How will history remember white people when we go extinct?

How will history remember white people when we go extinct?

how do we remember Neanderthals?

There won't be history anymore when white people go extinct.

We have all the nukes. If we go down we're taking the rest of the world with us.

assuming liberals don't revise everything we'll look like the most innovative and determined race. also most attractive

Once white people go extinct there will be no history lessons because non-whites are fucking dumb!

what is wrong with their mouths????


There won't be anyone to remember us if we are to go extinct

when zimbabwe got rid of the whites, mugabe begged them to come back because they couldnt farm for shit

now imagine what would happen if white people were gone for good the whole world over

It will be like "Ian Smith was right" but about everything.

Extinct already

its ok that happens when you someone is happy it is called smiling maybe you will be able to do it one day

asians will genocide the hispanics and blacks

>Im sorry who?
Jews will edit the very existence of whites from history.

I don't care, any more. Whole world can fucking burn after I'm dead.

>How will history remember white people when we go extinct?

They wont because we will take everyone with us.

The world will go to hell without us

Both scenarios - we win

THIS.Nobody remembers Neanderthals but everyone wants to know something about them.

Rollins is that you?

Neanderthals did jack shit

wont happen. Whites hold too much power over the world. there is around whites. once poverty hits, whites will start breeding like crazy again, since poverty creates hard men and hard men make many children.


there won't be any written history by then.