The only reason why searching the board yield almost no mention of this bitch is because her appointment is indefensible. This is corruption. She bought herself an unelected government position in a field that she literally has zero experience in.
With money, there is literally no government position you can't be elected to, appointed to, or bribe with lobbying. We are supposed to put into power the most capable and knowledgeable people in their fields to do their jobs. What the fuck is the point of the US government at this point? It's a fucking joke.
>which one are you under, dH8KCnx7?
She's fuckable tho
The president can nominate anyone he wants
The congress can confirm or deny
She was confirmed
>Trump wants to shut down DOE
>Libs whine and moan
>Trump appoints the most shit candidate that libs hate with a fury
>Libs: "Shut down DOE!"
1589D chess
public schools produce people that can't read but are very well indoctrinated in all manners of social marxism. I see no reason why public schools shouldn't be destroyed.
Too funny to hear the same people rip on Devos for lack of experience, defend Obama's lack of experience and instead becoming community organizer in chief.
She can't possibly make public education worse than it already is
I honestly haven't been keeping up with her. What is everyone's problem with her?
She doesn't have experience in public schools
Ya know those horrible moneypits that have steadily gotten worse year of year since the federal government got involved
Money wasn't able to make Hilary president.
The DoED is not worth saving. I hope she burns it to the ground.
she's going to destory the doe and there is nothing you can do about but cry
What you call social Marxism is really just the shit away from ethno-nationalism to a pan-human identity free of the slavery of reactionary bondage to ancient thought.
Unfettered and free, humans having to hold other humans as human as well makes for a better world on the whole. Dehumanizing beliefs on race, religion and creed will get us all killed.
Islamic Fundamentalists and Christian Fundamentalists are basically the same thing, only one has a different book they view literally. Such uncritical thought leads to self-destruction and complacency. You see this in China's past and their rigidity to certain philosophies that cause stagnant, decaying dynasties that every several centuries fall to chaos.
What ultimately is sought is simply a common decency between humans, is that hard to ask for?
That's not an argument for her fitness for the job.
Fuck off filthy gaijin.
Constitutional scholar has no business running a gigantic system of law. Sure.
Absolutely she can. PUblic education is a drop in the national budget bucket, yet its perennially the first to the chopping block when funds are needed. Why the fuck should students have to buy school supplies for the classroom in the 21st century, like fucking paper? Of course shit isn't as effective when you cripple it financially from the start.
Her past hints at that not only will she trash what's there (anything is better than nothing), but she will hand your tax dollars off to her snotty fucking friend's children to pay them to go to private schools because "running shit like a business is superior to all else". Fuck her.
I done currr, we prezidunt nao, we make duh rools nao, you dumbass sucker-butt
Corruption. She bought a federal job at the highest level with zero credentials, except a scammy business career and a tendancy to push shit values on to Detroit's school system, wrecking it even further.
Look at this dude.
Silence your worm tongue
We will not hear it anymore
Got eem
>like, let's all be the same dude
>but it isn't communism
what did he mean by this
I'm totally right about this in my last post
we are the president now
we make the rules now
because we are the president now
if you disagree you are a dumbass sucka-butt
I'm going to say this again.
This is going to be the most corrupt government that will ever exist.
Poor Citibank didnt get a cut of the cabinet money so they have to go on Sup Forums to whine.
She wants to tear apart the department. Which is what needs to happen. She's a great pick
Teachers Unions paid Dems $4M. Who were they trying to buy the office for?
My only problem is that she wants to remove teaching evolution in schools and bring back creationism.
dim-witted racist piece of shit detected
>boo hoo hoo I want more money for public school! Muh teachers unions and muh Bernie Sanders!
Eat shit commie fuckwad. Education is getting fixed
There's a lot of potential in the young. Teaching them and helping them mature into responsible, compassionate, and honorble people should be the aim of education. Of course the technical skills needed in the 21st century should be taught as well, but the nurturing of the young into productive and noble citizens should be our priority. Many schools fail in both or one of these aspects. Change is needed in the education system is needed. I am not sure that Ms. Devos is the one for the job, but all we can do 31st this point is pray that God may guide her actions.
What are her pros? Cons?
also wtf that cant work
Stay mad, queer. You're gonna get a traditional Christian education now. No more tumblrina indoctrination centers.
Since it seems that people with (((experience))) are what got us to this point, I don't see what you are whining about.
That is if you care about the students, that is.
