Rank the quadrants from best to worst

rank the quadrants from best to worst
for me it is purple>green>blue>red

and for the alt cucks: the modern liberals i.e. the one protesting your alt-presidente are top left and not bottom left



objectively worst is purple, objectively best is my result

AnCap > 1488 > dude weed > gommie

Kys commie.

purple is the best, but it's unachievable so blue.

green and red are equally terrible

not a communist m8

>one protesting your alt-presidente are top left and not bottom left
bullshit, antifa is libertarian left extremism, authoritarian left hates SJW's the same how natsoc hates libertarian right wing like Alex Jones

Every socialist is a commie in disguise. As Stalin put it, people like you are useful idiots.


people said that when bitcoin had only acheived dollar parity
If you really think purple is best start saving like a madman

purple (with blue-tier conservative beliefs backed by property-based discrimination) > blue > purple (with green-tier liberal beliefs) > green > red

(Blue = Purple) > (Red = Blue)

Can only base my morals as I understand Jesus would want me to based off the Bible mate, which ends up with me being in a mostly left/slightly authoritarian box.

I'd fight stalinists if they looked like they were getting anywhere, but they aren't, so I'm not really sure I buy your argument that I'm paving the way for authoritarian communism

The objectively correct answer is blue > red > purple > green

assuming red is the older form of leftism, not an authoritarian form of modern SJWism.

tfw blue>blue


>jesus preached disdain for material wealth and for people to act morally and unselfishly
>interperet this as justification for forced gibmedats and to force people to act how you believe is "good for society" and thus eliminating them as moral agents


capitalism is satanistic and you should all be executed desu

my results

>jesus hated voluntary action and prefers when people have no chance to act as moral agents

purple>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>dog shit>>>>>>>>>>>>green>blue=red

Death to all statist authoritarian cucks.

i urge you to switch blue and green. blue dictates what you can do with your property, green dictates that your property can be seized and given to someone else at any given moment

>green dictates that your property can be seized and given to someone else at any given moment

No it doesn't.

>blue dictates what you can do with your property

No it doesn't.


No that would be red

what's the justification for green>blue

I hope you know how to fly

> the Bible doesn't actively state that being rich and accumulating wealth is evil

>Jesus didn't violently chase money lenders out of the temple

>Jesus was an ancap

get a grip pal

>you're producting more than [arbitrary amount] of wealth? this no longer belongs to you, it belongs to us. stop being greedy

perhaps blue is that your body is no longer yours, green is that your property excluding body is no longer yours, and red is that neither your body nor external property is yours any longer

Green is not authoritarian/statist. They may be brain dead dumbfuck homo faggot hippies, but they are entitled to do that in their own communities under libertarianism as long as it doesn't interfere with mine.

Authoritarianism is bluepill as fuck, whether it's left win or right wing.

what you call blue is purple
what you call green is red


Collectivism is cancer and slavery for fairy tales like "glorious thing we did in the past" or "le greater good" meme

by george, he's got it!

I hope you realise Jesus hates capitalism

Libertarian Right > Authortarian Right >>>>> Libertarian Left >>>>> Authortarian Left.

jesus stated being rich was evil not because he really fucking hated people who have wealth, but because he hates people who care for material wealth over all else. people being rich doesn't necessarily mean that they really care about being rich, but basing your economic system on the premise that certain people have wealth that other people want is inherently materialistic


purple > blue > red > POWER GAP > green



likewise basing your economic system on the premise that ammassing wealth and property is good or a right is inherently materialistic and runs contrary to the New Testament

Blue > purple >>>>>>>> green >>> red

Red is shoving gay beliefs down everyone's throat
Blue is killing all gays
Green is "we are gay but we won't bother you and you don't bother us"
Purple is "I don't care if you're gay, just don't bother me about it"

this meme chart is shit
purple would definitely be more "do what you want" than green

the idea that something is not statist because it is allowed in a libertarian society doesn't really follow. in a libertarian society, blues are also allowed to dictate that their property not be used by degenerates, and are totally within their rights to live in a city that excludes gays, blacks, transexuals, etc. the positioning of oneself in blue or green can only be interpreted as a denial that respect for individual property rights is the best way to organise a society. under the guise that "it is allowed in a libertarian society" the ends of any quadrant may be met provided that they do not use their favoured means. the supposition that green isn't statist and that the distribution of wealth to the poor can be done without the state is tantamount to arguing that voluntary charity in a libertarian society makes one in favour of green-quadrant policies, since the desired ends are the same. green, blue and red promote statism as means.

