Killing the poor

Is there any reason that we shouldnt kill homeless people? Besides muh morals? They dont do anything. They leach off others and if you gave em all the money they needed to fix their shit theyd still stay being bums. We cant have them fight for amusement or profit because the ol morality police will be around to stop that. Thoughts?

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That's fucked up leaf

Is there any reason i shouldnt kill you and take your shit? poor people have guns too leaf, and saying shit like that will get you pistol whipped and looted

Starting with NEETs following by the overweight. Those poor fucks may as well be hobos. Useless eaters must eat lead.

Like your fucking grandmother?

the problem with the homeless is that some of them could actually be valuable members to society if they were given the resources, but most of them wouldn't

nobody has the time and resources to check every single homeless person for value

Piss of libral fuckstick. Liberalism is a mental disease.

Found the homeless guy. Hows that public library internet working for you Mr.HandsnKnees? You gonna shoot me with that aluminum can you think is a glock because you have no access to mental health care?

So kill em all fuckit.

btw muh morals are also responsible for muh property rights. Us highly capable, physically strong lower middle class boys should come tear you to shreds and rape your wife pus daughters,,,, cos "muh morals" are stupid, no?

Brazil got it right.

Bet you suck hobo cock in the park at night, mister middle class boi.

Fucking this.

I have always wanted to do the same with our street-shitting population

If your morals are rape and murder as you say then yes you mongoloid. I am merely looking to clean up the streets. Having to step over a junkie when I go to pick up my suits at the drycleaner is unsightly. I have only used a credit card for the last 5 years but still I gets "oh pleasem the change". Just vérmin.

No, as long as they could maintain a job as long as the economic structure allowed him. That is, if we had programs to promote full employment and they were still dysfunctional, then there's no reason to support them in any way.

There's literally nothing wrong with fascism.

I was just thinking this yesterday.
A homeless guy headbutted me 10 years ago and broke my nose. I think he was trying to kill me, the force of the headbutt was unbelievable, he put his entire body weight into the thrust. I'm pretty sure he was trying to do that maneuver where you send someone's nose into their brain to kill them, but he didn't have the angle quite right, so I survived.
The damage permanently wrecked my sinuses' ability to drain. ENTs tell me I have to get a rhinoplasty to fix it. I'm sure acquaintances will never believe me, they will think I am a preening faggot who got a nose job for aesthetic reasons. It's been 10 years and only now am I finally able to afford the procedure. Chronic fatigue caused by my permanently clogged sinuses is part of why I haven't able to be successful enough to save money for this.
I know I was able to think clearly before all this happened. I can see in the amazing things I used to write down, all these ideas I had. It all totally turned off like a light switch after the attack. This homeless fuck literally ruined my life in a matter of seconds.
So yesterday I was wondering: Who else has that fucker hurt since then? He's probably still out on the streets, luring naive kids into ostensibly friendly conversation, inching closer, and then headbutting them with all his might to try to kill them for sport.
At best you get the "peaceful" homeless, which are actually just fake homeless crusty hippie kids with rich parents they can run back to at any time. Actual peaceful homeless people don't exist. They are all fucked in the head and eager to spread their misery to others in the most rapid and violent way possible, just for fun.
Dirty tricks meant to permanently ruin the lives of passersby for little to no gain is the homeless version of shitposting. Homeless people should definitely all be killed if you ask me. They offer no benefit to anyone, only spread misery, and keeping them around is not worth the risk.

There is no reason.

I developed a hypothetical and satirical plan to eliminate the homeless in my city that I would never consider supporting or enacting, worry not Canadian thought police.

It involves forcing them all into a large stadium and cementing all exits shut. Then the homeless would starve and begin killing and eating each other. Cameras would be installed on the inside and live streams would be broadcasted to the Internet.

It would be great entertainment.

Well, I would say that homelessness can happen to anyone. Think about the Hurricane Katrina survivors. Sometimes insurance doesn't pay to replace your home after natural disasters, sometimes you can get displaced from a home due to mold or other things like that...or what about the nearly 10,000 people living in their cars in LA. They likely can't afford the housing because it's so expensive - their options are prettty limited.

