Scientists reverse ageing in mammals and predict human trials within 10 years

How will this affect society?

Will older people finally stop trying to fuck over younger people? Will people start caring about the long term effects of changes in our society because they now might actually witness those effects that become evident after hundreds of years? Will we enact some sort of population control - if you take rejuvenation therapies, you'll need to get on Vasalgel so you can't reproduce or something? Will this be the last nail in the coffin for marriage and monogamy? Will people become even more degenerate now that they can be young and healthy for as long as they live? Women won't have to settle for beta bucks when they hit 35 because they don't lose their looks, they can still ride the cock carousel and pop bottles at clubs. How will people cope when someone dies? How will parents cope when their kids die before them? Will it be legal to fuck some girl who's physically 12 years old but has been alive for 80 years? Will suicide rates skyrocket because people are so fucking bored?

If your sole contribution to this thread is "lol, only elite will get to use this and the rest will be shipped to camps" then stay the fuck away. /x/ is that way ->

Other urls found in this thread:

>Will it be legal to fuck some girl who's physically 12 years old but has been alive for 2000 years?

Anime becoming real, on day at a time

>will suicide rates skyrocket because people are so fucking bored
We have memes my dude

My guess would be that it creates massive social unrest. Because until now the younger generation with it's new ideas and values could always hope that the older generation would eventually die out and that was kinda appeasing. Think of the nazi grandma who is not openly challenged in her views but rather patted on the head. In the future we might have much more violent clashes of generations.

Guess he isn't going to die!



>the boomers are going to occupy my potential jobs for even longer now

>The wise will prevail
Sounds good to me.

The procedure will cost so much that only the wealthiest fucks will be able to afford it and the plebs will die as usual.

It increases life duration by ~30%.
That means instead of on average living 79 years, humans will live 102.7 years
Not much will change in first world countries.

I want my 12 year old hair back.

Also of course it will make people even more reluctant to the idea of having children. Birth rates will drop even further. Do you know the talk about how Generation Z could turn things around in the world because they're more conservative? Well, in the future, the new generations will be tiny in comparison to the existing ones. Thus, social progress and progress in general will be halted.

I feel bad for balding people, makes me feel guilty for having a full head of hair

I'm not bald, but there's a big difference in the texture of my hair now. Don't really care for it.

Only the elite will ultimately get it. What in the fuck makes you think it would be prudent or wise to even release it to the masses? Don't be fucking stupid.

Jeremy Corbyn is the only politician who promises de-ageing therapy free of charge through the NHS.

Vote Tory/UKIP and you get death.
Vote Labour and you save our NHS + immortality.

everybody will die of cancer

super bacteria/viruses/imune system ailments will adapt and flourish to the stagnant gene pool

>Minimal job requirements:
>100 years of experience
>12 higher educations
>recommendation from a dude that lived 200 years ago

people life-style will be unhealthier thats for sure

Problem is that the old generation that first gets hold of this stuff will be boomers. And they ruin everything. The only hope for the western world would indeed be that the boomers die out and make place for Generation Z and such. This technology will doom the West I think.

>reserve aging
That sounds too mystical to idiots. People have to understand aging is literally damage caused by physics, not biology. "Reversing aging" means cleaning up the damage. Not even sci-fi anymore. It's going to be a thing in our lifetime.

Not informed at all, are you. Listen to what Aubrey De Grey says about "who will have access". It benefits society more to have working age people than old boomers stealing resources.

Anyway, I will never die. You in the death-trace cult have fun never existing anymore.

>Jeremy Corbyn

>white people aren't having enough kids
>"haha we'll just breed them all out and then they'll be gone!"
>white people don't die
>still have kids, numbers steadily increase
>"oh fugg :DDDDDdDDdd"

>What in the fuck makes you think it would be prudent or wise to even release it to the masses?
It would stabilize the status quo and hinder a new generation from entering the ring that could challenge the elites. Boomers living forever would be the elite's wet dream.

Most of society won't get to try this. The extremely wealthy will.

