/mega/ Schulz thread [SPD general]

Martin Schulz (born 20 December 1955) is a German Social Democratic (SPD) politician. He was the President of the European Parliament from 2012 to 2017. In November 2016, he announced he would not seek a third term, but instead would stand in 2017 as the SPD candidate for the German Chancellorship.

The latest polls showed that Martin Schulz is very likely going to be the next chancellor of germany.

Compared to Angela Merkel , Martin Schulz is very popular in Germany.

A quick rundown on him:

>strong supporter of the idea of an united europe
>opposed to right wing parties and nationalism
>strong supporter of the german muslim community
>strong supporter of the jewish community and Israel
>already said that he wants to help more reufgees in need
>charismatic and a very humble person

He could be /ourguy/

>NOTE: MIDF (Merkel internet defense force) and AfD shills will start to call me a troll and they will try to ''sage'' this thread. Do not believe them and report them immediately.

Other urls found in this thread:



The AfD is actually a subversive puppet party supporting left totalitarianism and authoritarian progressivism and hates every form of national sovereignty, it wants the United States of Europe, flooded with migrants (literally). It is controlled by a CONSORTIUM of powerful establishment members.

They are stealing certain positions of true right wing parties (like the NPD), but they are definitely not (alt)right, they are simply a controlled opposition party created by members of establishment parties. They supress everyone wanting to lead the party away from "THEM" (Example: Björn Höcke, one of the only true right wing leaders, currently secretly being bullied out).

They are basically Merkel (probably even worse), except that they are just pretending to support right wing positions. And they even fail at that at some points.

Here are some links to the Wahrheitspresse, revealing this full blown government funded conspiracy to the public (suppressed by the MSM).


Also, Germany now officially has its own CTR which is funded by Soros (They're trying to discredit the AfD, but it's easy to see this as an attempt to drive more people to the AfD, DONT FALL FOR IT ITS OBVIOUS ADVERTISEMENT FOR THE AFD):


They started to cooperate with facebook in order to distribute their propaganda and people are rapidly falling for it. This propaganda is funded by the government and zionistic/jewish supporters. They are even directly targeting jews to get their support (deutschlandradiokultur.de/afd-front-national-und-co-rechtspopulisten-buhlen-um-juden.1079.de.html?dram:article_id=360241)



This whole shit is the strongest possible proof that him being a "President of European Parliament" was just a meme and he was nothing but a german shill.

Jewish shill, more like. His only loyalty is to Israel.

>Be German
>vote for woman that plots downfall of your country
>realise that sucks
>vote for the guy that plots the downfall of your continent
The eternal kraut at it again.

Go back to plebbit.


IS there any difference nowadays?

>Be Germany
>Be one of the most popular countries on this board, so that Americans desperately claiming German heritage becomes a meme
>Merkel lets in refugees in 2015, something most Germans disagree with
>Jump to 2017
>"Everyone hates Germany, shits on fire your Merkel ruined Europe"


type sage in the options field if you dont want to bump a thread


it's like germans haven't learned a single thing...

i'm just disappointed at this point...

have fun with turbo merkel, I'm coming for your welfare this june...



You're welcome, feel free to stay in one of the greatest countries of the greatest union.

What's this meme? I knew that he's openly communist supporter, but didn't know he's an alcoholic.

like who?

NPD obviously. It's the only true right wing party. They survived two (!) party-ban proceedings.

its insane sometimes. Schulz is a worse version of Merkel, and they SOMEHOW believe he will change their world and clean up what merkel did wrong.

He used to have an Alcohol "problem"

If you vote AfD, you might as well vote for Merkel or Schulz.

The NPD is our only TRUE alternative.

What tinfoil rock you live under?

This is why germany is lost forever.

yes goyim

t. AfD shill

The AfD publicly supports and is supported by jews

The AfD supports homosexuals, they even have an own group inside of the AfD

The AfD is not only directed at true Germans like the NPD but also at inferior races like Slavs and so on.

>Deutschland thinks this time their attempt to ruin the continent will work

vote for schulz guys
cuck yourselves soo hard you that invite all of the muds in europe, then we can build a wall around you

Who is the shill making these threads?

Notice how he never addresses that he is just a mega merkel.

If he supports Muslim immigration then he sucks dick and will never have the support of Sup Forums you faggots shills

>Germany starts its own CTR
>Schulz starts getting shilled on Sup Forums and apparently reddit too
What a (((coincidence)))

Not an AfD shill here.

