What would happen if Twitter banned Donald Trump?

What would happen if Twitter banned Donald Trump?

They're stock would go down.

he would be btfo


Fuck me, their.

It would cause an amazing shitstorm.

It would be extremely painful

Donald Trump would ban twitter...

>and nothing of value was lost

They would un-ban him immediately, but they would never recover.

Trump would launch a new twitter alternative named Trumpet

twitter would go the way of myspace.

This, this stock rockets up 1,000,000%



Twitter would probably die within the week.

Trump would nationalize Twitter and replace its CEO with Chuck Johnson

he would fire them

FCC, IRS start investigating Twitter

Hilarity and
this and
this and

Twitter, Facebook, Google and Youtube need to be deleted from the Internet by EO pronto anyway desu desu kawaii desu.

Trumpr.us would mop the floor with them

Would Trump try to establish his own version of Twitter?