Russia is Savior

If any country can save Europe one day in future it's Russia.From all major European countries Russia is the most red-pilled

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A slave saves no one in this filthy cesspool. Europe needs to fuck off. Only Russians matter.

>European countries

very true, i agree


Also, is not Russian.

Russia is one of the most cucked country on the Earth excuse me my french

Yeah, the most degenerate, aggressive, incompetent shithole of a country, that's done more harm to Europe than any other country in the past century, is going to save Europe.

Are you scared of them,ha faggot?

Bitch please i am pure blooded blond aryan moscovite in 12 generation.
piss off churka.

Putin is the last saviour of the white race

Poland is the savior because it's still catholic, Russia on the other hand is still bolshevik...

Best leader in the world.Do you know any better right now?Not even Trump would ban homosexual parades and kick the Jewish Oligarchs out like he did.

Bolsheviks moved west when they formed Frankfurt School of Cultural Marxism.

15% Muslim

Sadly, you are wrong, montenigger.

This tbqh.

And this is me.
You have to go back.

Go shoot some heroin, Ilya... btw. how is your HIV infection going? xoxo

Say "Chechnya rules!"

are you joking or just being patriotic russian with real estate in montenigra?


>kick the Jewish Oligarchs
Abramovich, Deripaska and other jewish oligarchs are his friends and supporters.

This is also not Russian. Probably same cuck, from previous - just changed proxy.

russia has already saved europe

Putin tipped the dominos that will send the whole euro-globalist enterprise toppling down last year

now that the process has started, there is no turning back

Yes, this is what i`m talking about.

Well they don't control Putin like they did that drunk Yeltsin during 1990s.Putin is not puppet of anyone.

>vatniks being paranoid as usual
Well, colour me surprised (not).

Taк и ceйчac вce пpoдoлджaeтcя - пидopы oчкacтыe нaм лaпшy нa yши вeшaют, клeвeщyт нa Poccию, ocкopбляют Poccию, Пyтинa, a caми нa пoлyчкe y Гocдeпa, ЦPУ и бypжyeв cидят. Toлькo и ждyт, чтoбы Poccию paзвaлить и ycтpoить хaoc и вoйнy. Hичeгo нe мeняeтcя в Poccии. Hac вceгдa бyдyт нeнaвидeть и cтpeмитьcя yничтoжить. Cнaчaлa Гepцeн, дeкaбpиcты, пoтoм нapoдoвoльцы, эcepы, пoтoм бoльшeвики, зaтeм тpoцкиcты и диccидeнты, a ceйчac либepacты и нaциoнaл-пpeдaтeли.

I am Serbian from Montenegro,and very Pro-Russia

> repeating shitty "joke" he freshly invented
> oy vey muh russians are paranoid for not liking my genious humor

Oh, of course they don't.

Taк ceбe пacтa.

I'm done

will stop browsing for a week.

Cool flag dude.

Putin does not care about Russians at all. That is not what people would call "red pilled".

USA/UK/Russia triumvirate against Germany

Where have I seen this before?

Putin and Trump and if elected Le Pen can work together against Globalists.
EU/NATO/Merkel would be on the other side.

will a friendly russian tell Tимoфeй Пoдycт I think he's cute

Montenigger thinks its opinion matters

>freshly invented
Back to odnoklassniki, vodkanigger.
Where did you even get the mental capacity to learn English?

don't take it literally, Sup Forums is ironic. its all memes about Russia, just like bogdapill. Don't take it seriously.

> USA/UK/Russia triumvirate against Germany
Fuck off, we wont fall for this shit for the third time. You want to fight with EU or China - fucking do it yourself.

You can have western ukraine, if you need american base to nuke berlin. Just fuck off with your ISIS from Krym and Novorussia.

Chechens are scum

Why is it always countries that don't border Russia, the ones that shill the hardest for pootin?

>Just trust Patriarch Kiril and everything will be fine
I actually feel sad about Russia It's a beautiful place but it never changes it still feels like upgraded USSR 2.0 only with extra capitalist policies.
t. visited Omsk.

Kek. Top bantz. Germany about to get BTFO. Wall in Berlin when?

>Where did you even get the mental capacity to learn English?
I did not. For Russians it`s a Chinese room. You`d know that, if you`d be Russian.

no, some people of every nation are scum, but generally even chechens are good people. They a very traditional and religious.