- Jews? Schulz and Merkel shilling for Israel? Yeah that sucks we can agree on that.

- Homosexuals? LGBT movement is shit but Romans and Greeks did nothing wrong

- True Germans? LOL, also NPD has croatian members and stuff. So thats bullshit too.

Get your head right dude.

They are shilling for you to vote everything but AfD.

Either they disguise themselves NPD supproters shaming you for not voting for the true Alternative (A 50% Skinhead 50% federal agent honeypot meme party) or they say you MUST vote CDU because with the AfD you would get red red green.

They fear the AfD getting more power so much.

You know what to vote know

CORRECTIV is an association of "independent" Journalists dedicated against Fake News. So they say. They dont know what they're getting into. Oh and obviously they're politically liberal minded.

They have no idea.

When Merkel fails, add more Merkel.


Stop shilling you plebbit cucklord.

Yeah also linking to tinfoil hat conspiracy sites with UFOs and Hitler's Secret Base on the Moon and other shit. Seems like Verfassungsschutz shill or something else like that.

And yep the mainstream Parties are afraid. Nobody but total loosers and tinfoils vote for NPD.

lol this makes AfD pretty much the same as the Trump movement within the GOP

Trump publicly supports and is supported by Jews

Trump supports gays, and they even have "Gays for Trump"

Trump movement is directed at any citizen, even nonwhite citizens

wtf im gonna go back the NPD/KKK and let CDU/DNC win now


Would vote for real deal NSDAP though and become a brownshirt

>tfw Schulz memes all over fb now
Anyone else surprised how quickly the Jusos jumped the meme train?
These goddamn Redditors. Meanwhile /AfD general/ can barely last to the bump limit

Their issue is that the real juicy memes can't be used to further "leftie" beliefs because the dankest memes are offensive to the senses

They scream out "what an offensive opinion! But, kind of true, right?", that is their power

Kek will never leave us because he did not come to us - we came to him.

>The SPD emphasizes the integration of immigrants living in Germany and refuses any proposals aimed at restricting immigration. These immigrants must be integrated into society, for instance through the use of the German language as an instrument of integration. Therefore, parallel societies should not be allowed to develop. Every new generation of incoming migrants should be represented in the education system. The SPD supports education of Islam through the media of the German language. In this sense, SPD strongly encourages the integration of women.
>Contrary to previous manifestos, the party supports dual citizenship and the right to automatic citizenship for children born in Germany. Immigrants having permanent residence in local municipalities should be granted voting rights in local elections as well.

I dunno if it's actual Jusos, most of them couldn stomach the Meme Magic of Sup Forums and the Internet. Their political correctness meters would explore. I know that kind of People.

But then again there might be some who can. Ill blame german redditors.

Black Uniforms are nicer though.

Yo, I´m a photographer from germany and specialized in digital photography. Last month I got a job from "collective.com", just some easy photo manipulation with photoshop.

They paid me 20€ for every picture item, I accepted the offer, because they gave me a picture file with hundreads of trump memes.

I had to photoshop Martin Schulz head on the meme images, easy task easy money.

Its funny to see my photoshop work on Sup Forums, ignore the shills.

they are funded with taxpayer money, afd shills are not.

Shop AFD symbols onto anime girls.

Everything Schulz stands for is anti Sup Forums, shills do your homework please

I recommend you search for the Gottkanzler page on fb. They literally use copypasted Sup Forums memes including wojak

The Reddit influence is pretty obvious t.bh. The memes are even somewhat competently made

we have been doing that for years but they are mostly for internal circulation and esoteric banner waving t.bh

we must accept that the normie might never understand the joys of the 2D

>clockwork on EU times

you're welcome here
but don't fucking flood the place like yesterday you commie niggers

Is this is the phone call that started the collapse of the EU?
Or the one that saved it?

>balding jewish career politician and globalist-communist mouthiece

And of course he has risen 10% in the polls within days without announcing a program, without even being well known figure and without actually having campaigned.
The pollsters have just kept tabs on who is most likely to say which party they are going to vote for in the last few months and now they only call the people they need to get the results they want. At the same time this scumbag was shilled by both Soros and the government, because they have seen what happened with Brexit and Trump.

So the main reason why the polls look so favorable is because they are doctored, so that the inevitable voter fraud looks less obvious.

