Redpill me on Tranny's

Hey guys, I know they seem a bit strange to us heterosexual folks, but why all the Tranny hate; after all they're just doing what makes them happy.

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at the very least, transgender people recognize there are two genders, and want to blend in and act life out in the other one. they are better then the fantasy bullshit of the regressive left that has sprang up within the past decade. as long as they dont shove their delusions in my face, and get mad when I dont date other dudes, I dont really give a shit. There should be an age limit before you get hormones and the surgery though, elementary school age kids don't have the capability to understand the gravity of the choices they make yet.

When will the bigotry end?

>they're just doing what makes them happy.
Nah. They still end up killing themselves at a much higher rate than normal people. In fact, the deeper you go into transitioning, the higher the chance of killing yourself becomes.
They need help, not for people to enable their illness.

Ayyy. This guy gets it. Good shit.

t. a fucking tranny

I like how trannys are making third wave feminists look like fucking idiots

who has that fucking clip of some chick whining how theyres only one woman up on stage, and the woman is actually a dude, Blown the fuck out

I fucking hate trannies. don't have much more to say than that. they're the most insufferable pieces of shit when you talk to them. and they look like garbage

mixture between narcissism and body dysphoria

once you are an adult, do whatever you want with your junk
if you want it removed, to each it's own

BUT don't work in children related environments, and don't shove your life decissions into them

thank you

seems like instead of wishing they had a bigger dick, they wish they had a vagina. difficult to imagine, but that should only prove that people generally know what they want to identify as

> why all the tranny hate
because you are mentally ill degenerates who are being enabled by shiftless psychologists and crypto-marxist organizations to undermine american morality and social cohesion with your insane demands that we, normal people, accept and participate in your delusion that cutting off your dick makes you a female.

fuck trannies, fuck you, and fuck your pronouns.

we have no patience with you or your faggotry.

signed, America.

Its literally just a dude in a wig. It would be one thing if all of the trannies looked like a attractive women, but they don't. They just look like men in drag.

Because they freak children out and stink. All of them.

At best? Live and let live. As long as they can afford their own pills and their own surgeries, who cares?

At worst? Shut them the fuck down anytime they try to institute their special snowflake rules and policies into law.

Either way this problem will go away in about 20-30 years when the majority of them decide to stop playing dressup or kill themselves because at a certain age no pill or surgery out there will help them pass any longer.

you can never change your gender.

Sums it up pretty nicely.

> they're just doing what makes them happy.

You could justify raping , killing and eating a child by that same logic.

no, because all of these other things hurt other people.

That's literally Fred Flintstone with makeup and a wig.

Two types of trannies. Those that legitimately need mental help, and those that are just degenerates living out their fetish as a lifestyle.

Gays and lesbians only tolerate them because it helps push their own agenda

I dont know a single other gay man or woman in Sydney who considers them "One of us"

>They have an actual mental disease

>Gay men just like to fuck, so we do
>Dykes love to fight with their partners, so they do
>Trans are brainwashed children whose parents cannot accept that they have a gay child, or a middle aged weirdo who is built like a linebacker, wears a padded bra and womens clothing

t.flaming faggot
>Bear top at least

>having to wear a wig

I'd kill myself if I was that low-tier.

I smell quite sweet actually.

Hey , they're just doing what makes them happy.

>they're just doing what makes them happy.
then why are their suicide rates so high

Who's that lovely lady??

If I had Apotemnophilia, the obsession with removing one of my limbs / belief that it shouldn't be there - I'd be getting help for it, not having my limb irreversibly removed.

If I had an obsession with slitting my wrists, I'd be getting help for it and not state funded rezorblades.

Why, when you have the obsession with cutting your dick off, is the government encouraging and funding it instead of giving people help when all the evidence points to them living a miserable life as some half-baked monster and normalizing it in a victimocracy where everyone is trying to be an opressed minority.

I don't mind cross-dressers.
I dislike the normalization of trying to drug or surgery your way into another gender instead of actually helping people. It's a complete blip and 180 on normal psychological practices for disorders and is damaging to both the people with it and anyone young and impressionable enough.

We live in a world where you can't drink or watch violent films until a certain age, but we educated children going through puberty with this and think it's less damaging to development.

I don't hate them, I pity them. I loath the abnormal stance that their illness isn't something that should be treat, but should be catered to. Nothing else has this stance, it's abhorrent.

