Why women perform better academically?

Is there some type of political agenda behind this?
How can we help men become better at learning again?

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TOO lazy to find legit source

Because education has been feminized. It's all about fitting in, collaborating and all that gay shit.

Is it the same in France?

It's the same all over the western world anyway.

women aren't doing better, men are doing shit

videogames, porn, distractions of these sorts that weaken motivation and working memory have bad effects for males

A quick example:

Feminists said girls couldn't learn because boys were too aggressive, as an example, they said that boys would shout the answers to questions, or their own questions, without waiting in line/for their turn. Now, in every classroom, boys must raise their hand and wait to be called on - which may not ever happen because "the lesson needs to move along".

The boys eventually learn to just shout their shit anyway, or not participate at all.

Women in education?

>women studies
>sexual science studies
>feminist jazz hands studies
>gender studies
>period blood paintings class
>african american WE WUZ & BLACKED studies (funded by the BBC network)
>trans-atlantic gender ocean fluid commies thrown from attack helicopters studies

>actual academia

wew lad


School is not meant for men. Men want to conquer, battle and fight. Playing the retarded (((school))) and (((university))) game is not meant for men. Its affirmative action against men so we become all equal. That means men have to be made weaker and dumber.

But they have better grades and do better at standardized tests. How can you explain this?

affirmative action

I don't have any link or source but I remember distinctly that there was huge bias against boys on test results, even when they were the same as girls.
The fact that men have basically been driven fully away from teaching could be connected.

if they shout, it is adhd and medication time

My HS girlfriend was a gook, she was incredibly smart by any metric. She could take tests well, memorize information, and apply herself to making sure her homework was to the standard of an A.

In the real world, she's pretty dumb, but she could take a good test.

I'm studying engineering and I can clearly see that profs are more sympathetic and forgiving towards women.

Yeah, and that's just one example.

Also, her IQ was tested well below her male peers in her advanced classes, the same male peers (including me) who basically fucked around the entire time.

That's because their grades and tests are dumbfuck easy.

Hell, one of my sisters friends is doing FRENCH FOOD HISTORY

Now look at fields like STEM, law etc, and it's dominated by males. AND women still get affirmative action.

Elites don't care about 'women in X and Y'. They just want to earn money from these dumb fucks, plus drag down replacement rates.

Anyway the idea that men somehow are dumber than women is ludicrous considering history. The problem is definitely political and cultural.

what do they benefit from making it shit for boys?

aren't they just dragging shit down altogether?

This might be related but being in high school made me to feel emasculated I wanted to make something feel like a man explore, find, ask questions but what got was just some textbook answers with PMSing teachers.
My grades were good for first school years and then it dropped substantialy.

(((they))) need a generation of useful idiots.

Because schools are designed for retards

Make it a competition again with rewards like leadership, respect, domination.

Stop making up reasons why you sucked in school.

let's be fair here, you have 10% females in class? that will drop to 2% for your masters?

If your stem professors don't treat those girls well they will start crying during their labs, nobody wants that

A woman's brain is better at memorization and organization which means she can study and remember the answers better. Doesn't mean she's smart

IQ probably doesn't have too much of a connection to having good grades (unless e.g. everyone would be tested after a new mechanism is introduced). The few women in my STEM field take a really long time to grasp concepts compared to the male peers, but end up outperforming them on exams because they memorize everything rigorously - I guess that deserves respect too.

Didn't you hear Hillary? the future is for women

It was a personal bias on the part of the teachers. That is, they grade students lower based on personal disposition towards a student rather than any other metric. So if your teacher didn't like you, they never cut you any breaks and marked off for every possible mistake rather than overlooking minor things.

Blind grading of tests has been shown to result in a fair grades.

Girls are ahead of boys developmentally by a year or two.

Girls are also wired to be agreeable to authority figures and are less conflicted in that sense.

All the teachers are women. Teaching methodology is feminized.

Girls take a shortcut to the finish line at puberty. Boys have to earn their worth.

Boys take much longer to develop but the end product is superior.

lol heard about that LARPing shit last night

the fuck did most of your country vote for this saggy old cunt?