>Implying private isn't better
Eat shit twice, commie fucktard
pol litterally BTFO by this post
The only way I can determine right from wrong in these crazy times in by evaluating the outcome.
Anytime the teachers union is bitching about the outcome, you've done something good-- even if you have to engage in evil to do so.
That's not what you asked, you asked defend her nomination
Ergo, thus, conclusively, you are a fucking retard
> c-communist!!!
>medium sized republican donor gets a cabinet position
Literally completely ordinary
>Sup Forums hates education
>Sup Forums is right wing
Oh my, what a shocker!!!!
nawwwww, most poltards just don't respond to shill threads
>hating federal control on education means I hate education in general
Retard alert
What do you call
the stickers on that bus seem breddy gud as far as im concerned
Good rebuttal. I bet you think SS should be expanded too LOL
You say yourself that public education is severely underfunded, constantly being cut for grants and whatever money comes into it, is usually spread around corrupt school boards.
So why would you want someone ingrained in, who supports that dysfunctional system? If she tears it up? Great! If she makes small changes (she's clearly unqualified I doubt she'd be able to make any big changes, right?) they can easily be rectified by the next administration. Question is, why are you so worried about it? Don't like the democratic process?
>1 post by this ID
Alright, shitting on prayer and strongly encouraging gay shit, fair enough, doesn't belong in schools.
Evolution though? This is why people make fun of Christians.
I don't understand what saving the whales has to do with anything.
For the same reason you won't hear about Conway's live rape on CNN, drumpfkins are in denial and this board is, like reddit, a circlejerk.
>Hating an absolutely and demonstrably incompetent and wasteful government agency whose existence is antithetical to the federal nature of our country
>Means we hate education
Drown yourself in the Atlantic, Geese
>b-but look they do it too!!
nice rebutal
>hating the means that deliver 90% of k-12 education is not hating education
>being completely oblivious on facts in Sup Forums and instead relying on ideology
>Sup Forums is right wing
Oh My, What a Shocker!!! I Totally and Completely Did Not Expect This!!!!!
You know shes worked with Democratic senators like Cory Booker before with school choice, right? She has plenty of experience in this field even though she isn't an 'educator' and a union shill.
Majority of African Americans support school choice.
You're gonna have a rough 8 years, schlomo. Because Devos came into this world to destroy the kike abominations of evolution and fag marriage and give the Aryan race back their right to educate their own children.
Holy shit.
This isn't a shill?
This makes it even fucking better.
Her congressional hearings were a good exposé as well.
>uses ricky gervais gif
>calls someone a retard
You literally have no argument.
>implying Devos didn't deserve that position
>implying title IX is defensible
Anyway do you have any arguments or are you just here to fail troll?
>Today an artist learns how gears work
ok CTR nice one, try more subtlety next time
>Dear Diary, today i tried bantering in a anonymous imageboard, but all i got was a reply calling me a retard
Hey retard each state already runs its own schools the Feds just pushed their way into the administrations back in the 70's
The only thing hat happens when the federal government goes away is that the states no longer need to answer or oblige the Feds and heir bullshit programs
In some cases there will be a reduction of funding (oh no! Guess New Jersey has to pay for its own schools)
The federal department of ed does not employ teachers or pay the rent of school buildings you retarded faggot
Not an argument
Yes, it's hard to ask for when there are too many ignorant shitskins on this planet. Maybe in 2117 your socialist dream will be achievable, but not 2017.
If she tears it up, I won't be able to afford private schools for my children asshat.
Fuck private schools, I don't have the money for that. I'd rather my tax dollars actually go towards giving my children a good education. It's not a good idea to tear up what is already there.
the federal government should have no part in my kids education that's not what the fed is for or ever was to be meant for.
I should beadle to pick the top school for my kids if they are able to perform at a certain level.
Top students should not have to go to school with shitty students who are less then them.
Schools should be rank on performance and student should only be able to go to x school depending on their performance just like colleges.
Shitty kids that don't want to learn should be put in the worst schools. Kids that want to learn should be able to have access to the top school.
your sources are, shill
You forget that some of us (like me) want her to basically destroy the department of education.
She'll do great.
Ever heard of voucher programs, dumbass?
Point to any success this cunt has had with her previous charter school endeavors, swine.
Vouchers only work for a given term, it's not a long-lasting plan for a child's complete educational career.
Get in here lads, stop bumping this shill thread.
>Islamic and Christian fundamentalism is the same
And you're the one taking about thinking 'critically'
Top fucking zoz
I don't see the problem with this outside of Obama's colleague being a recipient of a massive bailout, but that's unrelated to the topic. Can you please explain.