>they seem a bit strange to us heterosexual folks

I'm pretty sure you meant to ask for the blue pill

Cos the leftist society wants normal people to close both eyes and pretend trannies arent mentaly ill people and force us to think they are women and everything is fine

>everyone should do whatever makes them happy
This is a flaw of modernity. No you shouldn't do what makes you happy in a great deal of cases because people readily confuse base pleasure with real 'happiness' or fulfillment. Trannies are, in at least the vast majority of cases, guilty of the former.

I didnt think trannies wanted pronouns, I thought the whole point was to blend in and be a dude or a chick, instead of calling attention to yourself

>falling for the hegelian dialectic
They're creating a false, extreme antithesis to shift the synthesis in their direction.

>the whole point was to blend in and be a dude or a chick

It is. SJWs and their bullshit was one of the toughest hurdles for me to get over. That I'd be associated with that nonsense.

if they pass for what theyre trying to, which alot dont, but if they do, I don't give a fuck, cause I won't know. Im not going to go around asking if people who look like guys are actually guys.If not, there will be avoidence, nothing more. I don't want to involve myself, and I dont care enough to get angry.

why did you switch what were you feeling, Im interested lets hear it

You've been conditioned to tacitly that ultra-tolerant philosophy which is continually abused to undermine everything of meaning in our societies and cultures.

As an American you're the worst hit by hit, the centre of the plague. Not that we're much better off.l

Democracy ruined the world. Look at what we've become only because we want to give power and choices to everyone. Fuck this shit.


FtM Trannies are also a thing.


>why did you switch what were you feeling, Im interested lets hear it

I don't fully understand, but I'll try my best.

I just figured that since I needed to transition to be happy, then fuck it. I wasn't going to let a bunch of liberal bitches keep me from my happiness. I hate the left, so it's an added bonus that I can stick it to them and their dogshit ideology. Plus, I'm actually cute, and have an amazing stud of a boyfriend. Which pisses off 99% of SJWs in and of itself.

Feels good, man


Nope, came to this on my own conclusions. you cant say that trannies are worse than the gay pride parades day after day, the accept the lbthaqiata whatever new shit they come up with next week, how being "something else" is trendy these days. if all they want is to be a regular dude Im fine with it, they arent trying to promote degeneracy, unlike the "try experimenting with your sexuality" crowd

You might hate me, Sup Forums but I'll always love you

Abominations on god and man.


Mental Illness promoted and forced among already over-bearing degenerates of the soon to be LGBBQ community.


i have no problem with trannies that pass. if you're over 6'0, have a strong jaw, a deep voice or wide shoulders then cut your losses and get help

I don't want to talk to women in general, why would I talk t a man pretending to be a woman?

Maybe there are some cases of genuine gender dysphoria, but most I think just do it for attention

I also think the reason so many of them end up an heroing is that they are brainwashed into transitioning and realise half way through that they have completely destroyed their own bodies beyond repair

Trannies, even if they always existed, being fostered like this is a byproduct of societal collapse. Not even joking. This is the white man's side of the same coin that is producing BLM.

Oh those poor "girls", they got the ghost 90% of girls give guys, even after they did no work to pick them up. I feel so sorry for them.

>doing what makes them happy

It's a one-way train-trip into a miserable brick wall, and we all go into it knowing that.

Like I said in another thread: bad thing.

Emotional restraint of a woman (ie.none), physical strength of a man.
This will never be a good combination.

>1 post by this ID

there's a medical condition that includes having messed up chromosome hormone stuff and thing and all that
then there's fags who have too much time and too little to do

I thought I was just a lesbian for a long time, but then I got psychiatric help and came to terms with being FtM and also liking dick.

Been on hormones for 3 years, getting in shape, and trying to find a nice MAGA gay/bi guy who will fuck me for America and Daddy Trump.

>Getting psychiatric help
>Going from lez to FtM trans
>Gr8 b8 luvvie

Nah, I just thought I was a lesbian. But I never actually liked women.

The best and worst presidents in US history.

>redpill me on

Best post right here.

>doing what makes them happy.
They'll be lucky if they haven't killed themselves by age 40. Or unlucky.

You can't always be happy.


i give meme credit where meme credit is due. pretty nice meme, ausfag.

How can you say that this brave beautiful womyn is mentally ill?

