Bill Kristol wants white Americans to be replaced

Not exactly a shocker but since he apparently didn't want this statement of his to go public, I figured I would help it go public. With chucklefuck retards like this running the conservative movement in the past it's no wonder it failed so hardcore.

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Would bang the lady in the picture op.

Yeah, me too. Wish I knew who she was.

Maybe there is something wrong with society and how it is structured that is causing this so called loss of purpose and will... hmmmm.............. Naw better to just import poor people so the cycle can continue.

>People still don't understand that Zionist are the real threat and "globalist" is a red herring to drive attention away from them into a empty path to nowhere.
Btw Trump is considering kristols colleague from PNAC Elliott Abrams to be secretary of state and yet nu/pol/ has been silent.

And he is talking to Charles Murray, Mr. Bell Curve himself. Murray must be a fucking idiot if he opposed the only candidate who cared about immigration. Do his policy suggestions simply not follow from his beliefs?

Trump was simply the best possible choice available. That and memes are fun.

>Kristol was born on December 23, 1952 in New York City, into a Jewish family.
Of course.

Is that a dude?

Dude that's disgusting, can't you see she's a nigger?