CRACKED garbage now

WTF happened to this website? CRACKED was my go-to humor site growing up and I have the fondest memories of laughing my ass off with friends my freshman and sophomore years of high school... we would be exclusively on cracked during study breaks and free periods.

Fast forward four years later... I haven't been on the site in ages, so I decide to visit again on a whim and it's literally just anti-Trump anti-Putin hit pieces galore. That wouldn't bother me... but the writing is horrendous.

wtf happened Sup Forums?


Other urls found in this thread:

what's this cracked thing?
like blacked but with white guys?

humor site, or at least it was once upon a time

Before it relied on actual content for traffic and revenue

Now it's nothing but click bait.

captured and corrupted by globalists


He doesn't know about listverse

It went from "5 Badass Soliders Who Overcame Impossible Odds" to "7 Ways to Explain White Privilege to a Trump Supporter (as a Transgendered Muslim)"

Used to be a comedy website of sort with interesting articles about random subjects from animals to architecture. Now it's a SJW cesspool with wagegap articles and the like

>go-to humor site
>growing up

I remember when Cracked was a shitty Mad Magazine clone. It was terrible even back then.