>black women only want black men >black men only want white women >white women only want white men >white men only want asian women >asian women only want money
The only winning move is not to play.
Hunter Morris
Matthew Edwards
Fuck...the dog shit on the bed again!
Brody Young
Boring bait, try harder faggot.
Gabriel Thompson
i'm currently fucking a middle eastern slut and i'm right wing as fuck
fuck you you italian scumbag
Blake Wright
Yeah but there's like five hot black women in the entire world.
Jordan Brooks
Parker Reyes
black women only want white or asian men white women want white men white men want white or asian women asian women want asian or white men asian men want asian women black men want white women the equilibria are asians breed together, whites breed together and blacks dilute their race with a fringe group of white people only with (((influence))) will white and asian genes disappear
Evan Butler
Holy fuck this is true >777 Kek knows
Isaiah Davis
You're a disgrace.
Zachary Hernandez
Man I haven't seen War Games in forever, I really need to watch it again, great movie
>tfw I have a black gf already >the "Sup Forums has jungle fever" meme is true
Josiah Anderson
>posting pr0 OC outside of pr0 Disgusting
Lincoln Adams
>the only winning move is not to play
Kek has spoken!!!!
Mason Bell
I'm not some animal that falls for base desires to live in the moment instead of thinking ahead.
Tl;dr I'm not a nigger.
Xavier Watson
You don't know what the word cuck means, buzzfag.
Lincoln Ramirez
Well, at least he's the one who fucks in their relationship. That definitely makes him a masculine, right-wing Swede.
Blake White
The only winning move is to be an asian man
Lincoln Fisher
So you have an fetish? That's nice, but in reality you will get tired of it really fast. Being with somebody isn't just smelling farty fish meat, it gets tired after 2 hours.
Jayden Diaz
looks like an ayy lmao abduction to me
Matthew Robinson
>hot >Black Pick one OP
Austin Hernandez
>Sup Forums is just a board full of angry little boys who didn't have a proper fuck and never felt the touch of a woman that loved them
yeah, wow welcome back, "mad bcuz virgin" poster
Aaron Gutierrez
thats like saying if you came last in the race more often you'd love being a looser. >go make some bread faggot
Benjamin Barnes
Nolan Cox
lol this leftist tactic of trying to sex-shame us is retarded. You know a large portion of Sup Forums are older and many of us have kids/family right? I was getting laid when you were a twinkle in your daddy's eye, probably literally.
Jace Stewart
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA. Mate if I just magically got one, then why would I need to change my views? Fuckin moron.
Leo Ortiz
my first girlfriend was black and im never going back
Jeremiah Smith
>hot black gf >when would I ever
Samuel Flores
Chase Ortiz
Beastiality is illegal in most civilized countries, but it's not like you'd understand that
Cameron Howard
>Asian men only want white women >nobody wants Asian men
Zachary Bell
If you think OP's gif is not hot af you're a flaming faggot
Grayson Foster
>asian men want asian men
Zachary Reyes
I think I wouldn't even know what to do what a vagina at this point
Parker Lee
I have a white girlfriend, I would never date a shitskin, gross.
Easton King
I'd def fuck that, but never ever become a libshit
Carson Gray
Hey, I love every person of any race, religion, political background or etc.
Now answer this, are darkies people?
Daniel Lewis
A racist assumption. As if all black girls are liberals. But perhaps OP thinks they must be or else they're race traitors?
Luis Gonzalez
>there is ZERO black meat in the market here
Chase Williams
No. You couldn't pay me to stain my lineage with nigger blood.
>There is no black majority country doing remotely well. >The average black IQ is more than a standard deviation below the average white IQ >The black median income in the United States is almost half of that of white Americans >The black male population of the United States is 7% yet makes up roughly 50% of all murders >There is no African isolated written language
When different sub-species interbreed the resulting offspring is something that is much less fit than its parents. The parents unique traits are usually watered down and the result is a less fit animal with no real adaptability advantageous. Species are able to undergo evolution and selection towards something more fit when there is less genetic drift and more genetic isolation and inbreeding (whites breeding with whites in isolated mountainous regions).
Keep your eggplant pussy to yourself.
Mason Butler
wtf, they are pink inside
Gabriel Cooper
Friend ran an underground porn site with all kinds of kinky stuff. Long story short, the ebony was included in the zoophilia cathegory.
Adam Rogers
coming from italy.
i had a relation with a cafee creme. she knew how to cook and was fun to be with but she was too supperficial and had no clue that the world didnt revovled around wellfare, lacked general knowledge. sex was good but she really smelled and the fucking oil in hair the bedroom was so greasy.
Levi Turner
Niggers are disgusting. Over half have an STD, have fun rolling the dice Roach.
Levi Harris
I have seen 5x as many obese, uncouth, crazy dressing black women as i have in decent shape, well mannered, and dress normally. you would have to swim in a cesspool of ghetto gold diggers to try and find one decent black chick.
Owen Richardson
my girlfriend is korean and smoking hot
I still call her a gook to her face, especially when we have sex. i degrade her pretty badly. sometimes she moans when I get carried away with the insults lel
Nicholas Garcia
The winning move is to make a lot of money and enjoy your qt asian gf.
Connor Cooper
>muh bigz bootay Using nigger baits against us doesn't work schlomo
Jaxson Long
put pOnOs into vagOO.
Jam it in.
Ryder Gray
If everyone of you would get a 2TB full of meme folder you'd turn from cuckold fetishist lgbt defending weed smoking leftist to white nationalist.
cuckold leftists are people of angry little boys who didn't have a proper meme folder and never felt the satisfaction of proper shitposting
Levi Gomez
Does she have a sister with low standards?
Zachary Powell
Which is why you're not supposed to just jump on the nearest black STD-train.
Isaiah Hall
>Sup Forums is just a board full of angry little boys who didn't have a proper fuck and never felt the touch of a woman that loved them If I fucked a negress I would go full Andrew Anglin