My girlfriend is a Sunni Muslim Trump supporter

And you IDIOTS would tell her "she needs to go back?" Nice. Ever heard of coalition building? How do you expect to get votes if you can't accept each other? Not a lot, but just enough to get things done. She has all the right views and Islam's cultural heritage is richer and deeper than you think.


she needs to go back

Is she a citizen? I'll ignore her then.
Either way, we're not letting more in.


Post her feet

Traitor !

do milk

Islam must go back where it came from. Every. Single. Muslim! Convert or die!

Hmm head uncovered. Does she pray 5 times a day? You realize most of her "people" would stone this girl outside America? If she's a citizen then nobody cares. Stop fear mongering.

post more pics

she still needs go tho

>"my girlfriend"
Haha okay user whatever you say.

She's going back you mixracing nigger lover.

She should be beheaded for exposing herself like that and sleeping with some kafir.

Post a pic of her asshole.

It's all fine, how's her foot game tho?

Mudslime shill detected.

Back to your hut achmed

race mixers will hang first on the day of the rope

She looks fat. Cut down on the bacon OP!

She just needs to stop believing that Mohammed is God's messenger and she can stay.

Does not seem that hard to me

>What is the Caucasian race

>threw this red hat over a sleeping hooker
>see that right there is my gf and you offended her

She is an ideological enemy of the west and needs to be deported or shot.

>shitskin nigger gets absolutely fucking PRANKED
>MAGA hat placed on her while she sleeps
I wonder how violently she chimped out when she woke up and saw it.

This is fake, the original poster should have never shared the picture.

You globalist arsehole.


So still happy for the US to be flooded with those people.
Good work you tit.

>posts beaner
>muh musleem gf


>My girlfriend is a Sunni Muslim
She might be cultural Sunni Muslim but she's not religious.
Sunni muslim women are forbidden non-muslim men according to their religion.
The men can take non-muslim women though.

Convert the heretic and save her soul.

Idc about Muslims aslong as they are Caucasian. Blood is more important than religion. I have a problem with the dirty shitskin muslims that are ugly inbred savages.

OP is disgusting.

Did you have sex with her? That's haram.

If you marry her she can't
You'll be doing a good thing for her. Imagine her being fucked by 78 y/o Saudala Cucktalid

Jesus christ shes ugly. You both need to be gassed. Trump supporters or not


Yes, you both have to go back.
We don't need any mudslimes here.


kek, have fun getting BTFO when jihad time next ramadan. Either way sage faggot shit thread Jew 1 post by this ID nigger no proof she's even Muslim. Kike!

She needs to go back, and you too for being a race traitor.

>sunni muslim
>trump supporter

She's probably telling herself that she needs to go back.

Most guys just have to remember their Ps and Qs when they meet the parents. You have to remember not to insult islam, if you want to leave with your head.

lel piss her off she will kill you

you need to leave along with your bit of muslim fanny

Are you sure this is not a mexican with a trump hat put on her against her will?

Hate the culture, not the race.
If she's like some sort of hardcore Sharia law broad then out you go, but if she assimilated and just does her prayer thing and wears her scarf then who gives a fuck.

What country that's banned from accepting refugees temporarily is she from? Didn't Obama drop bombs on 6/7 of them?

>have fun having Mohamedian children and converiting to Islam when she says you should out of love or her family makes you do it.

btw if you say no they will chop your head off , refusing to convert means death.

We don't know if she needs to go back. Tell us useful information such as whether she is an illegal or not. Not something like religion which doesn't affect anything.

You've been had. We have muslims in Sweden. There are no moderate muslims. They are absolute cancer the moment the population reaches a certain percentage.

Post yfw she gets stoned for sleeping with whitey

>Sandnigger fucker
Fucking dropped. I bet you're not even white let alone a trump supporter.

Absolutely disgusting, she looks like the Crimson Chin


The arab race is completely shit. They are inbred and, much like niggers, have a low racial IQ.

Muslim-majority countries included in Trump's ban:

Muslim-majority countries not included in Trump's ban:
Saudi Arabia
United Arab Emirates
Western Sahara
Sierra Leone
Burkina Faso


desu i am disappoint is was not a muslim ban

it's good for you if your girlfriend (seeing herself as muslim) isn't one of the bad ones. I also doubt that trump supporters would tell her "to go back" if she's born in the US (since - where the fuck would she go back to?).