since when does purple dictate what you can do with your property? (excluding the denial that one can infringe on another's property with one's own property)

libertarianism is founded on the ownership of the body and upon the ownership of your actions and is foremost based on the liberty of the individual to be a moral agent. prosperity is a necessary consequence of this


commies pls go

There's nothing forcing you to be profitable in purple

I'm literally called a nazi by retarded libshits. Just because I want Islam to be eradicated, stop all foreign aid and stop any nigger and shitskin "refugees" from entering the country.
>mfw I'm still a lefty

I don't really care mate

what i WISH it was:

purple > green > blue > red

what it REALLY is:

purple > blue > green > red


For me, the worst scenario of blue is just as bad as the worst scenario in green. I'd like to say that I could align with libertarian left, but at the end of the day the big difference between myself and Auth-Right is the certainty and willingness to impose my beliefs on others. If I was more willing to be authoritarian, I would surely align blue, but I doubt I could ever align economic left

Stay out of the read areas. Have an opinion, but don't be an extremist.

economic coercion is inseparable from whatever coercion blues endorse. green spews shit like "education is a right" and "healthcare is a right", and therefore undermine the idea that an individual is his own. they will use violence to achieve these collectivist beliefs. the idea that green doesn't bother people is ridiculous. green coerces those who have succeeded "too much" and is simply using violent means to drag down society, blue coerces those who appear "degenerate" and destructive to society, and uses violent means to attempt to eliminate those "dragging society down". both are doomed to fail, but, provided that blue doesn't morph into red and that green does not morph into red (which they always tend to, since neither respects property rights and will always erode them), green acts to slowly destroy any incentive to be a good individual

Pretty simple
Red > Blue
If you are in the other 2 i will pray for you tonight.

Blue > Red > Purple > > > > Green

Individualist scum please go, and take your hedonism and open borders with you.


Blue > purple > green > left
Blue is most about societal order; purple is most about societal freedom; greens are annoying hippies who'll grow out of it; reds are genuinely dangerous.

my latest try with the thing:
Economic Left/Right: -6.25
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -0.26

WTF, I've moved to the left and towards libertarianism.
Oh, that's right, the compass is american.

Extreme centrism is also bad?
Or is that the zone of non-committal?


one day you will realise that the state will always be hijacked by degenerates and that the only way to enforce socially optimal discrimination is to give the individual the ability to discriminate in any way that he likes regarding the employment of his property.
purple is not for open borders. it is for borders that can be enforced by the individual, rather than the (((representative))) of the individual. open borders is forced integration and denies the individual the right to exclude degenerates from his property.

on top of this, blue must of necessity be more economically left than purple, as the state cannot enforce its will without taxes and a "public" police force. public police force is "free" in that the cost for the individual does not rise if he chooses to live in an area where crime is rampant. only when the individual pays for his security will there be adequate incentive for each society, town, community or city to expel all individuals who are a liability on the cohesion, safety and sustainability of the area. far purple-ism eliminates degeneracy in the long run far more than blue ever could.

Other than you'll starve and not get any medical care

>ywn live in a purple society until blue purges red and green

But doesn't blue work the same way in that regard?

Where are my purple bros at?

false. socialist medicine will always be worse than capitalist medicine. socialist welfare will always go to less deserving individuals than capitalist charity.

>anything left of center being better than the right


That's non-commital, yeah. Tendency to be disengaged from politics increases there.

Near center > Far from center.

Subject to that,
Green > Purple > Blue > Red

Nazis did provide healthcare, just gotta have the right stuff

You understand nothing about Jesus if you think he was a commie

Giving to those who need it and helping others =/= the state stealing your money and redistributing it as free gibmedats

So in blue there's still taxation while calling it "economic freedom"?

