Without a doubt, the WORST president in American history.
Without a doubt, the WORST president in American history
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Yep, so true. I wish I had never even voted for him.
>Supporting Drumpf
You're still a fucking idiot.
you won't be winning the next emu war with those terrible bants, kid
you know we can tell this is you talking to yourself right?
without a doubt, the MOST PATHETIC series of Sup Forums posts in Australian history.
Yep, so true. this faggot is really holding a conversation with himself.
>kill yourself
>not even american
he hasn't even been in office for a month.
Are you mentally ill? How can you even support this clown?
Just ignore the trolls mate. Everyone on this site is so deluded, most of them are paid Kremlin shills though.
Hahahaha, myopic, brainwashed idiot
You must still be 18, or really young if your brain is this undeveloped.
New shill.