Thread for discussion of National Socialism, Fascism, AntiCom, White Nationalism, Japanese Nationalism, and any and all sub/pan-European Nationalism. All non-inbred :^) ethnic nationalists are welcome to participate in these discussions.
卐 VIDEO OF THE WEEK ϟϟ >Adolf Hitler - You Said I Was A Dreameryoutu.be /lmGqG3grTrg
卐 AESTHETIC PROPAGANDA ϟϟ >Truth Will Triumphyoutu.be /8ymEKiY1UR8 >No Apologiesyoutu.be /K63PN2bxAXE >The Jewish Problem - Joseph Goebbelsyoutu.be /s6StVNfcttc >Think Differentyoutu.be /qvTAottN_8o >Waffen SS - They Fought for us!youtu.be /AnBZ4UToLwQ >George Lincoln Rockwell - American National Socialismyoutu.be /FaCHBmGWcBc >Adolf Hitler's Warningyoutu.be /kzIRG525l6s >The National Socialist Revolutionyoutu.be /RmtuCzKy83U
卐 IF YOU DO NOT SEE A GENERAL IN THE CATALOG IT'S YOUR DUTY TO CREATE ONE! ϟϟ >Full original pasta - pastebin.com /raw/vPZPyDhK >Condensed version - pastebin.com /raw/tGp8dt3B
卐 NEWS, RADIO, COMMENTARY & FORUMS ϟϟdailystormer.com / ironmarch.org / stormfront.org /forum/ infostormer.com / counter-currents.com / therightstuff.biz / vnnforum.com /
February 8, 2017 - 14:27
卐 WHITE GENOCIDE & JEWISH INFLUENCE ϟϟ ------ >Endgame - White Genocideyoutu.be /uMfk5UeGw4E >The Jewish-Bolshevik Decimation of the Russian Peopleyoutu.be /DC8GLciF-5s >Jewish financiers and the Russian Revolutionyoutu.be /Qa-dInQEa-4 >Putin confirms, 85% Jews behind Bolshevismyoutu.be /j6p1zxKnDeM >The Talmudic basis of Jewish supremacyyoutu.be /CEAmtWd6aD0 >Miscegenation illegal in Israelyoutu.be /5NdQXOPARWI >Jews pushing immigration for white nationsyoutu.be /XpnYpQaHAuc >Barbara Lerner Spectreyoutu.be /oZ1BRHBErH8 >Jewish Supremacismyoutu.be /w1SmKle95MU >Noel Ignatievyoutu.be /BOyBO-ts20c >Mainstreaming white genocideyoutu.be /RC-Cqkq6zWc >Sarkozy on forced misecegenationyoutu.be /I8yaiN6ew_g >Ben Freedman on World Zionist warsyoutu.be /x8OmxI2AYV8 >Alon Ziv promoting interracial couplesyoutu.be /8RWP8Pws9mw >Alon Ziv defending Jews refusing to breed outside their racearchive.is /1Mzb9 >The Frankfurt School of Cultural Marxismyoutu.be /QY82qNWMaaE
February 8, 2017 - 14:27
卐 GERMAN NATSOC ϟϟ ------ >Truth Will Triumphyoutu.be /8ymEKiY1UR8 >Adolf Hitler - The European Crusadeyoutu.be /8ra-ChcOiuU >What Joseph Goebbels Really Said At The Sportpalastyoutu.be /Jw37ZJaG_hc >25 Demands of National Socialism:en.wikipedia.org /wiki/National_Socialist_Program >Rodney Martin - The Economic Plan of the NSDAPyoutu.be /pKnFN8P21-0 >German Economic Miracle of the 1930'syoutu.be /YkenkfRTn4c >Social and Cultural Policies of NS Germanyyoutu.be /bAmgGmxHOMY >Against the Mainstream: Nazi privatization in 1930's Germany (Germa Bel)ub.edu /graap/EHR.pdf >Hitler's Warning about the Zionist Control Structureyoutu.be /oVIbuIGAu38 >Hitler: We Want Nothing But Peaceyoutu.be /CF-rNvYs70Q >Hitler's Appeal for Peace in 1939youtu.be /HAV1_bol2BM >Adolf Hitler's First Speech as Chancelloryoutu.be /Rtpn5QYP5Ig >The National Socialist Revolutionyoutu.be /RmtuCzKy83U >Adolf Hitler's Warningyoutu.be /kzIRG525l6s >Waffen SS - They Fought for us!youtu.be /AnBZ4UToLwQ >The Jewish Problem - Joseph Goebbelsyoutu.be /s6StVNfcttc
February 8, 2017 - 14:27
卐 BOOKS (2) ϟϟ ------ >The New Order - Collateral Readingpastebin.com /za2P7xX9 >Tomislav Sunic - Art in the Third Reich: 1933-1945archive.org /details/ArtInTheThirdReich19331945 >A. James Gregor - Mussolini's Intellectualspress.princeton.edu /chapters/s7870.html >The Triumph of Reason - The Thinking Man's Adolf Hitler by Michael Walsharchive.org /details/TheTriumphOfReason-TheThinkingMansAdolfHitler >Arthur Bryant - Unfinished Victory (1940) >Prominent British historian writes a fairly objective prehistory of WWIIarchive.org /details/ArthurBryantUnfinishedVictory1940V1 >William Joyce – Twilight Over England >Twilight Over England compared the evils of Jewish-dominated capitalist Britain with the successes of National Socialist Germany.archive.org /details/WilliamJoyceTwilightOverEngland >Jewish Domination Of Weimar Germany 1919-1932, Eckart-Verlagarchive.org /details/JewishDominationOfWeimarGermany1919-1932 >Arthur Pillans Laurie - The Case for Germany: A Study of Modern Germany >a view of National-Socialist Germany by a Scottish scholar inside Hitler's Third Reich.archive.org /details/TheCaseForGermany >Percy Stephensen - The Foundations Of Culture In Australia: An Essay Towards National Self-Respectarchive.org /details/TheFoundationsOfCultureInAustraliaAnEssayTowardsNationalSelf-respect >Leon Degrelle - Campaign in Russia: the Waffen SS on the Eastern Frontgermanvictims.com /wp-content/uploads/2013/07/Campaign-in-Russia-Leon-Degrelle.pdf >David Duke - My Awakening: A Path to Racial Understandingarchive.org /details/MyAwakeningAPathToRacialUnderstandingByDavidDuke
February 8, 2017 - 14:29