Minnesota Veteran with cancer asks for letters in ad



Let's do something nice, Sup Forums.

Other urls found in this thread:


Will send tomorrow.

I don't have enough money for postage

One word at a time?

Consider it done

I'll send one out tomorrow. God bless this man and whatever sacrifices he might have made.


I'm going to do it.

I'm going to write a total stranger a nice letter.

Apply for welfare.

No, man. This isn't the time or place. Let's do a nice thing for someone in need.



I hope to god you Americans actually do this

Write it right now, show me the addressed envelope

I'm going to send him a carton of cigarettes.

I'll send him a rare pepe

Send some decent chocolate too

Writing mine right now.

I live 30 minutes away from St. Cloud, very tempted to deliver mine in person.

Bump for great justice


Cool, maybe I'll send him some top-quality finnish memes. I bet he'd appreciate a piece of his ancestral lands.

me and my local chapter are gonna put this welfare queen in his place. Viva la revolution. Hope this guy enjoys receiving the every work of Marx's

Hope you get in a car crash along the way

do it and post a picture

So what meme put on paper do I send him in an envolope?



I volunteered at a cancer clinic in another VA and our veterans are some of the strong-willed people I've met. I hope Trump can fix the VA system once and for all so they don't have to go through sub-par treatment

I bought stamps to mail drugs to the us and aus fuck it this guy comes first





this one.
Make it look like it came from russia.

No memes, for once in your life don't be a faggot.

this one


I mean this wouldn't be the first time something akin to this happened. Albeit this occasion is more somber certainly.

villagevoice.com/news/the-sweeter-side-of-Sup Forums-sending-90-year-old-war-vet-william-j-lashua-a-birthday-card-6716410



last one

What the hell, why not.

DOTR niggers

Or, OR, maybe what you could do is instead of sending him something he won't understand, take 20 minutes out of your day to write this man a nice letter thanking him for his service and telling him a bit about yourself to distract him from the horrible pain he's probably in?

Don't be a jackass.

I'll make the logo

Fuck off plebbit

>reddit-ifunny-facebook memes

Damn, feels good

I'd do it myself but it would take weeks to get there

He's right you know, the old guy won't get memes. Just send him a nice letter.

Hmmm, how could you ever possibly know this was on reddit? :^)

Dear Jarhead,

How many Muslim kids died so you could peace out in your fancy Western cancer ward?

How many of your comrades in uniform helped elect an illegible Pussygrabber bigot over an immensely qualified woman whose only flaw was a few fucking emails?

How many times did you laugh and shove another donut down your fat white mouth while more black kids got killed by racist pigs, and you did nothing?

How many times did you regret not doing something decent and sane for your life, instead of being white America's enforcement arm?

How long do you think Satan will be ramming a hot poker up your ass for being a heartless, gutless, useless waste of neocolonialist space?

Does a million years sound good to start?

Can we meme this man a letter from president Trump? It would be a high honor.

Going to send this welfare queen a dildo and a letter that says shove it up your ass

Since this was the only one that made the choice, I will do this one unless others actually chime in.
I want to bring this man the joy of laughter, not some dry boring letter.

Irrelevant pasta fucksmoke


>implying you can afford a dildo

>implying that at any given opportunity, you wouldnt shove it up your own ass

Then make him laugh, you think he's going to understand some random autistic meme? What are you, fucking retarded?

Then tell him a fucking joke or something. He isn't going to understand whatever meme you send him one bit.


Quiet down fag

>How many Muslim kids died so you could peace out in your fancy Western cancer ward?
Not Enough


He will get it, vets are based.
>even trying to talk to some plebbit do-gooders

>joy of laughter
>lazily mailing memes to an aging cancer-ridden veteran

You might legitimately be on the autistic spectrum.

I hear ya. Time sensitivity complicates things.

>plebbit moralfag
What's up with nupol?

I looked all over the internet for more information about this.

Every hit was just a link to the original story on some local TV station that couldn't find the time to send someone out to talk to this guy or take his picture and tell us where he served...

Just a "save image as" of the original ad from some news website and copy/paste of the story with nothing to add.

There was a time when guys like Mike Royko, Jimmy Breslin, Mike McAlary, Bob Green or Ernie Pyle would have gone out to talk to this guy and write a story that would have brought tears to your eyes.

Not anymore.

Why do people hate the press?
Why are all the MSM outlets losing money, subscribers and readers?

Lazy, agenda-driven, hacks.

You can be sure if this guy had something bad to say about President Trump the F-ing press would be all over it.

You're a retard. This guy is probably of the age where he has more in common with newspaper comics and daytime comedy shows than Internet memes.

OP made a mistake. This should've been posted on /k/.

Instead of mailing him memes, could you just kill yourself instead? Retarded internet culture shouldn't cross into the real world.

might as well be leddit

you fucking faggots don't understand the damage you are doing to yourselves via your infiltration of this board

go back there with this and stay there. thedonald is an embarrassment

>Child is upset because people call him out on his retarded meme-spouting self

It's okay. When you grow up maybe you'll understand a bit more.

newspaper cmics are just like mems

I understand that /r/thedonald has taken over at this point. Shut up newfag. IDGAF

Kill yourself. Also, what's so fucking bad about Muslims being killed?

