Daily reminder that nationalism is fucking garbage. Especially when it manifests in fascist-style abominations like with you bastards
Daily reminder that nationalism is fucking garbage...
Daily reminder there isn't enough rope on the planet to hang all the shitskins like you
>Be me, chimp
>tfw 3'4 beta chimplet
>Born and raised in zoo enclosure
>One day finished daily task of hitting tire swing with stick and smearing it with feces
>Perform this ritual every day so the Gods may reward our offering with chimp snax.
>See my lifetime crush Chimpette swinging over on a vine
>have to say something
>"H-how's it h-hanging?"
>she giggles "you're so cute Chimpanon."
>Suddenly out of nowhere Chimpad comes and immediately starts fucking the shit out Chimpette right in front of me
>mfw she's enjoying it
>"When you're the alpha chimp they let you do it."
>He beats the shit out of me afterwards to assert dominance
>No place in chimpciety: can't escape because zoo enclosure is the only reference point I have, and therefore can't conceive of anything else, can't get qt Chimpettes cuz Chimpad's biological dominance, stuck with dead end job smearing feces on the tire swing.
>Fall into deep chimpression.
>Start questioning reality because no other option, thinking it's rigged against me.
>See the hairless Gods atop their terrace, pointing at me, but can't understand what they are saying.
>Keep listening and watching and eventually learn some of their symbols and words
>Interpret what they are saying and realize all my chimp life I've been imprisoned, and the Gods are not gods, nothing but hairless chimps.
>Tell all the other chimps
>They don't believe me, so Chimpad stomps on my head
>"Lmao bro you're crazy man."
>Stuck in between the chimps and (((they))), but completely alone
>Go insane
>Break shit, throw shit, and attack the zookeeper. when he comes in to "feed" us
>Insane chimp strength lets me rip off his face
>Other chimps watching
>Humans are screaming
>Get shot
>Other chimps don't really care because already excluded from hierarchy
>Everything goes back to normal
What is the man with the flag yelling?
I'd say only white nationalism is garbage. We have nothing to be proud of.
Minorities on the other hand deserve pride after what we put them through.
They need the boot stamped onto their face before they realise it OP
OP sounds like a troll or a left-retard, but nationalism is still garbage. Keep holding onto your imaginary ideal of the "nation".
Daily reminder courtesy of a right libertarian
Leaf. blow on