Hotep and Alt-right

How does Sup Forums feel about Hotep extending the olive branch to white nationalist, and Hotep in general?

In my opinion, they seem pretty based and above the typical nigger mentality, despite the typical "kangs" esque name.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Bubba Hotep

They'll ultimately demand what is ours.
I don't trust them at all. We won't be able to work together for the simple reason that they think they have any right to what is ours.
Africa is theirs. It is a giant continent filled with resources.
They need to go there, stay there, and get themselves in order.

Looking through the article, it seems fine, although the nogs do have to go back in the long term. If they can manage to steer the black population toward nationalism, that would be a helpful development.

Ultimately agreed, but for the time being they have the same goals, no? In my opinion, a nationalist of any color is an ally, until they become an enemy.

Enemy of my enemy is my friend and all that.

I don't agree with the separation of races, which is clearly unconstitutional.

>Enemy of my enemy is my friend
Foll's mantra.
Don't work with a dangerous element without a gun at its back.

>I don't agree with the separation of races
No one asked you faggot.

Separate but equal is illegal per Brown v. Board of Education (1954).

Can be changed.
Either way no one asked for your opinion.
If you aren't white or nigger nationalist then you're excluded from the discussion on whether or not we'll temporarily work together.