> red>green
>thinking dude weed is worse than SJWs

>>I think it should be purple>blue>green>red


Are you actually retarded? Jesus never said wealth was bad, he said that living your life focused on the accumulation of wealth was.

Centrism is for people who don't understand politics at all but think that both left and right are wrong because hey get conflicting signals from the media. It's retarded

freedom is greed but forcing someone else at gunpoint to give you his stuff because you value material wealth more than liberty is not greed :^)

I never said He was a communist, I'm not a communist, amd I don't think any man-made ideology is ever going to be perfect.

That said capitalism is demonstrably antithetical to the teachings of the New Testament, which I regard to be a message from God.

You can be a capitalist all you like, you can even be a capitalist and a Christian, you just can't pretend you aren't going against the Bible.

That said we've all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God etc. All of us are far from perfect and I'm sure when I die I'll realise how far off the mark I was, but until then I can only go by what I think is right based off what I understand the Bible teaches.

Green is completely unworkable. You can't redistribute wealth without an authoritarian government

Careful thats dangerously close to the middle, that will buttblast like two people on this webste because they will be mad that you're not an extremist.

Whatever you spoiled British cunt, Americas healthcare system was/is trash.
You have the luxury of one of the best healthcare system in the world, don't throw it away for idealism.. If you relinquish any control of it, drug companies will weasel their way in and you will have the same problems as the US.

The problem of free market principles in medicine, is that supply and demand don't apply when your life is on the line.
People will pay a lot of money not to die

Right here senpai

red is the logical conclusion of green but for while it lasts green appears to be a better state of affairs to live in
at least green allows you to emigrate

Purple and blue want an ideology imposed that will tell them the right course of action in any situation without thought. The blues have their own ( often religiously based ) ideology. The Purples worship ( uncritically love ) the 'free market' some also insert NAP.

The Reds are full of pride and think that if thjey were in charge they could solve all problems by telling everyone what to do in every situation.

The greens near the center want to be left alone and given enough rein to handle their own problems without someone else imposing their ideals upon them. They are confident they can win in life if given their head and others allowed to shoot themselves in the foot.

The Greens far from center have abandoned their ego and smoked too much weed. They think this will do for everyone and that there won't be winners and losers.

There's nothing wrong with personal ownership of property. Jesus was against greed, not capitalism. The fact that you interpret His words to mean "let big Daddy state take your money and give it to the lazy" means you need to reread the Gospels my friend.

Also, remember what Paul said: if a man won't work, don't feed him.

No, National socialists aren't in the blue square like this retard thinks.

NHS sucks and american healthcare is anti-capitalist
insurance exists and when entry barriers are moved competition exists

James 5:1-6

"Now listen, you rich people, weep and wail because of the misery that is coming on you. 2 Your wealth has rotted, and moths have eaten your clothes. 3 Your gold and silver are corroded. Their corrosion will testify against you and eat your flesh like fire. You have hoarded wealth in the last days. 4 Look! The wages you failed to pay the workers who mowed your fields are crying out against you. The cries of the harvesters have reached the ears of the Lord Almighty. 5 You have lived on earth in luxury and self-indulgence. You have fattened yourselves in the day of slaughter. 6 You have condemned and murdered the innocent one, who was not opposing you."

The Bible literally says wealth is bad, it doesn't say be a degenerate ancap and chase money all your life

Purple > Blue > Green > Red
Sneks > Helicopters > 420 > Gulag


Purple = blue > green > red

Yes, but green can't stop people from engaging in capitalism, rendering it completely useless from leftist standpoint

>The greens near the center want to be left alone and given enough rein to handle their own problems without someone else imposing their ideals upon them. They are confident they can win in life if given their head and others allowed to shoot themselves in the foot.

jesus christ, how can you be this doublethink? how can green possibly be more "leave me alone" than absolute adherence to property rights?

I don't interpret His words to mean that, you are putting words in my mouth.

I have repeatedly told you that the Bible speaks against accumulation of wealth and property, and linked to relevant passages of Scripture to back my point up.

You can still have a welfare state while also having legal weed, free speech, etc. Just because you need a government to redistribute wealth doesn't mean it has to be an authoritarian government. You also for the most part need government to protect property rights.