White nationalism is a joke

Let me explain, this will mostly be a rant aimed towards Americucks.
If I ask a French what's his ethnicity, he'll answer French, if I ask a British what's his ethnicity, he'll answer British, and so on with every single country out there. Some will even name a sub-group within a country. For example, Scotts will claim to be Scottish, even though they live in the UK. Of course we could find some exceptions, but this is a general rule and has been for as long as civilization has existed.
That said, if you were to ask any of these people if they were white, they wouldn't deny it, and they'd probably take some sort of pride in Europe's achievements as a whole, but they take even greater pride when these achievements came from their own country and even more when it comes from their own sub-group.
Now, if I were to ask a white American what's his ethnicity, I would get "white or Caucasian". Of course, he'd probably say he's an American citizen, but when directly asked about his origins, I would get "white".
Even if Americans wanted to take pride in their respective races, they couldn't, for two reasons.
1. They're all mixed, and aren't mixed in the same way.
2. If you'd set up a nationalist pure German descent American group, you'd get close to nobody, because nobody is pure in that country anymore.
Thus was born civic nationalism. The issue with civic nationalism is you open your door to anybody, as long as they pledge to be full blown out patriotic, work for your country and make it better in general.
However, there is no way to measure determination, and these ideas were quickly dropped.
So now, when the immigration department chooses who gets in and who doesn't, they look at who's going to benefit the country the most with their work, rather than if they're willing to become part of this country. So you get sub-groups, sub-cultures, etc. within your own country. (1/2)
Pic related: some identity Europa faggot

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If that was the case with some Irrelevant country such as Canada, Australia, Slovakia, I wouldn't even bother talking about it. However, the issue is far greater, as the American people have set themselves apart by their world domination. Their propaganda machine (Hollywood), their medias, their ideas, everything is being shipped in bulk to other countries. Even when we get a representation of white nationalism, we get just that, instead of a representation of nationalism based on your actual ethnicity. Thus it undermines everything we could seek to acheive, as even the worldwide representation of our ideas aren't clear and their applications would ultimately fail (source: USA/60%land).
>Inb4 Canada is just as mixed
Canada is a little bit less mixed. However, I come from a sub-group within Canada that hasn't really mixed itself with others for centuries.
>Inb4 a fucking leaf
Not an argument
>inb4 we must unite
Sure, I'd rather work with other white people than non-whites, but I'd rather work with my people than any other white first. If our goals align, why not work together? However, don't claim we're part of the same ethnicity or the same group, as we are not. We are natural allies, not the same kin.
>Inb4 Jewish D&C
Read in-between the lines, I'm trying to fix nationalism in white countries, to do that, the US must fall. So to some extent, yes, it's a D&C, but aimed towards Americans, as they are a plague on civilization. (2/2)


>i asked mohammad and he said he's british

>if I ask a British what's his ethnicity, he'll answer British,
British isn't an ethnicity.. English, Scottish, Welsh or Irish is. British is just a term for people residing in Britain.

Nice try though, DAY OF THE RAKE SOON(tm).

No tl;dr for this massive ass-blasted speech?

I've covered that, reread my wall of text:
> Some will even name a sub-group within a country. For example, Scotts will claim to be Scottish, even though they live in the UK.

Yeah but again, British isn't an ethnicity so don't assert that it is or claim that it is because that's what you did.

British doesn't equate to white here, English, Scottish, Welsh and Irish is white, British = pooskins that get off the banana boat, get a passport and claim to be British. Try asking the Mohammed if he's English, he'll tell you "no" and any English person would also tell you "no, Mohammed is not English".

Sup Forums = cognitive dissonance, the board

Overheard some whites in the lab the other day talking about being "italian" and "polish"

One guy thinks his grandmother cooking italian food that she learned from her mother (who actually was italian, born and raised) makes him an italian. of course he doesn't even know 1 word of the language, funny as fuck

You won't get any responses here because these kids feel they have to have some "exotic" heritage to be worth a damn. they don't want to hear that they're just burgers to the rest of the world

White nationalism in America is marginal at best. The reason for America's superiority, what made America great and why other countries look up to it isnce its foundation is precisely what this board despises: inclusiveness and freedom, aka liberalism. The fact that in theory anyone, regardless of their ethnicity or religion has the opportunity to become rich.