You don't need experience operating a machine if you're brought in to crash it with no survivors. She is to the Department of Education the same as Trump is to the establishment.
her husband bought her*
shes never worked a day in her life afaik.
Kill too many whales and you wind up distorting the food chain.
You don't fuck with the ecology by overfishing.
I wonder how you'll feel when they say they can funnel your taxes to religious schools and then the islamic schools start lining up to take your money.
It's the same swill Rato was spewing last night:
The system is broken (because we cripple it)!
The only solution is privatization (because it helps us and our friends get immensely wealthy)!
That way people can buy the best (money can buy)!
And oh look, guess who swindled you out of your tax dollars and pocketed the sum. People like Betsy fucking CORRUPTION DeVos.
Bernie was absolutely right last night. The republicans don't want to ensure basic human needs to people. And false equivalences like condoms and Lamborginis highlights how out of touch with reality these fuckfaces are. They don't represent you. They resent you for everything but your fucking money.
Hey retards get in my thread and stop bumping the shill thread, people need to see this vid about Devos that's in my OP.
Go Devoss!
girlfriend teaches at a public nigger school
for the niggers
by the niggers
of the niggers
They teach the 3 Ns
& niggin
bunch of fucking monkeys screaming at each other all day and hurling shit at each other
and that is the teachers
things need to change, os these kids have the chance to grow up like humans
they are only taught to fight and scream
Gimme Dat
Gimme Dat
Fuck You
Fuck Trump
Gimme Dat
anything could help, even devoss.
Did bernie do well last night? I was afraid to watch.
>PUblic education is a drop in the national budget bucket, yet its perennially the first to the chopping block when funds are needed
You appear to be retarded so I'll spoon-feed you. Public education is a laughably bloated complete fucking disaster at best and a money-laundering operation to transfer funds from the Federal Government to the Democratic party via teachers unions at worst. Our public schools used to teach on chalkboards and graduate high school students that knew Latin and Greek, now they "teach" (babysit and propagandize really) on overpriced smartboards and produce students that enter college needing remedial English. The system is so fucked top to bottom that scrapping it completely and starting from scratch would be the best course of action.
Common decency? Not in the current year, faggo. Your socialist paradise requires way less ignorant shitskins on this planet. Maybe in 2117 it will be attainable. Most cultures believe that might makes right. You extend an olive branch, and they'll pull out an AK. Humans are still a tribal species. Work within that reality instead of wishing for a new one.
nope they are straight from the government
So you're telling me that the problem with voucher programs is... That there's not enough of them?
I don't have a problem with using taxpayer money to provide basic education, but to say that the only way that can be accomplished is to have the government run schools is asinine, private schools do better with a lower cost per student.
The entire point of getting that old hag in the DoE was that she'll be so bad, the department will be hated to the point congress can easily get the DoE in the bin where it belongs.
>"so whats the next step in your master plan"
>"to crash the DoE"
>"with no survivors"
Less platitudes more common sense. Get to work buddy
Would you be happy to let inexperienced workmen fix a nuclear reactor next to your property? What if you found out they got the contract because they always fancied having a go at it and bribed your electricity company to drop all their compliance procedures?
Don't scores get normalized to prior years or something like that? (Am I thinking of IQ?) As such despite scores being consistent, they're still rising in an absolute sense.
You can't just refer to Hillary and make a non-point to defend corruption being the reason this woman will lead the Department of Education. Get your head out of your ass.
>The system is so fucked top to bottom that scrapping it completely and starting from scratch would be the best course of action
What happens between scaping it and a new system, dipshit? You think this administration has the FORESIGHT to think anything through? The travel ban was proof positive that the people in the WH are fucking imbeciles, with how vague and confusing it was, and how they had to double back on orders because of this.
Also, DROP IN THE BUCKET. I'm not saying shit like smartscreens need to be in every class room, I'm saying parents shouldn't have to buy classroom supplies because the teacher only gets $100 to spread over the semester.
64-D Underwater Backgammon
True maybe she'll say fuck it and let the private sector handle education, like it should
We spend twice as much on education in this country as we do on defense. Your critique of public education misses the fact it isn't underfunded.
Don't you have something left in your pornhub "cuckold eats nigger cum from his wife" playlist to finish?
She makes democrats mad and she's the closest we have gotten (so far, keep swining you beautiful pendulum) to teaching Christ to our degenerate school system.
Sup Forums is full of hypocrites
does this surprise