good goyim problem.

No joke, there's actually a group of feminists called "TERF"s (trans exclusionary radical feminists) that hate trannies. They're all leftists though so I'm not sure what ground they have to be against this shit seeing as how their side is part of the problem


>on Sup Forums
>not an Orthodox Christian


Like I said incapable of critical though. Side with whoever will aid you in taking out the biggest enemy, they will easily be eradicated after that. I wish there was an IQ requirement to post on Sup Forums.

i cant believe that I get to be in this timeline of this universe, its by far the best one.

feel sorry for the other me's.

Americans can't be pagans and don't understand paganism, so these images are irrelevant

Return of spirit of the Bronze Age --revolt of vitalism, destruction of the cities in fire!

I love when radical feminists fight with radical trans people.

Can you imagine a verse where the electoral didn't exist?

Paganism is the most tryhard """"religion""""

other feminists hate them- I once read a tumblr argument about lesbians who didn't want to bang trannies that still had dicks being "transphobic"- meanwhile the dykes were saying the trannies were misogynistic interlopers. It was hilarious.

Christianity isn't the issue. It's white people. they have to bring their identity politics in everything because muh feelings muh racism muh privilege.

We now must meme feminist as being anti trans and bigots We must do this

How have you never heard of TERFs before?

plebbit: /r/gendercritical and /r/gender_critical


Huh? Can someone explain this to me? Feminists are good now? Wtf

The only way forward is to create a new religion based on the acquisition of beneficial knowledge, the retention of host culture, gains from lifting and gladiatorial combat.

Then you enslave everyone who disagrees with you and make them kill each other in the arena until they see the light, or make them study blueprints until they kill themselves.

I don't know how it's going to work, but something like the Amarr Empire meets Conan the Barbarian.

We're going end as Caldari and you know it.

Oh, I think it's great. Love seeing feminists self-destruct from within (as liberals inevitably do).

That'll get the job done too, but probably not as effective.


>obsessive dedication to purity

lel. just lel.

>I wish there was an IQ requirement to post on Sup Forums
I wish there was too, because if you think people who are so mentally unstable that they can't decide what gender they are are better allies than women, then you are probably a nigger when it comes to critical thought.

It's because fags and a lesbos fucking hate trannies. And the feminists side with them because a lesbos are women.
