>Overall, across all 10 of the European countries an average of 55% agreed that all further migration from mainly Muslim countries should be stopped, 25% neither agreed nor disagreed and 20% disagreed.

Discuss: What could possibly have led to this result??

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The 20% were probably muslims themselves

Because they are raping our daughters, sisters, mothers and wives.

Let's be honest here when was Germany not raped

Raped by Romans

Raped by French and italians

Raped by French, Slavs, Nordics and Spanish whey they were 1st EU aka HRE

Raped by French, Italians, Turks, and Slavs so hard they dissolved their litle cuck union and last emperor of HRE Francis II and Francis I got cucked so hard he had to sell his daughter to Napoleon

Got raped again by French and Slavs in a war they didn't start, losing half of their country to Slavs forever

Got raped FOR SECOND TIME with the almost same consequences, except this time they got completely brainwashed and are now willingly killing themselves knowing what a bunch of pathetic losers their country and ancestors are.


Fuck all sandniggers.

They're nothing more then leeching pork dodging lazy faggots who gotta go back to their families ASAP

lmao this much untruth


also when you say that we "got raped" you ignore the reason so many went against us in history, because we were strong and powerful af which and "raped" others as well before, which destroys your "knowing what a bunch of pathetic losers their country and ancestors are"
I don't have to tell you that, you won't care anyway, but in German there are tons of videos talking about this and how the German Army in was the strongest and best one.

>Someone is doing the raping

You forgot to post the best thing that came out of this study.

>The map shows that Sweden is the only EU country whose population has a positive opinion towards non-EU immigrants.

That's completely retarded.
They must've asked only lefty hippies and snowflakes

Actually, "Muslim" migrants for the middle east & N.A aren't a problem since they don't represent the majority of immigration.
The majority of immigration is represented by subsaharian blacks.
The whole "Muslim immigration" thing is like 50% bullshit

>t. Bougnoule

Who the fuck cars about those dumb fags in America?
We are the master race Europeans.

based Greece as always

à quelle heure j'ai dit que j'étais pour fils de consanguin ?

based, but why?

The Muslim problem in the US is more 'we don't want them here because they're Muslims'. They don't represent a significant majority in any part of the country except one town in Michigan. We just hate them.

That doesn't mean they're not a problem for Europe.

t'as dit que les bougnoules ne posent pas de problèmes

If only it wasn't just half of the USA like that

>you just didn't let in enough refugees maaaaaan
>you just didn't try real communism maaaaaan
>you just didn't ______ __ _______ maaaaaan

One of the biggest mistakes we make is trying to please the kind of people who thrive off of failure and misery.

That's not comparable

This study is from 2017 about muslim immigration

Your link is from 2015 about all non eu immigration

>Flamand teubé
J'ai dis que la majorité des immigrants sont des noirs subsahariens donc pas des arabes donc parler de "muslim" c'est con puisque ça fait un focus sur les arabo-musulmans en oubliant la majorité qui passe entre les mailles du filet.
PS: Heureusement t'as Sup Forums parce que dans ton pays y'aura des bougnoules jusqu'à la fin on dirait mdr

> (*)
(*) at 4:07 it's "isn't that racist?" not "isn't that separatist?"

Greece is redpilled as fuck.

Una faccia, una razza.

Because everyone with any other belief than Islam realises how poisonous and destructive it is. Or they're too afraid to do so.

The pic related is from

I just like graphs.

I meant not . Derp.

Whites aren't having kids fast enough to keep up with economic growth. Sorry goyim, but this is the easiest solution.

>strongest and best army
>keep losing

pick 1

Let there be racism, cus we all know European is the real master race.
We totally shit on every other race,
Without us white Europeans there wouldn't be any decent civilization in the whole world

your so based italy.

God bless italy and the italian people. Italia for italians!

It's true. Whites are supreme. So in a country with the media and so much more controlled by white-hating jews, admitting it is the ultimate taboo


Greeks in Australia are just as anti-semitic and probably even more. We have to watch our romanticized country get fucked the way pre-hitler Germany did from an isolated continent and there's nothing we can do about it.

Is this really how most italians think?
Then why are you letting so much muslims into Italy?

Unfortunately, more and more are converting to Islam, I guess intelligence isn't for everyone.

>keep losing
Because they keep picking fights with the entire planet


>Is this really how most italians think?
Apparently yes.

>Then why are you letting so much muslims into Italy?
They simply move in unchallenged, like everywhere else in Europe. We used to have an Australian-like deal with /our guy/ in Libya but then the EU, after years of calling us racist, decided to kill him. Thanks for that.

>dat 1st and 2nd places

cambia la rotazione della bandiera ma non cambiano i risultati,a quanto vedo

you can thank fucking Obongo and Hillary for removing based Gaddafi

Well this is bad news. Looks like europeans still haven't learned to love multiculti.

Oh my god italy. I'm getting a boner over this.

>50% Spain

It's funny because spaniard people has always despised moors but when you ask the average spaniard if he likes muslims or not he will say yes.

Fucking mediterranean posers we are.

>those closest to muslims hate them the most

Romans took the shaft from germans desu and later they just walked in to Rome and took it over.


>Italian police plays tetris in Lampedusa
That video is so fucking awesome.

>only 20% in disagreement

Revolution is afoot.

>but when you ask the average spaniard if he likes muslims or not he will say yes.
They just try to be politically correct.



People areso sick of this shit. Nobody wants to be around these subhumans and Europe and the US don't want them.




apart from turbocucks, yes
even level-headed leftists started to complain

sounds good

>literally beating muslims off the wall

We're ahead of schedule!




only 55% wut


Meanwhile in the current world...



Fuck off you muzzie cunt

Never trust a spaniard.


>Discuss: What could possibly have led to this result??

Doesnt matter because EU politicians are going all-in this year to bring as many muslims, terrorists included into EUSSR.

just look at the middle east, 2017 is going to make 2016 look like a picnic.

War in Yemen.
Syria never-ending-war.
Iraq War 3.0 Trump edition.
Kurd Vs Kurd.
Gaza intifada for 6-day war anniversary.
Israel crackdown and smackdown edition.

Its going to be fucking amazing.

Even so, what a beautiful chart.

and look at those undecideds, those are people too scared of being called Hitler to express how they really feel....

Just think of what the real numbers look like.


Based Greeks.
IMF just signalled you are getting more EU debtbux soon too you jammy bastards, and no more cuts. Next they will forgive more debt, you got away with it you lazy shits.

Anyway, fuck the EU.

in some countries it's higher

Wow we really got sick of there shit so fast that tells somthing doesn't it.

Fun story during my Master Degree there were a lot of student from Algeria.
Pretty chill.
One day bring up the subject of people from Algerian descent living in France but always talking about muh Algeria, muh homeland, and think they are Algerian because of 2 weeks vacation every two years.

Turns out even native Algerian hate them because they are obnoxious asshole.