The power of trolling

How is it that online trolls have been able to dismantle cultural Marxism in recent years?
>YouTube/MTV's LGBT agenda got BTFO
>Hillary Clintons identity politics got BTFO
>/hwndu/ type "protest" getting BTFO
The radical left is getting reduced to paying protesters and making shows on Netflix, both likely to get BTFO.

How is weaponized autism having such an effect on multi-billion dollars worth of propaganda?

Other urls found in this thread:

humor. It kills nonsense faster than reason.

People hate serious shit. If you can something serious into a joke you can garner a lot of attention.

This. I'm loving every moment of it. Next on the list is to fix Europe and it's refugee crisis. Either that or make Canada great again. Let's brew up some MEMES.

froggy memes

Fortunately the alt-right has complete dominance in the field of trolling.

xdddd checkem

Seriously though their power scares me. In a good way.

r8 my coffee mug

>humor. It kills nonsense
sadly you are only creating more

is this hwndu thread