Sup Forums defined

Sup Forums defined

So does she agree that nigger culture breeds crime?

Why don't you ask her?

poor darling
so thirsty for a proper dicking that only a strong white nationalist could give her, but wont because she's past her prime and unstable

the cultures who she calls online geek culture is a projection of her own online presence of eating every piece of shit popular media craps out for her. The normies are the circus geeks. Geek is a very insulting and offensive word and should be attributed to actual geeks alone. Such as the normies who eat any bullshit story pushed onto them by their employers and media.

uuuuh! you totaly got in my head, NOOOO!!!!

typical psychology/sociology major bullshit, it always comes to
>they are like that because they are small dicked white loosers!!!!11

I'd say she's half right. The Alt-Right did grow because of counter-sjw sentiment. Take a look at pol demographic. It isn't all white and male. The only thing in common is that they're all a buncha geeks. Alt-Right actually transcends race. Really odd desu

You mean Sup Forums, lad.

we're not geeks, idiot. look up the meaning of that word
we're not nerds either.
our opposition is a projection-based insult stance that devolves into suicide cult behavior.

Take a look at the pol demographic that showed up in the HWNDU stream. Can you look at them and say 'They ain't geeks'.

>le white male privilege

>Sup Forums and Reddit vs Tumblr

kek, guess we won that one boys

10 years ago, I made a wildly inaccurate prediction, about people that I know nothing about, based solely on prejudice. Upon finding that I was so utterly and thoroughly misinformed (remember, this was a prediction that I claim to have drawn a decade ago), I have no choice but to come to the conclusion that my inability to judge the actions and character of those that I dislike in the past, is proof positive that my musings on the inner workings of the minds of others are worth serious consideration at the present.


if you think this community participates in meet ups and cams you belong on /soc/
there is no possible way to hijack Sup Forums or its peoples. And that's what we are we are a peoples an honest to god civilization. We are the future here and no one understands it yet. I demand respect for my culture, my people, my traditions, my religion. Our opposition party give respect to cultures that demand it and so do I.
I hail from the Kingdom Sup Forums and our King is in the white house, lawfully elected and titled poorly as president.

not gonna read a whole blog post in twitter format. what faggotry is that

>I'd say she's half right.


I'd say "shes" less than half female.

it's exactly that liberal bullshit. you need only look at her opening remarks and comment about that. It's clear this woman doesn't know what the fuck she is talking about.

niggers breed crime*

ever heard of cognitive dissonance, user?

I don't care about one line replies to my basic gestalts, thanks. Have some nice poutine today for me though.

>I don't need to listen to this person because of who they are

Remember when identity politics were just for SJWs?

Bleh, this copy pasta is already stale.

No, she's just not making a coherent argument of any substance. Just wild, unsubstantiated statements without a shred of proof. This mentally unhinged lunatic has managed to accumulate way more attention than he deserves.

What did I just tell you leaf? Go eat, faggot.

can someone give me a tl;dr I can't read fucking twitter threads without feeling sick

He thinks this is another game and we aren't serious. He thinks everyone here was a geek and now a nazi. He thinks that we all were bullied as kids and this is our revenge. He says we are doing this because of useless men's nostalgia.

All wrong.

Every man dreams about creating his legacy, to do something of value in his life. While slumbering through our lifes we finally found a cause that resonates in our minds, we found our purpose. And that instant all games were over.
Behind multiple layers of irony we are as serious as it gets.

And the cause we are fighting for is not about stopping slight desinfranchisement of priviliged white straight males. It's about turning vector of humanity's progress towards the future we want to see our descendants in, and he can't be more wrong about power structures not being our target.

As much as I enjoy the "kangs" shit, this image is dangerous. The last thing we need as white Americans is niggers flocking to islam.