Why do you hate your country???

Why do you hate your country???

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it's a third world shithole run by criminals.

It's full of niggers, mestizos and communists. You?

same here. disgusting japanese with socialist and facist shithole.

It is filled with murderers and ghettos with everyone trying to Jew everyone. Also fuck off English Teacher.

It got sold and it favours immigrants and whiny faggots that we should have exterminated but the Britidh cant do anything right.

I don't.

I'm struggling to think of one

99% of the people think our finest moment as a country was when our fine veterans stopped the spread of communism in the winter war, but then think nothing of the communists roaming our streets.

We're slowly getting cucked and our only hope is a low iq ginger bitch. Our country is becoming chink nation, not the good kind (Japs) but the bad kind (Chinese). All our companies, buisnesses and even homes are being sold to the chinese. Ill be moving out of here soon.

too hot to do anything

Franco is still dead

How and where would you go?

You're an English teacher and you know it

>Am leaf.
>Justin Trudeau.

You make this thread every single day nip
I'll bite, it's sold to gooks and the niggers seem to think they matter

Former communists now run the democratic party (how ironic ehh?) Mostly thieves who sell off our country and then disapear.

I don't

Shitty weather maybe

the chinks are basically turbo Jews

I heartly hope you will find the way to bring back His Majesty, Warior of Light, Generalissimus Francisco Franco y Bahamonde (peace be upon him)

>too many muslims
>too many dalits
>corrupt govt officials
>stupid niggers who destroy the country's natural beauty in the name of religion
>brahmins are too cucked to do anything
>too many muslims and dalits
>people refusing to accept change
>destruction of anything that symbolises change
>(((secular intellectuals))) and muslim apologists
>too many muslims
>street shitters


Not too bad right now though

Literally right now (pic)

Oh shit, where do i start....


Literally right now


This country could be the greates country on earth but the majority of citizens are sheep beind held back by incompetent leaders.

It isn't ancap yet.

And that's not going to change. The same way Koreans will always be ethnic nationalists. I hate to sound like a Sup Forumstard but Western values will always be superior.

Most people don't speak english well
Plus traditions are disappearing day by day
>extremes are always the worst choice
Also the media's propaganda is much more subtile than in the US for example, so people think the medias are legit
But at least we have baguettes


I'm glad you appreciated it :D

where to start...
too many communists
too many capitalists
too much degeneracy
too many useless politicians
too much corruption
lack of values, almost nobody believes in honour, honesty and patriotism
too much feminism
too much poberty
franco betrayed us, imposing a monarchy nobody wanted and whose only work is to live richly at our cost
we are ruled under a ''false democracy''
too many inmigrants
too much unemployment
society is narcissistic, fake and addicted to social media
80% of mainstream media is controlled by leftists
one of the most loudest countries in the world, because again, there is no respect to others
we have the same shit education system than 3rd world countries
culture is non existant

I hate our welfare system. It gives great gibs to crybabies and special snowflakes who refuse to work. Meanwhile, some sick people get put on poverty tier gibs.

It pisses me off that the recipients of aforementioned gibs think they're entitled to the money provided by hard working tax payers and companies. It pisses me off that they can be so shameless, yet complain about our public infrastructure or our educational system.

Virtue signalling lefties and war guilt ruined us. Germany good be so great....

Everyone apart from old people are far leftist, Muslim and nigger loving, Trump hating, brainwashed cucks.

England is detestable.

I scaped my country.

Let's just say Brazil's the jewish endgame and we get to live in it.

These are our brazilian hot girls (the ones advertized are the least mixed) and we have the same marxist plague Europe has, despite not being spoiled bored kids.
No guns to citizens, only numerous armed criminals;
No defined race, thus no social cohesion to unite against even a company management, let alone the government;
No culture or unity with the land, people barely know their grandparents and are just a hedonist horde of media consuming druggies;
Oh, the government. Corrupt, tax charging, with no return, run by semites.

How do you want country, sempai?

Honestly only lefties and turks both of which have no power here

I don't hate my country I hate the people who dwell on it.

it is now at this fucking moment I realize that there is a country named "Syprus" in the world.


That kind of talk right there is why Trump won the election.

And there is no "real" world. There is just living and trying to be happy.

If we want to argue the real world, you city folks have no clue what it's like to live like I do.

I've got 50 chickens, 15 hogs, three dairy cows, and 6 acres of land I farm for my own benefit.

Aside from internet(which I can live without), I have officially become 100% self sufficient last month.

I live on a well, my power is drawn from a homemade windmill, I have plenty of iron to make the tools I need, I have a foundry, and soon to have a wife.

You city folk only know life by living off of others, you know nothing of struggle and hardship that isn't self inflicted.

You city folk think you're so high and mighty, so important, like you run the world.

Except you don't. The earth runs herself. You folks in the city keep addressing self inflicted problems, and making them worse. You city folk have an opportunity to make millions of dollars with your big corporations.

I don't care about big corporations, I don't care about getting the most updated things. I only care about the things I can make, and the means of surviving in the most natural and humane way as possible.

