Just love this picture and reminding you it exists

Just love this picture and reminding you it exists.

Other urls found in this thread:


I appreciate that

Kek, thanks bud.

>Their faces
It's just so perfect, you couldn't make it better even if you tried.

What do you thing is going though their minds?

Weiners looks like a man who knows he won't have to go through the whole death letter/buying gun bullshit since the CIA will take care of that for him, he knew it was over a long time ago and just accepts it.

His wife on the other hand looks like someone who thought could get away with it but now realises it's over.

How much whites are there in Honduras?

Taken this morning (srs)

Anyone got the pic of Jones/Young Turds election night result ?

Someone shop it so top image is them looking at the monitor and the bottom them looking at (you)

Enjoying the diversity?

I also like to remind you that Trump is just an Obama copycat...