I thought we were cucked, but she wouldn't of even got 10% of our popular vote. Good on getting Trump in through republic vote though. kick them shitskins out.

Because they take shit classes like Women's Studies that is pretty much a guaranteed 'A' if you have a vagina and a good parrot. Remove such useless classes/electives and force them all into Math/Maths and Sciences with other men.

Also, they should get rid of policies that gives women priority in school entrances. It should be 50/50.

women are better at imitating behavior

Women tend towards the middle of distributions because it's biologically advantageous for the female to be average.

While men tend to a greater degree to the ends of distributions.

This is why more men win science prizes, more men go to jail and men are more likely to accidentally kill themselves.

In terms of education, if women clump into the middle a few men do better, but most do as well or far worse.

At the lower levels of education the system has been far more feminized in order to prop up female students, while at the higher levels more women enter into easier programs (normally ending in the word Studies) while men take up more hard science.

nigel plz

The system was changed to include different learning types, then any types that boys excelled at were cut and now methods are taught and no exception is given even if you can come to the correct answer using a method that works for you.

Well the way I always thought of it was, number one, there are two types of education. The kind we see in our classrooms, and then there is a personal education. Women do better in the social setting for three reasons. 1 they are naturally the ones who listen to orders. two if they do do bad everyone else knows, and they want to be the best woman of the bunch. three they are afraid of the repercussions if they do bad. Man excels at personal education, or one on one education. This is true education. they are learning for an actual higher education, not to look good or because they are afraid.

This, also bullshit majors like gender studies etc.

Right. We are talking standardized tests and grades, and why men might not perform as well on them. Aside from living in a culture that doesn't value smart men, a school system that caters to women and suppresses men, we have to look at a standardized test in the same manner. What is it measuring, etc.

When I took my SAT/ACT, the hardest part was memorizing vocabulary that no one uses, something I would imagine women are much better at because a) words and b) memorizing.

Even the Math involved was worded in such a way it was often difficult to determine what it was asking, so you might say "this answer is x, but if could be...y if they meant this..."

Not even shitting you. Hear a few stories from my sister who has 'friends'' at her uni who do these fucked up 'degrees'. One of them is learning that Africa (blacks) had an advanced society that was a matriarchy, but that was until Brit Empire invaded them and ruined it all.

Literal Orwellian shit.

Girls mature faster, boys are supposed to run around and do sports and learn how to kill and build shit

because they are pro socialism as are the teachers

teachers dont give good grade when you point out they are wrong about everything

> Edgy

What you gonna do about it petition "universities" to "protect muh freeze peach" by banning course you disagree with

> The right wing persecution complex truly knows no bounds

> I don't get it so it's not real

> Fucking man-child

UKIP wanna go soft on gun restrictions.

Plus, you're allowed to buy shotties and carbines here. Just need that licence.

We need make teachers.


more submissive. That is the essence of the educational system anyway. Be a good goy and do as your told. Also they mature faster.

>Is there some type of political agenda behind this?

>How can we help men become better at learning again?

It's the same in every western country sadly.

It's kind of easy to think when your mind is clear of things

How do you do that?

Working class men prefer to get better jobs in Labouring, Gas Meter checking, and Plumbing etc.

Not to mention the ones that want to go self employed mode.

**** Male a biological male( exclude demi queer, non binary, asexual, trans binary, trans spirited , trans sexual, tranny, feminine dick cunt, boipussi girls, ......)


Boys mess around a lot, distracting themselves from education.

In junior high ya, std. Test in late highschool show boys pull way ahead in all besides literature.

Parents need to homeschool their children instead of sending them to Marxist indoctrination centers

In my experience this is only true in gradeschool.

Boys and girls perform about equally in highschool, and guys usually do better in college.

The reason for all this is simple. Girls develop faster than guys, but guys have more overall potential. Again, I am speaking generally. There are exceptions to every rule.

I'm considering it actually.

My best teachers growing up were male, and had a huge influence on me. I'm a vet from a SOF unit, I'm willing to fight but I'm not willing to fight and be paid nothing.