Go fuck yourself, yellow belly.

>>brahmins are too cucked to do anything
What you gonna do when you are in 5 % domain?

>too many muslims and dalits
Its the JEW funda they are bombarding every other TV show with sexual references.
Our crowd is like literally a catapult to the media houses in Mumbai.

>people refusing to accept change
Couldn't agree more.

It's called Cyprus silly poo in loo, derives from Cuprum because my country had a lot of it

shit not catapult,its puppetry,I meants.

Katputli and catapult,you know.

Yeah Yeah Whatever Middle East goy.

Pakis and the English. Parts of Cardiff have been pure pakis for a while now. I just want my little celtic heaven.

Where to begin...

>too many immigrants
>too many cucked politicians
>most people are just sheep who will only protest about Donald Trump
>degeneracy everywhere
>liberals and feminists are rampant
>every establishment seems to favour everyone who isn't a white english male
>shit healthcare (see favour to minorities)
>diversity crammed down your throat, on TV, in schools, everywhere
>too many muslims

At least even i know how to poo in loo :^)

Trudeau made Canada into a meme

So do I goatfucking maniac,its the sub Human dalits who need a training.

Guess what they are not letting Brahmins getting into the key position.

>""""Sanctuary"""" cities

>You city folk think you're so high and mighty, so important, like you run the world.
Well put.But It's mainly Jew York and Commiefornia that run things. All other cities are just hubs.

I don't. I love my country. I just wish my country loved me too.

You can take my place in America if you want.

I don't really wanna go back.

Donald J Trump
The faggot is a disgrace and Im not even liberal

Because of subhuman majority who were raised by the communists and are 100% lazy, incompetent, thieving idiots.

Hi David. Nice to see you again.

You should go to Bergen then.

We're the superior city, with the superior weather.

What are the good places in t&t .. went there with my gf recently (she's from there) and he bad areas seemed to be right next to the supposed good areas.

Everyone with money lives in a near fortress. Also I swear I was one of two white men there, and got some weird looks from time to time (the women seemed interested, the men seemed disgusted)

I dont.

seems legit.

>tfw no jap gf

We cater to the lowest common denominator

I love Polska.

the entire country is a left wing shithole

You're fucking kidding me right?

Dude! you're a JAP!

Samurais! youtu.be/G8t0KTOeMPw

The Imperial Japanese Army! youtu.be/xJHTk-lgdtk

Shamefur dispray! youtu.be/U6zQ6ZqEqg0


How dare you slander God Emperor Trump?



Literally no reason to hate my country

jjaps are the most alpha nips though

You do understand Islam is retarded though , right?

our conservative party are progressives
vast majority of cities are rundown post-industrial shitholes/multicultural centres of poz
dwindling cultural relevance
armed forces are a joke
government can look through my browsing history
even our kosher nationalist party gets 0 representation
the only politician I gave any credence to has been reduced to a radio host/fox news contributor
shit weather

other than that it's lovely

> were

Too many non-whites and kikes. Aside from that, it's great.

It's the Philippines.

> shit weather

Only thing you can't change. Get to work on the rest.

what about socialism?

Look at it this way : at least you have some Conquistador blood.

lol jk

Liberals and the shadow government

it's a third world shithole run by criminals

I barely can speak Spanish.

Niggers, spics and degenerates ruined it.

> the shadow government

I didn't know you browsed reddit , Alex.

You can barely speak English! :)

I don't need an excuse

I don't.
We may be cucked but who isn't at this point?

Yeah , i got some (((news))) for you.


You know, I was just thinking that myself desu.
I wonder (((why)))

uruguay? more liek uraGAY!

Technically speaking it's a second world shithole run by criminals , comrade.

I don't.

Too many libcucks and pakis, but I don't hate my country. They're slowly becoming one of the most redpilled nations on earth due to islander mentality.

Immigration, feminism and communism.

Unlike OP, I came to Japan to learn the language and work here. Been in school for 6 years now, and I'll be graduating in 2018.

Anyway, I dunno guys. Japan just GETS it. They understand that both sexes have their pluses and minuses and that they need to work together to make things work.
It's not shameful to be a housewife. Family roles are strong as fuck.
I was talking to some students about firemen and how, allowing women to work without them going through the exact same testing and evaluation that men go through is dangerous and should be avoided. They were like, "yeah no shit. I don't want a women who can't even pick me up come to save me"

It could be argued they're a little too realistic and logical, but the daily drama and shit that I see on jewbook and American tv makes me never, ever go back home.

I can make it here. I can teach my kids how I see fit. Here, I am free.

Holy shit dude i never heard that one before , you're like some sort of comedic genius or sumthing.

Mad props.


You're a race traitor and a Gaijin. You will never be a Jap.

If there's one thing I "hate," it's that they haven't fully into burgers and pizza yet.
Buns aren't sold in stores, and ovens cost an arm and a leg and there's no room for them.
Needs more tacos and burritos, too.
Chinese and Korean food is on point, though.