>Millennials will be around around forever

You really think the same groups that are actively draining the wealth of the lower classes and turning the US into a banana republic of masses of poor with pockets or the rich would allow it to happen? The same groups that are instituting the greatest Orwellian surveillance state the world has ever seen or known?

If you get longer life, it will be as you say, to support the worker drone slave class. If they arent entirely replaced by automation.

Again, not true. Uninformed opinion. The "elite" have exclusive access to technology when it is in its most primitive and arguably less efficient form.

>blah blah uninformed theoretical cynical bullshit
Yes, because people will not sit around and wait to die when technology exists that literally makes them young again, free of disease.

Oh come on. Name one technology that behaved this way and didn't eventually reach the masses.

This is just a stepping stone, we need to find out how to transfer our consciousness to robotic bodies, THEN we can start talking true immortality.


you can reverse aging sure, But the brain will only survive 200 before it fails on you, So immortal Humans will never be a thing

Nah, fuck off with transhumanism. You with weak spirits desire such a thing. Begone wannabe microwave.

Hopefully only best geniuses around the world will get it for free and even richfags won't be able to buy it

This is unscientific. Research what actual gerentologists theorize. Aubrey de Grey has yet to be disproven. The brain can be affected as well. There is no magical stopwatch.

We'll never be able to afford it, college debt is a bitch

Thank God.

I refuse to fucking die.

>uniformed theoretical cynical bullshit

HA. And you're utterly naive.

not an argument

>giving soros more ways to outlast his death-date

Isn't there a video game or whatever where you are told your consciousness is going to be "transferred" but in reality it is just copied? I can't remember the game, but the scene is pretty fucked up

If it's that, then I don't know if I'd really want that. Death is kind of scary, and tbf I don't think there are enough minds in this world that are worth preserving


The age isnt the problem, Its the fact that our brain is going to run out of memory and fry out brains,

So unless we wipe out memories every 100 years we are fucked

Look, we humans have the capacity to create literal paradise on Earth (or in the Universe), but with the (((powers that be))) we have no chance. There will be an immortal Zionist super race and a dumb brown mass of workers incapable of any uprising, ever.

>add immortality to the welfare gibs me dats for votes deal.
>litterally setup a situation where people trade their votes to you in exchange for continued life.

Personal jets.

Again, your community college tautological bullshit does not disprove anything Aubrey de Grey has posited. If no genius scientist can break down his claim, you cannot, and are not.

Great, Soros will live to be 300 and keep fucking up mankind more.

Thanks a lot, (((science)))!

>Hillary 2120
"Th-the future is female"

jesus FUCK I'd rather kill myself

All the more reason to become a NEET

I've heard that every male will eventually get colon cancer if they did not have to fear death by aging. Hypothetically, is this reverse aging thing reversing everything about you? So say you were five minutes away from getting a brain tumor. Would this age reversal rewind time for the brain tumor to come up as well?

This could literally solve the white birthrate problem, that's all I'm saying. Do you really think we'd just roll into Botswanna and start making immortal ooga booga?

That's just a specific application of technology.

No problem, elite gets it gypsy kidnaps him and reverse engineer everything, ez.
Then immortal gypsy criminals take over europe.

>This could literally solve the white birthrate problem
I don't think so. People will even more care about (((overpopulation))) and delay becoming parents to an unspecific future.

Even if the Oogboogs gain immortality, The government would invent super aids, Infect white women then have all the niggers fuck them

Everyone would die of cancer, not just males.

>Would this age reversal rewind time for the brain tumor to come up as well?

No, it's not a time machine. Ageing is just your cells becoming lazy cunts

Bump for happening.

Does it stop cancer or it still too early to tell?

>Implying anyone else but the elite will get to use this
Also fuck off KIKE we know you're shilling

Printed body parts are soon if not now.

This would make every woman on the world a giant slut.

The main argument against sluts are that they don't have much time until their looks dry up(unlike men).

Now every woman will be a slut for 50 years until finally settling down.

And age prolongation is not? Here is the thing: this an area where quantity become quality of its own. 5 years vs 50 years prolongation, just a number but huge difference in the result for recipient.

>all men die of cancer
the future is female

Cancer will be eradicated.

