Anyone else sorta regret voting for Trump? Don't get me wrong hes better then Killary...

Anyone else sorta regret voting for Trump? Don't get me wrong hes better then Killary, but at the same time I feel the next 4 years will be more chaos, riots, blockages by the dems, lawsuits, etc...

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No you fucking faggot im trying to have a discussion. Although if we get national conceal carry in NJ and MD my vote would be worth it, but im sure we could have got that with someone like Cruz or Rubio too.


Eat a dick faggot

He will bring Law and Order. Once he does, all this will stop. Criminals and Libshits have ran free for 8 years, it's gunna take some time to turn that around.

I wouldn't regret it all. I don't see how I would. I'm not going to cower because people are crying cause my candidate one. They should learn the fucking lesson already.

Destroying a corrupt system is bad? People are to comfortable these days rather have a a comfy society with corrupt politicians that take a stand...

I swear this generation is Fucking weak

How so when states ran by lib fucks wont deploy the guard or even let cops do there job against protesters and rioters?

Weak how? Its just another annoyance, dealing with these degenerates and im damn sure not going to catch an assault charge fighting over trump

It just means we're winning. This is their final shit fest before they start to die out. Have you seen what Trump's capable of??
Everything will fall into place
Get this concern trolling outta here