Why do rght wing retards want to end public schools and send us back to the 1800s is it so more retards vote Republican...

Why do rght wing retards want to end public schools and send us back to the 1800s is it so more retards vote Republican in the future?

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No, we want to end non-White immigration and send blacks back to Africa so our schools can improve.

Why are democrats so afraid of educated black people that they do everything they can to resist school reform? Is it because they know educated black people would never vote for the KKK party?

people were much smarter in the 1800's

If you want a school, build it fucking lazy faggot.

stop race mixing you fucking traitors

>school choice is bad m'okay

>what is the flynn effect

>public skool
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Have you been to a public school in the last few years? It's a fucking joke, the kids don't learn shit.