He knew about the pedo rings

he knew about the pedo rings

he participated you dingus

>this meme

I went to the same school as two major hollywood actors. When I was 12 or 13 A couple of my teachers showed me a child slave alley in sydney

So why did trump do a complete 180 on the clintons when he actually got power? From locker her up to, praising her as a good person and removing any idea of investigation.

>that id
We're onto you.

because he learned how bad it is

let the filth think its in the clear

He was waiting for sessions

He also raped multiple women with his octopus arms.

They just so happened not to come out against the billionaire until 30 years later when he was running for president

HAHA seriously! Who would believe that crap! Now let's get back to talking about a secret child sex ring, funded by the Rothschild's and the Clinton's, which is based out of a Washington DC pizza parlor in one of the most conspicuous places on the planet! We can't keep letting them get away with it. Praise Kek haha :DDD