Some people are only a paycheck or two from homelessness. It's hard to judge people for it. The only critique I offer is to the stupid homeless people who insist on living in places like New York and freezing their asses off during the winter. Also, they're out in Las Vegas and Phoenix in the dead of summer at 114 degrees. My suggestion would be for them to start walking cross country to make it to the ocean to live in a place like San Diego. If you're going to be homeless, you might as well live somewhere nice.

They contribute nothing to society; on the contrary, they are leeches on society.

They must be put to work in hypothetical work camps or hypothetically imprisoned and cleaned off our streets to make our cities great again.

No hobo has a gun you dumb faggot. Their only defense is a half broken beer bottle.

You could easily kill a hobo with your bare hands, considering you weren't hypothetically some beta manlet.

I have aggressive HIV.

Yes, I am a proud gay man. I see nothing funny or silly about this.

The republicans want me to die. Without Obamacare, I have nothing. It is the only thing keeping me alive.

I will continue to be on the streets protesting until I die. Whether it be at 27 or 83. And I swear to god, if any of you dare get in my face, I'll bring some of you fascists with me.

Go ahead mock me. It doesn't matter anymore. We will win.

A bullet is cheaper than book, cuck. If I were hypothetically king (I would never support this) I would make it illegal and punishable by flogging to help a homeless person.

I'm looking at you, christcucks.

99% nowadays when someone is shitting up society it's some christcuck feeding a hobo or teaching English to some refugee.

You'd get your shit pushed in buddy.

Enjoy your fag cancer nancy boy.

I'm sorry to hear that buddy. If I was you, hypothetically speaking, I'd get revenge by cleaning the streets. I'm just kidding though, don't do that.

Hope your medical issues get fixed up. Really pisses me off that some dickhead can destroy your life so easily.

Shit pushed in? Are you offering to fuck him? Hahaha fag

You don't need Obamacare to get the treatment you're receiving. If you don't have insurance or a means of paying, hospitals that receive public funding HAVE to treat you. There are many programs available for assistance. Stop perpetuating the lie that Obamacare is life-saving. It's fucking not. There's already shit in place to stop people from dying.

The US should bring back the immigration ban on HIV carriers

Shit, based.

Fuck you buddy, but your little quip made me laugh, so I'll give you that.

Homeless need to be sorted and cared for by society. Crazies go to care homes, Junkies to rehab or county, down-on-their-luck to state sponsored recovery farms, all else held accountable to the laws of the city or county they reside in (No Fucking Camping without a Permit)

I thought the street shitters were good for your economy?

Just imagine walling the entire homeless population of your local city into a large abandoned building and making them devour each other for food, since you wouldn't feed them and you DEFINITELY wouldn't let them out.

Then install some surveillance cameras and broadcast it to the entire world.

>pls take out loan to buy house
>or you can pay rent forever, it's great
>wait you want to do literally anything but these two rigid options?
>fuck you homeless faggot I hope you starve

>paying money for walking breathing piles of fecal matter

I'll pass.

Because there will always be more homeless people to replace them. You can never get rid of homeless people as long as capitalism exists. Basically, some people have to lose in order for the rest to win.

Wow just off yourself bud.

I'd rather watch you fight for homeless people's amusement, and I think the majority of people would agree with me on that point.

Every single time.

Wasn't there some story or something where they had this machine that you could go in to and push a button, and it would either give you a bunch of money or kill you instantly?

Instead of giving all of them $400 a month each, why not give a third of them $1,000, kill the other two thirds, and save a bunch of money? It's random so it'd be fair and leftists wouldn't get their panties in a bunch about privilege and corruption. Totally random, like a slot machine that can kill you.

Or hey, rig it so that it kills almost everyone but makes a couple people rich as fuck. You can play with the settings to get the maximum benefit for the investment. Assist suicide is legal, the lottery is legal... why not let someone put their life on the line for a chance at some cash?

Have you ever considered that there's always going to be someone who disagrees with you? This world would be boring as shit if only 1 political ideology existed, and we would probably still be stuck in the middle ages.

