I will not deny an expectant mother the healthcare she deserves.
Healthcare for All
Samuel Brooks
Other urls found in this thread:
Grayson Russell
I will deny an expectant child the life he or she deserves.
Bentley Smith
There is no duty to act morally towards a being that is unable to do so himself.
Adrian Hill
Well you should have become a doctor then.
Jaxson Robinson
Bernfags are pro-animal abuse, wow
Logan Morris
So... the elderly, comatose, severely injured etc.
Liberals confirmed for literal scum.
Andrew Davis
I will deny anyone anything
Freedom ain't free, it's gotta be paid in the blood of the weak
Camden Ward
Didn't this fucking transphobe bigot get the memo?!
Aaron Adams
What a useful idiot you are
Jaxson Rodriguez
Freedom is what your girl is when she's not busy.