I think you let yourself being blinded though, regarding "Islam's cultural heritage being richer and deeper than we think". Fact is, most acceptable 'muslims' (people who see themselves as muslim) are "moderates" who do not practice their religion as strictly the quran demands it. Try visiting an arabic islamic state (where islam has been nearly unchanged and notbeen inhibited by imposed western rules) or a muslim majority ghetto in europe. You won't get nearer to true Islam than that.

Just to give you a hint: most "true" Muslimes would kill your girlfriend if they knew that she is with you (assuming you are a non-muslim). And you too, probably. Even in Germany we have honor killings from time to time, when a muslim girl dared dating outside the actual muslim community. Because Islam forbids relationships between muslims and nonmuslims (unless it's a muslim man and nonmuslim women, and then the nunmuslim women is more something akin to a concubine or slave, and must not be loved).

You could also go visit an arabic country with your girlfriend. Let her go unveiled and maybe even with a trump-supporter cap. If you're lucky you will only be assaulted, if you're unlucky.... well i wouldn't wish that fate onto you, since you seem to be an okay guy.

Anyway. point being: you and your girlfriend might see her as "muslim", but neither people like me nor the actual muslims from islamic states do see her as a "true" one.

Coalition building.
With exterminationist totalitarian utopianist supremacists who lie every time they talk.


She does need to go back. Multiracial kikery makes us less safe and less free, destroys communities and culture, etc. You're a race traitor and you belong in the ovens.

Great Ahmed. When are the two of you going back?

>In relationship with an animal
What's wrong in your head, user?

gas yourself, traitor

where do you find a muslim gf? How do you avoid getting acid thrown on you?

Convert or Die.

At least muslim girls don't snore when they sleep, all's what I hear is this muffled *tick-tock tick-tock tick-tock* noise...

My fiance is an Iranian born ex-Muslim who became an American citizen.
I don't want my in-laws coming into my country.
Please Trump, don't let my in-laws come info my country.

Will people ever stop passing off individual case anecdotes as arguments?

The only thing an individual case can do is prove a statement with an existential quantifier ("There exists...") or disprove a statement with a universal quantifier ("All x...").

Sunnis arabic shitskins are semitics, user...


Give em a couple generations to truly assimilate (well here, not swedistan) and they'll be fiiiine. Get em staring at their iPhones and shit like the rest of us and they won't have the attention span to be terror people

Good for you user hope you enjoy fucking her just don't cum in her you don't want sandnigger babies

If she's legally here, good for her.

If she's not, she has to go back.

Why don't you go back with her? Then you can marry 6 other ones like her and convert to Islam like the shitskin you truly are.

fucking idiot

are muslim trump supporters people who want to get back home but cant afford plain tickets

Aren't muslim women not allowed to bang non muslims? You should convince her to drop her trash religion altogether

>Get vagina stabbed
>Get sand put in vagina
>Need to have it stabbed again for intercourse
>Childbirth way more painful

Yeah, truly rich cultural heritage.

there are Muslims and "muslims"

thats a incredibly broad category that includes somalians

Maybe you should have your girlfriend explain the difference between "legal" and "illegal" to you.

Is she a legal immigrant? Cause the illegals need to go back.

>my gf is a muslim
kill yourself tbqh

Make her convert? If she's a Sunni, she'll submit to you.

It's too late for Sunnis. They had their chance to condemn their fundamentalist brethren, but instead chimp out and cry about "Islamophobia". They are merely sitting on the sideline sulently cheering the Salafist/Wahhabists instead of turning them over.
There will be no chance to go back. When the shit hits the fan they will all be neutralized as a threat.

It depends, will she convert before the 10th crusade? because I wont let any filthy Saracens ruin this one.

tell her to either convert to Ahmadiyya (basically an Islamic version of Christianity) or she has to fuck off

She needs to go to guantanamo to be debriefed, then she has to go back

>Op is fucking an animal.

Why would you even tell people?

Hello (((Alt Cuck)))

Yeah they should ban your country as well desu.

Did your sunni roomie kick you in your numale boipucci when she woke up with the maga you tossed on her?

She needs to go back, right after she watches you being hung from a tree limb.

>one post by this user

Is she legal? whast your geolocation?

If she's dating you she's not a Muslim, she's just a middle easterner. It's the same with people from America who may be nominally Christian but aren't interested in religion.