You guys don't actually know anything about politics

Go on, prove me wrong. Say something smart. This place is merely a chamber to get mad at the latest liberal gossip rag. The only election you know anything about is Donald Trump's, and I mean, I could ask you what year it is in Cuba and you would have no idea.

it's unfortunate, it'd be nice to talk.

i mean you're not wrong

>I could ask you what year it is in Cuba and you would have no idea.

It's 2017 there, too, you dumb fucking leaf.

Is that what google told you?


You're a faggot


Trudeau is a pussy

Who the fuck cares about Cuba? The only time anyone cared about it is when that pig Castor finally croaked.
The superpowers of the world always garner the most attention because their FUCKING SUPERPOWERS.
Liberals are fun to mock and criticise because they've been on a retarded streak of denying reality. Even centrist liberals themselves acknowledge how stupid they're acting.
People argue all the time on here.

I care more about Cuba than I do gossip columnists. It's a nice place, and one of the few places in the world not ruined by Americans. I am pleased that Trump appears to be freezing the relations again that Obama tried to thaw. And luckily, liberals only care if muslim countries get banned so it should be a safe haven for some time yet.