>During his first four years in office, Gov. Dayton raised the state income tax from 7.85 to 9.85 percent on individuals earning over $150,000, and on couples earning over $250,000 when filing jointly — a tax increase of $2.1 billion. He’s also agreed to raise Minnesota’s minimum wage to $9.50 an hour by 2018, and passed a state law guaranteeing equal pay for women. Republicans like state representative Mark Uglem warned against Gov. Dayton’s tax increases, saying, “The job creators, the big corporations, the small corporations, they will leave. It’s all dollars and sense to them.” The conservative friend or family member you shared this article with would probably say the same if their governor tried something like this. But like Uglem, they would be proven wrong.
>Between 2011 and 2015, Gov. Dayton added 172,000 new jobs to Minnesota’s economy — that’s 165,800 more jobs in Dayton’s first term than Pawlenty added in both of his terms combined. Even though Minnesota’s top income tax rate is the fourth highest in the country, it has the fifth lowest unemployment rate in the country at 3.6 percent. According to 2012-2013 U.S. census figures, Minnesotans had a median income that was $10,000 larger than the U.S. average, and their median income is still $8,000 more than the U.S. average today.
>2017 >still falling for the trickle down jew
republicucks btfo, how will they ever recover?
Liam Robinson
>huffington post
Stopped reading there.
Fake news
Andrew Ramirez
maybe account for economic variables LIKE A FUCKING BUSINESS CYCLE
Lincoln Williams
The problem with soshalism is that you eventually run out of other peoples money
Besides, Trump was saving/creating jobs and drawing investments from foreign nations before he even took office.
The meme "Trumped up trickle down" was a failure, its basically just saying "a system that will actually work" seeing as how Donald Trump has like a 96% success ratio for his business ventures.
Making everyone slaves to welfare is no better than regular trickle down. Its the reason most blue states are the ones with large deficits. While most "dumb" "poor" red states are the ones posting a surplus. But "Trumped up trickle down" is clearly a superior option to both traditional alternatives offered by the establishment.
Joseph Jones
>implying Republican spend responsibly and Democrats just waste it
Robert Thomas
>paying for old/poor people to survive longer vs >paying from weapons
Honestly, does anyone actually believe old/poor people are better for a society than weapons? Spoiler: they aren't. Weapons get you power and influence, old/poor people drain your social service budget.
Caleb Gomez
Need more Sup Forumsacks here in the North Star. Minnesota Reich when?