Is Real Estate literally become rich for dummies?

Real Estate sounds like such an easy way to become rich, 2bh.

You just have to buy, rent or sell

sounds like you listen to too much Tai Lopez

"Real estate" is a buzzword for bums who want to sound smart. Most people involved in real estate don't make that much money. Also, it's an all-encompassing term, For example, that crackhouse in Detroit is "real estate" just as much as the high-rise condo in lower Manhattan.

>be landlord
>get rent money from the peons
>pay rent

People who get rich in real estate are killers. Like I'm sure some of them would literally murder someone for a deal if they knew they wouldn't suffer any consequences.

You need a decent bit of money to purchase said real estate in the first place.

But yeah, it can net you a pile of money if you're smart about it.

not anymore. the crash is coming.

all you need is a small loan of one million dollars from your dad and you're set for life

Wouldn't anyone?

Yeah once I save up enough I'll be buying up property in Chicago then sit back as the value quadruples once Trump cleans up the city

More millionaires are made in real estate than any other field so yes it is easy mode to get rich... assuming the market stays up and you get a deal and don't buy at the top of the housing market...