>far right anti Islam activist
>killed an island full of social democrat cucks
>also bombed their headquarters
>killed 77 people in total
>injured up to 300
>was sentenced to 21 years in prison
>did not appeal
>later on sued the Norwegian correctional services for violating his human rights
>went to court asking for a playstation
>am pretty sure he got the playstaion
>will probably get out in 15 years tops
Goddamn is this hilarious
We need more people like ander breivik
The Norwegian prison system is fucking hilarious
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He's a political prisoner. no way he's ever seeing daylight as a free man again. stay comfy, Anders!
mfw Brevik's cell is more comfy than my appartment
Guarantee hell be out in the next 15 years
he will never get out, in norway the maximum sentence is 21 years, but if you get the type of sentence he did the norwegian government has to review the case then decide whether to let him out or not
basically he received the norwegian version of "1,250 years in prison"
He's so cringy. But no, they'll never approve his release.
he will never.
anyone who is deemed dangerous will get his sentence extended.
So he is gonna be there until he dies.
He won't get out, and out prison system is one of the best.
Will Norway extradite a foreigner who commits a crime in their country?
I can't pull refugee card, too white. I'll come over and kill some brownies if I get a cool apartment cell with nice computer and maybe 3ds. And steam stipend.