Hotep Alt-Right Alliance?

What is it Sup Forums?

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Give me a chance I suppose.

What's this? They black or something?
I'm going to assume they're black separatists, and if they are, it makes sense they see people like us as a natural ally.

It's nothing we don't need 60 IQ niggers to help us

probably another Jewish psyop to steer the alt-right from white nationalism. just like (((Milo))) and (((Infowars)))

Wow, just goes to show...
What goes around, comes around, you know?

Wtf, I love Tyrone now.

I never authorized an alliance

If we turn blacks against Jews Sup Forums will finally have destroyed them.

I think we both know that (((you))) are the problem.

These aren't fucking organisations that decide the policies for everyone, why should anyone give a shit about a supposed alliance?

>Tfw blacks destroy (((Jews)))
>Tfw we had to get other races to do our job
>Tfw "how can white bois even compete" continues

I'm guessing that like literally every other news story involving the "alt right" it's a total fabrication.

The only black movement I will support is a diaspora black nationalist platform that wants to kick the Chinese developers out and start a pan African customs union with its capital in Ethiopia

>I'm going to assume they're black separatists, and if they are, it makes sense they see people like us as a natural ally.

Anyone who wants a White country would be ridiculous to oppose Blacks who want the same thing.

Imagine how a black born with a white mans brain must feel. Will you not let him in?

>Tfw we had to get other races to do our job

A-are we the jews now?


Heebs will not divide us

I step with Hotep.

There's a video too

Ah, beat me to it! But seriously, this is kind of what we want.
>group of white people that want a separate society
>group of black people that want a separate society
These things are complimentary, guys.

>So Black people who act like niggers are just being used as pawns of the jews to destabilize cities.

Their purpose is to culturally enrich White nations out of existence, and ((("""Black""" Nationalists))) were an essential proxy which was disproportionately instigated by Jews for that end (in order to eliminate their [Jews'] White opposition).

>And Blacks who act normal human being are just being used to push Globalism.

Does pic related seem normal to you?

>Ho Boy them Jews sure are sneaky.

The Jews' objective is in creating the conditions to allow Blacks inside White nations in order to push: , which will necessarily culminate with .

In this case, it's a pitiful attempt at entryism in order to dilute the decidedly White Nationalist aspect behind the so called "Alt-Right" by pushing a grotesque Multiracial fallacy as described in 's link which has nothing to do with White Nationalism.

It's exactly that (I knew I had heard this "Hotep" meme somewhere before); see: .

>The media is controlled by “them”
Black nazis?

one black man with a bit of sense in a country full of niggers.

Why don't they emulate him?

Based JLR


Are they for racial segregation?

Reminds me of Rockwell and Nation Of Islam.

I won't let him in, but I would not violate the NAP agreement we make.


Honestly I am sure a bunch of stormniggers would be pissed, but it would be nice to see TJ sotomayor or some other black sepratist speak at NPI or AmRen.

There needs to be more done to get blacks on board with black sepratism.

If you frame the argument through their lens 'whites have been exploiting us' and say that its wrong, though you may disagree with the specifics, you think a divorce would prevent that and would be beneficial to both parties.

tripzs w/ triple doobs checkin myself