Firshscct, to avoid all mischundershtandingsh - I am horrified at Trrrremp

Firshscct, to avoid all mischundershtandingsh - I am horrified at Trrrremp


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Georgz Shhorosh is acktually a humeniteriann billionaireh

his tongue sounds like a fucking trumpet when he talks


why do people take this guy seriously lmao

even the BBC described him as 'one of the most important philosophers of our time'

>hanging the most important philosopher of our time

Because he's a genius, even if his english is horrible to listen to. He will say something like "Trump is terrible" but then immediately go on to criticize the liberal establishment. He's not "red pilled" but he makes good points, if you can parse through the snorts and the accent

i sincerely hope you're being ironic

Notice how Zizek is an obvious crypto-far-right concern troll and white hipsters love him because they don't know that but he appeals to their subconscious suppressed nationalism

>"I do nact likhh Trrrramp, he is terrifying to mee, but everyhhbodyee shuud vote tramppf"

>"I re-ally tink we shudd show compasshun to refugee, but we should completee close border to dehmm"

All you have to do is put some on-message qualifiers before a shitlord statement and leftists will fucking eat it up

That's not Stefan Molyneux.

he vulgarises philosophy and politics to people who don't trust their own jugement. People loooove to be spooned, that explains his popularity. The reason why they take him seriously is because they already adhere to his ideology and reinforce their beliefs, and he corresponds the the stereotype of the. old continental intellectual

He does that consistently to the point it has to be a thought out technique. He will start with some pandering outlandish statement, then make his points after he has convinced his overly politicized audience

Oh yeah also to further prove my point

He was giving a talk and he said 'anti-semitism is terrible and so-on etc' then he said 'the right will criticize muslims if they get offended when someone draw picture of mohammed. but in the west, we have our own version of that, which is questioning if the holocaust really happened' and all the marxists clapped

>qualifier about not being racist... redpill about jews and nonwhites

thats all he does all day hahahahaha

Honestly I do the exact same thing in my daily live whenever I make a political statement. Helps keep people under your coat and you can say some pol-tier shit without them getting mad

Why does he produce so much mucus and saliva?

phure ideologshy *sniff*

He hates Soros and all (((humanitarian))) capitaleeshts

He basically recognizes identity politics for what they are--a narrative that serves the powerful. Zizek is real redpillsh.



i sincerely hope you're being ironic

lmao you're dumbass



he doesn't vulgarize it in his books though.



>first žižek
>then melania
>now they have their operative in barron (he is fluent in slovenian)

Just what ARE our mountain jew neighbors plotting?
What is their end game?

Professor Sniffles!

is that documentary any good?