Have you paid respects to your neo-feudal overlords today?
Have you paid respects to your neo-feudal overlords today?
Landon Sanders
Blake Cruz
Humanity will be extinct in 2317.
Ethan Kelly
(((Lgt+b is electronic))) in the current year
all non gay humans have transcended
Hunter Bell
You're fucking crazy, man. To the Savage Reservation with you.
Isaac Roberts
> 2317
> not being a pansexual transgender genderfluid Muslim
I thought that in the current year bigots would be no more :'(
Chase Rogers
Humanity wont, whitey will.
Christopher Evans
In the year 2525
Evan Turner
Remember the China-America War 250 years ago? Of course you don't, because you're dead.
We're all dead.
Leo Brooks
Praise be to Thoth.
Check my palindrome
Kayden Peterson
Goddamn Covenant space-muslims glassed Reach!