"Ajit Pai defends decision to revoke low-cost broadband designations"

FCC is making steps to destroy net neutrality folks. You guys got FUCKING conned. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Please keep defending this Sup Forums, the mental gymnastics you guys perform is breathtaking to say the least.


But regulation stifles innovation.

pajeet shat on the US

gotta ban porn somehow

thank god. net neutrality was such a control freak scam.


>Hurr durr I'm a nigger that thinks all internet sites take up the same broadband width

Net neutrality is the most nigger tier issue on earth.

>Only $4.99 a month for unlimited shitposting! Don't be a fool paying 25 cents per refresh, get the "Sup Forums: unlimited" package before it's too late!

i only use Sup Forums and steam

why shouldn't i be able to just pay for them


>Implying Sup Forums wont be blacklisted

>Trusting a pajeet
Not even once

>liberals complaining about ending what is essentially corporate welfare for cellular and wireline providers

I still haven't heard what was stopping companies from throttling sites. Wasn't a bill passed in 2015? What happened before that?

you don't even know what NN is, nigger faggot

your ISP is only ferrying packets. it doesnt matter what you put in them. for now.

your argument is like saying
>I only drive my Civic, why should my roads allow me to drive a Lexus?

you can already use the fucking roads however you want. doesnt make a damn bit of difference what car you drive. why do you want a surcharge applied for no fucking reason?

well said pajeet

im just kidding with you brah

Enjoy Sup Forums running like shit, if at all.

what the fuck are you talking about

Look up things like Hinternet, netblazr, mesh networks, and so on. The reason you have a couple ISPs who are fucking everyone over to give shit service is because regulations stifle competitors. I'm ready for a change. In the worst case, I'll just join a mesh network.

soooo like the same as always?

how is that different from any other point in time?

>ferrying packets

That's actually a very, very good analogy to help explain the concept to normies

Too many people automatically shut off their brain when hearing any jargon, and just take in whatever the MSM says.

These analogies are really good for helping people actually understand

Honestly if that curry nigger fucks with the internet I'm going to join my local anarcho communist group just to do my part to help light the city on fire.

Sup Forums already runs like shit due to Hirojewki cheaping out on servers.

I mean on a constant, daily basis. Imagine an image taking twenty seconds to load. A 200 reply thread taking 45 to 120. Imagine browsing on a 32kb/s modem.

They are worse than Jews, when will the Hwhite man learn

Right brother. Too bad that theres only a few companies on top now. If you take out all regulations you are giving them free reign to cuck your internet to shit. Other businesses wont come to compete because the cost of entry is too high and the market s essentially an oligopoly about to turn into a monopoly.

>the man is fucking up our infrastructure, so i'll go out and doubly fuck our infrastructure
>that'll show them!

Real smart, egghead

Sounds pretty good t b h, I used to go out and do things when the internet sucked.

>10d Chess
Trump is doing it for our well being all along!

>he bought the peaceful protest meme
Yes yes goyim hold signs one place and chant you are truly changing the world!

Good goyim!

ok "anti"fa

If you take your anger out on regular people who have nothing to do with this problem, nobody will take your side and you will only provide fodder for the opposition.

You are being just as dumb as the shitlibs who stand in the road and shut down traffic for hours, and then wonder why nobody wants to listen to them.

>force lowcost broadband over huge infrastructure
>suddenly costs of minimum is the only non rip-off speed
>wanting higher then the minimum spikes due to new regulations forcing ISPs to do huge overhauls

i dont care if I have to dig into the fucking fiber lines myself



You're telling me that there's welfare for the internet now? How have I not heard of this?

Moreover, has anyone actually read the article?

Did anyone actually read the story? This doesn't have the slightest shit to do with net neutrality. They just took subsidized broadband for poor people from 9 companies. This means the people are now paying the same amount as people who don't qualify for assistance. I swear Sup Forums's influx of retards is going to be the death of this board.

We're Australian mate. Our Internet is nearly that bad already. I wish i was joking.

We don't have net neutrality, thank Odin. Most of you stupid spastics think net neutrality is a philosophy or idea of freedom. That was Tim Wu's idea. But it's a fucking set of regulations though that never passed. The term was hijacked. But assholes can't get that through their thick skulls.
Do you like the way the FCC regulates TV?

I'll never understand how people can actively support things that will directly and obviously make their own lives worse

That won't happen. All that will happen is services like Netflix, Youtube, and Facebook will pay more for faster speeds and create unbreakable monopolies. Personally, I'm not a subhuman who uses social media or watches television so I don't give a shit about that. On the other hand, liberals really love net neutrality, and few things make happier than upsetting liberals.

>Moreover, has anyone actually read the article?
Sup Forums in a nutshell

Removing regulations doesn't mean anything if the FCC finally enforces the 96 telecommunications act, and allows municipal fiber to compete against big ISPs.
Net Neutrality is anything but neutral.

>Muh Jewbook!
Liberal concerns

>be poor
>have internet

This is the conservative platform in a nutshell.

>I don't even know what that is and it doesn't affect me but other people like it so I despise it with my entire being

>Imagine browsing on a 32kb/s modem.

My second computer (386) had a 2.4kb/s modem. First one (286) had no modem or hard drive.

fyi, 34 yrs old.

>In a nutshell
Did I miss some spicy new meme or something?