>be me
>think about how my lifestyle and life in general would be different if I were a woman
>keep these thoughts very grounded in realistic expectations (not assuming I'm a 10/10, not seeing myself having a life of luxury, etc)
>generally think I would fit that role better and be happier as the average woman
>be disgusted by tranny process
>shitload of money for hormones, plastic surgery, an inverted penis, and infertility? fuck that
>never had sexual feelings towards men
>no desire to have something in my ass or mouth
>regardless, I have a desire for the life of a non-degenerate woman who gets married to a non-degenerate husband and has a traditional family bringing forth the next generation of hopefully non-degenerate white children
>since this is impossible and trannys are infertile abominations of the flesh, resolve to go through life as a man
I would never go tranny. Maybe crossdressing internet trap at most, since I have the right body type for it, once I get my own place (currently living in a college dorm). If I could become a biological fertile woman I would strongly consider the choice.

Now go on and tell me I'm a degenerate faggot like yall usually do. I got to catch some sleep, so I can't enjoy the usual top notch Sup Forums therapy that tends to happen in these threads. I look forward to reading some nice replies from Mike "zap the traps" Pence when I wake up.

Trannys are only okay if they're passable and look like cute girls. If I see one and I legitimately think "wow that's a hot woman I want to fuck her!" and then later find out it's actually a tranny that tricked me, well then I'm okay with it.

When it looks like pic related though it needs to be fucking purged. Trannys claiming they're women but still having 5o'clock shadows is just not appropriate under any circumstances.

Can someone give me a quick rundown on xer?

Can you give me a quick rundown on how she is related to Bogdanoffs?

Being a cross dressing trap wont let you live as a woman though you absolute faggot, play with the hand you've been delt instead of "Oh gee I sure wish I had it better like the average woman." escapism will achieve nothing.

I didn't go through many of those myself, but some of it resonates.

>think about how my lifestyle and life in general would be different if I were a woman
>never had sexual feelings towards men

I have always been attracted to women since I was very young. I love women, despite their usual character flaws. Becoming one just made sense.

However, I did meet a man, and I did BECOME attracted to him. Because of his character, and despite him being a(n admittedly pretty alpha) guy. Love finds a way of working things out.

After many relationships with women in my life, I couldn't be happier than I am with him.

Is right.. for most of what he said. I wouldn't agree with "play with the hand you've been dealt," though.

Just do whatever feels right. Cross dressing can't lead you to that goal you have, though.

I can step you through it fairly simply

first there are medically transgender people, they have chromosome disorders or mixed sexual features
these people were traditionally discriminated through no fault of their own

but their cause was hijacked by other groups who wished to capitalize on that
>gender fetishists; cross dressers
these people were not medically transgender, but wanted to legitimize their life choices
the whole LGBT movement was basically gays trying to capitalize on the fact that SOME of them were medically non-binary

quickly the aim of "acceptance" morphed into preaching, trying to silence critics through the courts, attacking the church, and trying to deny private groups right to take a stand on the issue
the genuine transgender bloc is only a 0.007%, but with gays they became 2%
and this 2% gained an enormously disproportionate infuence

then they got into schools, and everything changed
we have venerable 12 year olds having an identity crisis forced on them
we have venerable hetro kids trying to be trans just for the special protection from bullying
these kids often kill themselves, because instead of getting help they were told that being trans was a valid life choice

because they are freaks beyond comprehension. Not even faggots are so obscene and diluded. They have no compression of genetics or even how reproduction works. They can't seem to comprehend how having XX chromosomes is female gender assignment or how having XY is male gender assignment. They are honestly raging against natural law. I can understand how someone may not fit into a gender role but almost 100 percent of the time it is childish contradictory asshattery.

I can understand being gender queer. I can understand wishing you were something else but human happiness comes with acceptance of the self as it is physically and anything else is envy of a genders perceived advantage.

The trick is to play to your strengths. Real life is not a video game where you get to create a character at birth. You are given yourself and have to develop your character and its role in life according to external factors you have little control over.

I will only accept trannies the day the can transplant every aspect of themselves into a new body that has been the gender they wish to assume. The day you actually can pick gender after birth will be the time for this nonsense but for now its mental sickness and will ALWAYS be mental sickness.

people need to hate someone, and obviously you're gonna hate someone that's least like you

I work with one and HE is an insufferable cunt who never shuts the fuck up about his "struggle with society" while he makes 70k at an easy desk job and lives in a white, gentrified suburb.

>be me

Stop this. Good luck with everything else.


because of BIGOTS LIKE YOU