Cancer is a very profitable business goy!
Think of all the jobs you will get rid of!

>"lol, only elite will get to use this and the rest will be shipped to camps"

Such a service wouldn't be affordable for middle class in the first few years.

Hiloli Cliton

They already got a way to do this. Keanu Reeves and Tom Cruise look much younger than they are.

have seen this coming for 2 decades. been buying up agricultural land ever since. ama.

They may be sluts for a while but that would be relatively short term when your aging has been reversed and you can live indefinitely. When bored being an outcast slut, they would just settle down and make babies and families.

>boomers will never die

You are not alone friend.

>Think of the nazi grandma who is not openly challenged in her views but rather patted on the head. In the future we might have much more violent clashes of generations.

I Disavow this faggot

he is not german I swear he is a bot or something

Well someone better stop that until Soros is dead.

Without a doubt. Medical science is a cancer in its own right and has been since the 80's.

To quote a certain Jew in a movie about dinosaurs, "your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should." Science for the sake of science is an exercise in vanity.

well it works only if you activate it on embryonic state so we are out of it automatically

No worries mate. When I'm 164, how old will you be?

Yes. An extra 50 years of relative youthfulness makes all the difference in personal plans.

then we'll just die of heart disease, blood clots.

>Rich people now live longer, making the dynastic elite even more powerful
Day of the gilt noose when?

P op sci bull until there be sauce you scientific nig

hell yes, now i can slave away for an extra 20 years

Isn't it like 102 years of mostly youth?

Like I'm 33 and getting old fucking sucks. I wish I could feel like 18 again. And if I could feel like I was 18 for 100 years that would be the greatest thing ever. I would get a second mortgage to pay for it.

So we'll get our pensions at 70 when everyone else gets them at 90?

Unions will be out in protests again over not getting theirs at 50...

>divorced men will have to pay ailmony forever

The article says it increase the lifespan 30% though.

They can probably increase that but dont think it wil be indefintely.

Eventually everytime your cells replace themselves it will cause cancer. Which is kinda why you get cancer when you're old, your cells have replaced themselves so often that they've gone to shit so everytime they do, whatever safety procedures there were against cancer cells have gone to shit.

So if you get some live extending cure, eventually cancer will be the fucking norm everytime.

I did not mean to put any judgment there. Nazi grandmas are better than their socialist boomer daughters. And I wish I had one. I just thought this analogy would be quite fitting and it made me remember this embarrassing video.

>only white people, asians and a handful of Arabs and Indians can afford the extremely expensive rejuvenation therapy

>tfw all leftists and antifa die because they have no jobs and we won't give it Hillary and Soros

We'll have nanobots which attach to your telomeres keeping them artificially long and non cancer producing. There will be stem cell generating nanobots to continue new cell production and finally there will be cancer destroying nanobots as well.

Human longevity is on the cusp of exploding.

>implying the elite don't already have a cure for cancer
>and a "treatment" they can give to us when everyone is immortal and has cancer

Kek co-signed.

Even if you can manage to keep the body alive forever the brain will still be susceptible to various problems that would make living longer entirely pointless. What good is it to be 300 years old if you suffer through dementia before you reach 100?

>Generation Zyclon is fully conservative
>They will live to see the results of this investigations and live forever

>Millennials either will die before this technology or will eventually die of unnatural causes because they are more prone to degeneracy

Ah, the future is saved

Just remember we are in the timeline of exponentially increase technology. Once medical tech is unleashed, true age reversal could happen at anytime. Remember today's medical tech is profit based. How much medical profit is there in healthy people?

It will work its way down, but only because the elites already have it.
George Soros will break the age record and soon other hypercentarians living into their 140s will pop up. Maybe by 2100 we will see the first commercial age extensions.

Again, the elites will put their immortality serum on the list of welfare gibs.

Continued life in exchange for your continued votes.

Not gonna happen. Only the elites will have it.

Call me. I have it saved for you.

Do you realize a 200 years old body will have a shit ton of issues and problems? Its the medicine industry wet dream to have living mummies barely clinging to life for decades, centuries