Most men realize that the education system is useless and not worth your time but girls decide to stick with the bullshit because they all have an innate desire to look smarter than each other in public to cement their social status.

you will be treated as a pedophile by the parents and as the janitor by your fellow teachers.

good luck

I am going to train to be a primary school teacher from this September. I am currently a volunteer in a primary school as well.

>I am speaking generally. There are exceptions to every rule.
Do you know bell curves?
I personally experience shows that men even after their prime in brain activity can learn much quicker and better than women.

>more proof of female privilege

You have a point. It depends on what sort of person user is. If he's quiet, then they may think he's a pedo, as he may have ''something to hide''. But if he's talkative, then all will be good.

All in all, non 7th-11th grade shouldn't be state funded anyway.

go for it

K - 12 public schooling is literally pointless

>Is there some type of political agenda behind this?
>How can we help men become better at learning again?

NEWSFLASH: This retarded shit is often measured by "women now get more bachelor degrees than men". This is not because men started suddenly to suck and education, that's because of all this new useless liberal subjects like gender studies etc that are barely taken by men.

Look into the STEM field and you will see that the amount of women barely has increased and if it increased then only in fields that focus on memorizing stuff (like biology) but not so much in math heavy things (engineering, physics, mathematics...).

Part of it is coddling. We naturally coddle women.

Its apparent when women need affirmative action and sanctions just to get into a job.

Its also misinformation. I was told girls mature faster than boys. Everyone took it as mental maturity but that is flat out wrong considering a female never grows beyond age 16 mentally. Also like the wage gap myth.

They can do whatever they'd like, veteran trump card in the US is pretty strong.

Women's social status just depends weather they have a nice face and a good pair of tits desu, and they know it.

Reason why girls consistantly do okey in school, is because they're just function to follow. Just like they follow trends.

Meanwhile, boys actually put effort in if they're interested in their goals. The other boys just 'drop out', and then sell drugs. Still, the ones who sell drugs still grow up at 20, and then get apprenticeships working as mechanics etc.

Meanwhile, most women just grow up sticking to pink colloar jobs. Fighting for their right to work was pretty much a waste of time, as nearly all women are stuck with pink collar, or are working for goldstein shopping store getting minimum wage.

Also wage compression. Years ago, a blue collar man could feed a family of 3-5

Because all forms of education are tailored to their precise needs and talents, i.e. regurgitating opinionated Marxist drivel

this is what women achieve with every advantage handed to them

Pink collar?
Please elaborate.

Girls usually have average IQ for the population. The standards are so low in schools that being average will get you an A.

Boys have the extreme IQs, both high and low. The smart boys still get A's, because there is nothing above it (even A+ is removed in many schools now because it hurts people's feelings). The low IQ boys get the B's, C's, D's, and F's though.

This makes it look like girls are on average better academically but really it is just because the standards are so low. You can see in countries with very high standards like in Japan, Korea, China, ect, boys and girls are at a more even level.

Men want to do a more hands-on, creative approach to learning. There's something within our subconscious that tells us regurgitating information is useless for the advancement of our species.

Well, to be honest, blurting out an answer without raising a finger has never been accepted practice. In the 50s or even before ww2, there was never a time that this would not earn you a smack wirhtge ruler

Back then I went to school most boys though school was for nerds and spend all day playing vidya and watching porn instead. The few of us who worked hard in school got good grades. I never felt unfairly treated.

In order to fix this we must start putting some basic demands on boys, the "boys will be boys" attitude is extremely harmful. It's not ok nor normal for young boys to behave like monkeys on coke. If our grandfathers ever acted like today's "normal" boys they could expect a good beating from both the teacher and their father. For some reason people today think it's normal and ok for boys to be rude, wreck everything, and completely lack self control and discipline.

Testosterone makes people care less about social things.

Education is a social thing that is enforced on you.

This is why black women far outperform black men, white women outperform white men, and Asian women are on par with Asian men.