Sorry I rustled your jimmies, but it was to lighten up a little my wall of text. If you're going to argue semantics, while I covered why I use certain words and analogies rather than others, you're just being a faggot.
It's not really for you anyway, I want people to wake up on the American question.

The Jew's rule in the State now appears secured to such an extent that he may not only again call himself Jew, but ruthlessly admits his final thoughts as regards nationality and politics. A part of his race even admits quite openly that it is a foreign people, however, not without again lying in this respect. For while Zionism tries to make the other part of the world believe that the national self-consciousness of the Jew finds satisfaction in the creation of a Palestinian State, the Jews again most slyly dupe the stupid goiim.

They have no thought of building up a Jewish State in Palestine, so that they might perhaps inhabit it, but they only want a central organization of their inter- national world cheating, endowed with prerogatives, with thought and the clear goal of destroying, by the bastardiza- tion which would necessarily set in, the white race which they hate, to throw it down from its cultural and political height and in turn to rise personally to the position of master.

For a racially pure people, conscious of its blood, can never be enslaved by the Jew. It will forever only be the master of bastards in this world.

Thus he systematically tries to lower the racial level by a permanent poisoning of the individual.

Politically he denies to the State all means of self-preservation, he destroys the bases of any national self- dependence and defense, he destroys the confidence in the leaders, he derides history and the past, and he pulls down into the gutter everything which is truly great.

In the domain of culture he infects art, literature, theater, smites natural feeling, overthrows all conceptions of beauty and sublimity, of nobility and quality, and in turn he pulls the people down into the confines of his own swinish nature.

Religion is ridiculed, customs and morality are presented as outlived, until the last supports of a nationality in the fight for human existence in this world have fallen.

-Mein Kampf

My jimmies are maintained in the jar just fine. I'm merely correcting you Chang ibn Abdullah al Haq bin ChingChong.

I don't need correction, as I've told you three times now, I covered that part, as I knew it wasn't accurate.
I corrected myself, as I wanted to make a quick jump, while still being accurate. Yet, you correct me on that jump, even though I've claimed it was indeed incorrect in my first post. Which leads me to my second point:
>On the Anglo question:
Throughout the world, we can also pin point some general traits (stereotypes) of certain ethnic groups. For example, the Jews are greedy, the Africans are lazy, the Indians are smelly, etc.
What sets apart the Anglo is their ambition. Ambition can be a great virtue, as well as your path to hell. Being so ambitious, throughout history, the Anglo had no issue siding up with whoever would bring them the most. They set the path for civic nationalism with their worldwide empire. And when came the day, they shook hands with the Jews. Working together, these two groups infiltrated the West, with money and influence, they went into the media industry and subverted populations. One so the Anglo empire would stay strong and the other for their dark purposes.
The Anglos are truly the Jews of the white race.

>the American question


>we all beez da same n sheeit
Nigger please.
Even shitlibs know not to live in a non-white neighborhood.

"If I ask a French what's his ethnicity, he'll answer French, if I ask a British what's his ethnicity, he'll answer British, and so on with every single country out there. "

A country is not necessarily related to a specific ethnicity. French is not an ethnicity, it is a state citizenship. The same goes for Romania which is made of various ethnicities such as Hungarian, Serbs or Germans.

Nonetheless, your efforts are appreciated.

"Thus was born civic nationalism. The issue with civic nationalism is you open your door to anybody, as long as they pledge to be full blown out patriotic, work for your country and make it better in general."

Civic nationalism was born in France. A very successful country in the muzzie civil war business.

kek, have you even read? I'm asking for greater segregation.
>80% white is the American dream
'Murica, fuck yeah.