Bezmenovs explained it they are just usefull idiots for masses. we have gone through it so we are immune to shilling tactics from both sides.

>a picture with ISISchan
love it


That sounds more like EU only with extra faggotry and immigration



Ukraine is a fake country


How do you feel about Yugoslavia?

Both are the same only instead of Merkel they have Putin.


chinese room? really? Have you watched some pseudo-educational video about AI recently and suddenlty decided that you are an expert that can throw that word around, thinking it will give more weight to any of your stupid non-arguments? I have been on /pol since 2012 and i have been in USA twice so i understand everything.

Oh, so you didn't. Why are you doing here then, degenerate bydlo scum? Пpишёл пиндocaм дoкaзывaть, кaкaя poccиюшкa вeликaя?


He's dreaming of his future in such a world. Also every time I use it, I laugh. I can't help it. Oh Amerifags, I hope you aren't all him.


Putin is a cuck. Dugin is the man that Russia needs

Well it was a mess created by Clinton and Blair

I was hoping Sup Forums would see through that, but I guess I'm too naive.


It will save Europe from itself by crumbling to death.


Because your Western Jewish media was keep calling Putin Hitler during 2014 and 2015 he had to do something

Soros liberal shill want to sell out their country for xboxes and iphones to have gayparades

Dugin literally wants the white race fucking gone. He's Eurasianist shill. Fuck him. Europe is Europe not to be merged with central Asian moslems.

They are nigger-tier retards, who destoryed one of top republic economies in USSR, built by Russians, having oil and best in USSR settlements backup from Kazachstan, in less than 7 years.

Even ukroniggers had to do it for 25 years straight.

You know, niggers in africa had colonization and now they are exploited by china for resources. So they are as poor, as ukrainians.

Nobody ever exploited chechens. All the exploitation in Russian empire was about banning them from war. And ussr episode with resettlement was about "durr if we place these savages in best homes with best russian graduates serving all their social needs, they`ll turn civilized". Guess what? It turned out different from the communist plan.

Do you support South Slavic unity, though?

He's cute to me, but no I'm not like him.

Can you just imagine how devestated the hohols will be if Le Pen get's elected? They thought Trump was bad news, just fucking wait LMAO

Despite a significant reduction in the abortion to birth ratio since the mid-1990s, the countries of the former Soviet Union maintain the highest rate of abortions in the world. In 2001, 1.31 million children were born in Russia, while 2.11 million abortions were performed.

Yeah, nah...fuckin disgusting monsters...



I think he just want Geopolitical alliance against the West

Sure. Can you fuck off back to riga, to nato office of ministry of fighting the russian propaganda now?

there is no such thing
multiethnic and economically different countries cannot be governed by a single government, even less so with cancerous communists at the wheel

he is postmodernist philosopher so you don't need to take his words literally. If he talks about white race he is talking about structures of power tha control the world right now - jews, and wealthy bankers. And he wants more power to Chinese, Russians and Africans so they could decide their own fate and not be prisioners of the decisions that a made by "white people".

Only bydlo supports Putin

All your shit from a country that just elected a massive kike. I'm.not disagreeing but fucking irony.



> I have been on /pol since 2012 and i have been in USA twice so i understand everything.
Hah. I have been on pol since 2017 and i never been to usa. But unlike you, i`m Russian, so you can fuck off and die.

She's ahead in the pols by 7%

>inb4 muh 2nd round
republicucks will vote for her against marcon

>"Mountain of Niggers"


Dugin just wants a way to combat American liberalism. He doesn't want all races to be merged together. The Eurasian should just ex Soviet republics and maybe Iran

We tried 2 times,it ended in wars.

you are wrong and you just repeat lies writen by anglo agents who want Russia to give up caucasus for nothing. These agents of brittish call themselves Russian natinalists but they don't see Russia intrests, they work for anglo and repeat after anglo

This stupid bitch probably got an abortion after this...


Kinda wish I lived there, but alas.
You should fuck off back to ru-net though, yeah. To sosach or some cancerous """patriotic""" public in VK.

> Soros liberal shill want to sell out their country for xboxes and iphones to have gayparades
If this would be an option, you`d be first in line at his office.