In my city some hobo lured some 14 year old kid into an alley while he was waiting to catch the bus home. This hobo then proceeded to sodomize the kid with a beer bottle for like a day and hold the kid in captivity in this fucking alleyway or some shit. It's fucked up man. Now this kid is guaranteed FUCKED for life.

I hate homeless people.

I have A Modest Proposal for you, OP...

>implying anyone but a trustfund baby who can escape in an instant would choose to live without shelter
Kys you delusional faggot.

No make them fight to the death gladiator style.

I'd sodomize the fucker, speaking in purely hypothetical terms.

>inb4 gay

Sodomy is 110% acceptable if you're using it as a tool to traumatize your enemies, just kidding though, this post is 100% satire.

>emotional screeching
>literally failing to provide a single reason not to kill the homeless

Why does the government help them? I'm getting sick of them being allowed to go to soup kitchens. Fuck soup kitchens and fuck anyone who has ever worked at one.


This thread is making me very mad

Hitler was homeless once when he was really young. What if we accidentally killed the next hitler?

Why don't we just kill all of humanity?

If we're all dead then there will be no problems.

Good point. But we should cut off the grisseeele first

One problem is though that there aren't enough jobs. If that were fixed we'd be left only with the leeches

I suppose I shouldve narrowed it down but the perpetually homeless were more of who I was talking about. The kind who given a job and a new set of clothes will just fuck it up anyway and never contribute to society.

I was sodomized

A little overkill user



Can someone give me a quick rundown

Alright we can't give DRUMPF the nuclear codes.

It was a bunch of fucking rural and suburban retards who votes this guy..m wow just wow America... whole world looks at you and laughs now.

You put drumpf bear in the white house

thats was not a valid argument.

Please get checked for autism.

When Bannon tells drumpfy to nuke Israel then what will you do???

Then the whole world will gang up on you and attack


And why should leaves live? They're no better.

You don't have as much money as me I should kill you too.

I have been and the Dr told momma I'm perfectly fine.

Leaves do le photosynthesis Xdddddddd

Oh yeah how bout I gut a fucking dog like a trout bud I've had lots of practice out at the ice fishery.... Boy I'm reading to carve a mutt like a real life China duck

Does anyone here wear diapers?

Look at the face of society ...
Now tell me young bored rich white kids are not degenerate communists

I love u
U love me
We're a happy family
With a corn cob pipe and a double triple hose
I got crabs oh no, no, no

For fucks sake dude I love the homeless now.

I see it all.



>tfw drumpf recreates the KKK as the leaders of the USA

Your dear leader loves us queer folk.

Now what, drumpfelstilskins?

We have rehab facilities with all the tools and assistance to help them succeed. If they fail to assimilate, even after this provided help, we execute them... but not until we offer families the opportunity to buy them and take them in, which will likely be on camera.


I was in rehab. I was there for 3 months. Did nothing. I'm in big trouble man, I'm going to end up dead in the streets soon, I think.

Reason why fascism is way better.

I shall follow your will Lord Kek.

Get out!!!!!!!!

Kek isn't real

You can't get a job or disability without a home address.

They'll just commit crimes to go jail, retard. Unless you think everyone in jail/prison should be killed too, then you're just spouting shit to make people mad, and I'm not about to keep this thread open in a tab to so much as read a response right now.

I'll show you a home address!

.... drumpf!

the hook

I'm honestly impressed by your autism

says the leaf

selling dog parts won't help you to match my wealth.

Do monks count as homeless people?
Yeah they're homeless, but they do it for a specific purpose, and are willing to share what they've learned with anyone who wants to listen. They don't actively beg you for food, and don't stay in one place too long.

So are monks as degenerate as the regular homeless?

Anyone that doesn't have atleast 2 billion dollars and 5 mansions should be killed they are just degenerate space wasters.

I do find it hilarious that OP wants to steal from the homeless and destitute.

The amount of shit posting in this thread is a sight to behold

give them a chance to work if they dont gtfo them somewhere.
same for NEETs and other people who live 100% off the government. if you are autistic piece of shit there are still jobs you can work.

homeless are the insignificant leeches... we need to deal with the eternal leech... GAS THE KIKES!!!