Someone just choose a meme. or I will start a thread.

Send him ome of those recordable cards and record the sound of mortar shells to see if you can set off some of that there ptsd kek

There's Marmaduke, Garfield, and the Amazing Spider-Man. Then there's 9/11 jokes and image macros with modern trends an old.man could give less than two shits about.

Know your audience, dumbass.

>Retarded internet culture shouldn't cross into the real world.
While I agree that the user you quoted should forego the memes in this instance and go for writing a nice letter, I think we can all agree that what you said isn't true.

You give enough of a fuck to reply. If you're this mad it just confirms that your an assblasted sperglord. I hope you get bullied in school.

This will be my good deed for the day.
GBP incoming!

Don't try to reason with this try hard. He posted literal 9gag maymays, he's clearly just found Sup Forums and only newfags call themselves oldfags.

It never stated his age for all we know it could be some 45 year old gulf war veteran

Writing a normal letter =/= internet culture. What you said is totally unrelated to the meaning of my post, send the man letters of gratitude for his service, not retarded spongebob memes.

choke on them

let's send every dying person some embarrassing memes and at best humiliate ourselves and dilute the internet a bit more

let's just cringe this whole board into oblivion. kill yourself or leave this board.

Reddit crossovers trying to disguise themselves are the worst. They try so hard to fit in yet fail so hard.

Read the article. The woman who looks to be in her 20s at least says great uncle.

I remember when this happened. That was /k/ though right?

verification. it looks legit.
do we do it for real, or do we do it our way and send him a stripper or a hooker or something?

>newfag projecting
>You give enough of a fuck to reply
literally a youtube level comment
He will just appreciate someone sended him something unique instead of 50 letters saying "how are you?" He will remember that some idiot sent him some wireird picture thing instead of the guy who said "How's it going" Go back to plebbit

>Reddit crossovers trying to disguise themselves are the worst. They try so hard to fit in yet fail so hard.
Stop talking about yourself like that

How about you send him something actually funny then instead of HAHA PEE PEE POO POO RAWR xD you fucking mong

Get well soon !

He will just appreciate someone sended him something unique instead of 50 letters saying "how are you?" He will remember that some idiot sent him some weird picture thing instead of the guy who said "How's it going" Go back to plebbit

Why don't you try a real argument.

Yeah it was /k/. Honestly it's a better place to post a plea for a good deed since Sup Forums is speckled with edgy teens who think mailing someone memes is funny and cowardly Commies calling others welfare queens.

okay look, we'll compromise. we'll send him a real hooker.

Why not send him killroy memes and maybe some asian jokes

Can they interview this man?

Give his life story?

Hard to write to a man you know nothing about.

I''d be OK with that

>tfw too busy to send a letter in the next few days

I hope he doesn't die and I don't forget before Saturday. Some other leaf send one in case I fail, please.

Something like "thank you for your service, I'm not from America but we all appreciate what the American military does. (something something God, I'm not any good with this shit)"

Nice comeback. You should give it back to your wife's son that you stole it from you underage faggot.

Dear Achmed, please bathe before you write. I'm dying but I haven't lost my sense of smell you goatfucker lol!

Nevertheless I will endeavor to answer your questions.

>How many Muslim kids died so you could peace out in your fancy Western cancer ward?
I never killed any muslim kids, mostly I tried to save afghani boys from being raped by devout muslims like yourself.

>How many of your comrades in uniform helped elect an illegible Pussygrabber bigot over an immensely qualified woman whose only flaw was a few fucking emails?
There is nothing ineligible about Trump, he just doesn't like camelfuckers. If he had killed as many people and stolen as much money as Hillary "I have a vagina so I win" Clinton, we might have had a problem.

>How many times did you laugh and shove another donut down your fat white mouth while more black kids got killed by racist pigs, and you did nothing?
I don't eat and laugh at the same time like they do in your goatfucker country so I can't relate. I mostly try to help blacks, like that poor black man who hit me over the head as I tried to give him $20. Get this, he called me a nigger, too!

>How many times did you regret not doing something decent and sane for your life, instead of being white America's enforcement arm?

I never did anything for Whites, which I truly regret. All my service did was let shitskinned devils like you into a country far better than any heaven your rapey mind could dream of.

>How long do you think Satan will be ramming a hot poker up your ass for being a heartless, gutless, useless waste of neocolonialist space?

Never, as he's too busy fistfucking your shitskinned prophet.

>Does a million years sound good to start?

You're so inbred you probably don't know how much that is.

Go easy on the goats Achmed!

>To busy to send a letter

Not posting the correct one

Change your writing style up when you switch your IP you dumb fucking queer

Your right papi, I'm just an edgwy 13 yer old. I should just kms now.

please do Sup Forums

I will be working 12 - 16 hours per day for the rest of the week you double nigger. I also don't have postage or envelopes on hand.