>Paul Nuttall's Nukip Visiontheguardian.com /politics/2017/feb/07/paul-nuttalls-nukip-vision-beer-swilling-is-an-image-of-the-past
>MPs promised 'Deal or No Deal' vote on final Brexit dealbbc.co.uk /news/uk-politics-38895007
>Hitchens on the Anglo-Japanese Alliance, broken up by Americanshitchensblog.mailonsunday.co.uk /2017/02/some-replies-to-correspondents-and-critics-japan-cressida-dick-and-cycling.html
>Paul Nuttall: A win in Stoke would top EU Electionsexpress.co.uk /news/politics/764281/
>Speaker John Bercow oversteps his authority and claims that Klblembfleplemlfskin shouldn't be allowed to address the Commons, as well as scrapping the tradition of wearing wigsbbc.co.uk /news/uk-politics-38884604 bbc.co.uk /news/uk-politics-38882188
>Tories: "If you voted Leave to lower immigration you're in for a rude awakening - Cuts in immigration are not achievable"independent.co.uk /news/uk/politics/brexit-immigration-voters-eu-nationals-stephen-crabb-white-paper-a7562466.html
>Civil servants who leak national security secrets face up to 14 years in jail, in the first overhaul of the Official Secrets Act in a century due to "the growing threat from Russia"telegraph.co.uk /news/2017/02/02/exclusive-spies-civil-servants-leak-secrets-face-14-years-jail/
>Muslim pupils outnumber Christian children in more than 30 church schools, including one CoE primary that has a 100% Muslim populationthetimes.co.uk /edition/news/muslim-pupils-fill-the-pews-at-anglican-schools-gp2jzvslc
>Stoke Labour deny seeking an alliance with the Lib Dems to stop UKIPindependent.co.uk /news/uk/politics/jeremy-corbyn-labour-paul-nuttall-collaboration-liberal-democrats-in-upcoming-stoke-on-trent-by-a7562506.html
>Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell proposes cap on energy pricesbbc.co.uk /news/uk-politics-38858225
February 8, 2017 - 06:09
Now, what does Nietzsche believe? He believes that strength is moral glory. That courage is the highest form of morality. That life is hierarchical. That everything’s elitist. There’s a hierarchy in each individual. And a hierarchy in every group of individuals. There’s a hierarchy between groups of individuals. Inequality is what right-wing ideas really mean.
Right-wing ideas aren’t just a bit of flag-waving and baiting a few Muslims. Right-wing ideas are spiritually about inequality. The left loves equality. It believes we’re all the same. We must be treated the same. And they believe that as a morality. As a moral good which will be imposed.
February 8, 2017 - 06:11
Rate this subversive meme lads
February 8, 2017 - 06:11
February 8, 2017 - 06:11
But they're the chosen people goy
February 8, 2017 - 06:12