Why do men make superior women?

Why do men make superior women?


y chromosome makes brain bigger / body larger


>those hands

>t. faggot

why aren't you making a thread about Donbass?


>hormone abuse and superficial changes make me a wimmen XDDDDDD
Black women are full of testosterone, are they superior?

That face is still a dead giveaway. However, that is a nice, smooth bum.

Stop posting porn

>superior women

>shows themselves whoring out and performing like a fucking babboon
>a large number of them become prostittuyes or porn stars
>ENTIRE identity is attention and validation

Yea, totally better than real women. Absolutely

It's because these men are autogynophiliacs, which means that they are turned on by making themselves appear female. They thus know what turns on a male and dress and behave in such way and often with confidence which also contributes to their attractiveness.


Was anyone else literally praying there was a penis?

Praying mantits?

That's a DUDE. Disgusting.

How can women compete?

This is the first time I've seen a Georgian poster.
Holy fuck, you guys generally hug the Orthodox threads. What's a Georgo doin' in here?

Women are annoying. Blah blah blah is what they fucking say. My wife is a naggy old witch and my daughter is a dimwitted bint. I wish the pair of them were dead. I hate the beauty of women, they draw you in with it but they are like demons who destroy the life of every man. WOMEN CALLED ME WITH THEIR ALLURE AND WILY WAYS and then I was a like a fly in the hag's web. The only way to break free of these hoors is to move on to hot ladyboys, trannies, sissies and teen traps. I tell you women wouldn't have any power over men then. "Why didn't you do that thing I asked you." "Silence bitch, I don't need your old Bea Arthur lookin mug any more." I bring in a slim, dainty angel with long flowing golden hair and show her to my wife. TAKE A LONG LOOK AT IT, YOU MISERABLESLUG. And what do we have here? IT'S A DICK, A FUCKING DICK I PREFER THIS NOW. Waa Waa what about the life we built together?! Oh stick it up your cunt, you fuckin resemble Boutros Boutros-Ghali I was imagining my daughter's friends in bed this whole time QUELLE FROMAGE


feminine (male) on female is the best

10/10 would suck her feminine benis and it wouldn't be gay.

because you're a literal homosexual

Now that's a bit gross. She still looks like a boy from the tits down.

Thats because he is a boy

i'm gay and not attracted to MtFs in the slightest, stop spreading disinfo