Yes, I've discussed that with the Anglo and I know I've went too quickly on that question, but, I barely any know any sub-groups within European countries, and as I've stated, sometimes people will identify with one of this sub-group, rather than their general group.
>Civic nationalism was born in France. A very successful country in the muzzie civil war business.
It backfired hard, too. The issue with the French was similar, they had too many sub-groups. The French empire, even within their own European borders were mixed as fuck from all the occupations, invasions post-5th century, etc.
Whether or not they were the first is irrelevant to me, as they aren't mass-producing culture to sell to foreign lands like the Americans are.

>its foundation is precisely what this board despises
that's the funniest part

trump talks about closing our borders, alienating the chinese, etc. based on the idea that everyone needs us and will be forced to come to the table to cut deals

he doesn't understand that the age when a scientist had to come to America to do serious research has long past. they'll just laugh, then go to shanghai, new delhi, sofia antipolis, etc., and take their ideas and money with them.

White nationalism is fake nationalism for rootless Americans who have neither ethnic nor cultural heritage.

Every liberal/socialistic idea you currently know has more or less been invented and promoted by the french. Jews are just hypocrit imitators. French truly believed in their own communism disguised as nationalism.

They successfully poisoned the european well and Germans philosophers gave them the end after that.

>The fact that in theory anyone, regardless of their ethnicity or religion has the opportunity to become rich.
And at the end it's always being the Jew who rules your country.

Nice blog post, Shakespeare.

who is that big guy? Is he /ourguy/? I wonder if he'd like me...

I know major libertarian philosophers were mostly all French, but the founding fathers were greatly influenced by them.
I know the Americans didn't create jackshit, but they're the ones promoting it right now with stupid ideas such as white nationalism.

Science has proven the average intelligence of your friends and associates is equal to your own intelligence.

As a Chinese person, I get asked where I'm from a lot. In my mind, I think “England you ignorant cuck” but if they are nice and aren't coming off as a racist tool I'll discuss my Chinese heritage with them.

Pretty sure everyone you talk to thinks you're an asshole, and you've only proven how much of an asshole you are by your excessive ranting at non existent problems.

But seriously, I want to spare other people from having to deal with your ignorant bullshit so I will tell you outright.

If you ask me my ethnicity, as a Chinese person I will tell you I'm British if I think you're a politically correct cuck that wants to throw me in a box of ethnic groups for you to pander to.

Seriously, fuck off. People like you that go around asking my ethnicity when I barely know you is worse than actual racists who are sometimes mildly amusing to talk to. You're just fucking depressing to be around and have to be told on an anonymous message board by a Chinese person, that when someone replies with "American" they understood your question, they just want you to fuck off and leave them alone.

If I want to tell you my life fucking story and how my parents came to England I'll tell you.

If you're not a fucking asshole and you're brining up my race to have an interesting conversation about food, culture and travel sure you can ask where I'm from.

Youre literally being an autistic cuck getting mad at other people for YOU being an asshole that nobody wants to talk to.

Not only "libertarian" philosophers. Every single thing. Back in the 18th century, France was Europe intellectual powerhouse.

White nationalism is practical reaction in a given context. The US is basically what Europe failed to achieve because of tribal wars.

>If I ask a French...
I don't go around asking people their ethnic background, yours is Chinese (whichever sub-group).
You just went fucking sperglord over an "if".

egas the thread jew

hello page 10

>Pretty sure everyone you talk to thinks you're an asshole, and you've only proven how much of an asshole you are by your excessive ranting at non existent problems.
>proceeds to rant at OP in response to a hypothetical question

>ethnic groups for you to pander to
Appeal to motive fallacy

You're not fucking chinese

thanks for bumbing

now fucking kill yourself cuck faggot

back to page 10

>snowflakes announcing sage as a downvote
back to plebbit , nu/pol/

desu English normally means white, Scottish means north of the boarder (so not necessarily white). British means a shade of brown, a cuck, or somebody speaking about us in a more historical setting.