The faculties needed for independence of thought are somewhat testosterone driven, and somewhat opposite to those needed for learning and dedication to a subject.

i thought it was a given by now, i've seen so many fucking studies over the years that females perform better in school environments than males
however there are things to note
>it's not a sign of additional intelligence or higher skilled labour, merely a sign of applied regurgitation
>schools cater to feminism and women nowadays to indoctrinate kids to the liberal agenda
>the vast majority of teachers are female and enforce this doubly so, paying special attention to girls
>more women go for higher education (useless degrees too, not things like medicine and science) while men get jobs and drive society, you won't find female garbagemen or other such basic work

WOW. So my plan to go to trade school to become an electrician and after that studying to become electrical engineer is completely ok whilst my peers want to just straight enroll in academics.

Jobs that are mainly female , nurses , childcare workers , secretaries etc

Pink collar?
drop plates and get shouted at
drop glasses and get shouted at, while drunks laugh
scrubbing toilets
suppose it's has some progression to it
>nursery teacher
dealing with 30 dribbling toddlers
>care home worker
wiping pensioners arses

I mean, women used to be a housewife, spend an hour or two cleaning, and then bonding with their kids, and their friends, and their kids. Working class man could come home and provide her with food too. He has enough money because there wasn't masses of women and shitskins working. Wage compression.

Anyway, masses of women working didn't help women themselves, let alone society.

Women are only worse when limits start getting reached. American public schools are easy as fuck.






in womens developmental psychology they affiliate to the mommy and parrot the mommy words, this stage continues until they become the mommy and have to try to think for themselves.
shitty teachers and liberal professors only want students to feed them back their own opinions without independent thought, young women do this automatically, therefore "good students"
this is why "college" now is like "junior high school" 50 years ago (when there were men teachers and not all were liberal).

the males can't concentrate with all those qts around

Digits confirm must purge women from schools and introduce sharia

M8, desu your country is far too cucked to even thnk about doing such a thing. Meanwhile us brits have been looking at this stance with a positive attitude.

fuck wrong thread

Link thread

>Why women perform better academically?

>Is there some type of political agenda behind this?


1. pnas.org/content/112/17/5360.abstract

"Contrary to prevailing assumptions, men and women faculty members from all four fields preferred female applicants 2:1 over identically qualified males with matching lifestyles"

2. mpifg.de/pu/mpifg_dp/dp14-19.pdf
"Who Becomes a Tenured Professor, and Why?"
“… by the time, men get a tenure, they have published 1.8 times as many SSCI-articles … 1.7 times as many non-SSCI-articles …, 1.4 times as many books …, 1.3 times as many edited volumes …, 1.4 times as many book chapters …, and 1.8 times as much ‘gray’ literature as women”.

3. Conservatives (who typically happen to be men) are under attack at universities:


Rewards low IQ students.


>Testosterone makes people care less about social things.

The opposite is true.

>Boys have the extreme IQs, both high and low.

That's wrong. There are more girls in the potato range.

"There were more female subjects with severe mental retardation (56% female, compared with 44% male) and a
greater number of male subjects with mild mental retardation (58% male, compared with 42% female).”
Mental Retardation in Teenagers: Prevalence Data From the Niagara Region, Ontario” by Bradley, Thompson, Bryson

Don't spread feminist myths, please.

What is mild retardation?
Autism, edge lordness and Shitpostingers?

So are women the real hotheads then?

Would make sense, considering they initiate more marital violence.

>testosterone pill

So they either fucked their livers or it was a placebo? Sounds fake

Being calm and reasonable =/= caring about social things. It's just an attitude that happens to be more sociable.

Men are less likely to be socially influenced by things than women are, and are more likely to have a more innate sense of what's "good" or "right".

It also follows the racial trifecta. DESU blacks seem to be more "independent of thought" than whites at least as far as sex goes, as they've liked the same thing (fat ass) forever.

Meanwhile, white people have sex trends going in and out, and japs get turned on by the social suggestion of there being used panties in a 3 mile radius.

this, i watched a crazy fat bitch in her trough years wailing and lunging at this poor old dude who had enough with her bullshit, there were both like in their 40's, i recorded it as well but cant into webm's