This kills the Schulz voter
Based Berlusconi cucked him in his own home, in front of the entire EU parliament with no fucks given whatsoever. See if you can find the full version where Schulzlet starts getting mad and says dumb shit on the mic while Silvio keeps laughing

The problem is under the current legal and political framework, chances are dim that we get rid of all those syrian refugees within forseeable future. I've looked and seen the Numbers, the Laws and the stuff.

It's really bad, if things continue we might end up with a similar situation as Belgium or France who will have at some point a race-war with their "immigrant" communities by all likehood. Germany has already tons of issues with the legacy of some shady lebanese/arabs from the 80s and 90s. So imagine how this will go with another Million People. This will also severly alter the demographic balance of Germany.

Thanks to Merkel letting ONE MILLION People in 2015, we're likely going to have a prolonged low-intensity civil conflict (read race-war in being) by 2025 or 2030 with no-go Areas and other shit.

Despite the overton window is already quickly moving to the right it's by far not enough. So lets keep pushing.

Cheer up Hans, it's gonna get better

Südtirol girls are qts t.bh

It's people like you who are destroying germany, you cuck
Enjoy Brazil 2.0
If dub afd wins

doesnt work that way in germany, where making jokes about the hc instantly makes you a persona non grata.

no german politician would be allowed to take berlusconis concentration camp joke without reacting in shock and anger.

and i think berlusconi knew that very well then.

fuck this muzzie apologist

>In November 2016, he announced he would not seek a third term, but instead would stand in 2017 as the SPD candidate for the German Chancellorship.

Like fucking clockwork. Don't act like it's not planned because Merkel is failing, this is a failsafe. So AfD don't magically win because they saw what happened in the US.

FUCK WHITE PEOPLE! إن شاء الله

Not reacting that way is the German equivalent of saying 1000s of muslims celebrated 9/11 in New Jersey, or millions of illegals voted for democrats

you know, things no American politician could ever say and still get elected

It's not for Normies; It's for us.


Ye duh

it's like a move Biden should have made if the dems actually wanted to win

Depends. I like this charme

One of the most excellent and best Articles on the Topic I ever read so far. Kudos for sharing user!

>"The high influx of people from other parts of the world will lead to the instability of our country. By allowing this mass migration, we are producing extremists. Mainstream society is radicalizing because the majority does not want migration, which is being forced by the political elites. In the future, many Germans will turn away from the constitutional state."

german society is much more left wing than the american one. there is no silent majority, not even a silent 40 or 30% for right wing ideas here.

there is only one right wing party and it has 10-15% approval and all other parties absolutely shun any right wing ideology, while in America even democrats have right wing policies.

you really cant compare it.

I'd say the AfD will get easily 25% at the Elections. Also lets not forget that the political correctness and Naziphobia started with the Neo-Nazi scare in the 1990s and that the HC wasn't much of a publically discussed topic until in the late 70s(?) they had the american TV series "Holocaust" broadcasted on German TV.

tl;dr Germany was somewhat like Japan (Or Austria...) till a time.

he's jewish right?

it says he's not but i mean look at him

Soros is funding a German version of Correct the Record called Correctiv. They are in this thread shilling for Schultz and trying to discourage anyone from voting AfD. Fight back!


Soros is funding a German version of Correct the Record called Correctiv. They are in this thread shilling for Schultz and trying to discourage anyone from voting AfD. Fight back!


Soros is funding a German version of Correct the Record called Correctiv. They are in this thread shilling for Schultz and trying to discourage anyone from voting AfD. Fight back!


Soros is funding a German version of Correct the Record called Correctiv. They are in this thread shilling for Schultz and trying to discourage anyone from voting AfD. Fight back!


Soros is funding a German version of Correct the Record called Correctiv. They are in this thread shilling for Schultz and trying to discourage anyone from voting AfD. Fight back!


Soros is funding a German version of Correct the Record called Correctiv. They are in this thread shilling for Schultz and trying to discourage anyone from voting AfD. Fight back!


Soros is funding a German version of Correct the Record called Correctiv. They are in this thread shilling for Schultz and trying to discourage anyone from voting AfD. Fight back!





>he could be /ourguy/
He is literally the opposite of trump and everything we stabd for or want.
Schulz is merkel 2.0

Schulz is going down !!!


The media alread turns against him and there is a poll where he completely fucked up.


Soros is funding a German version of Correct the Record called Correctiv. They are in this thread shilling for Schultz and trying to discourage anyone from voting AfD. Fight back!


Soros is funding a German version of Correct the Record called Correctiv. They are in this thread shilling for Schultz and trying to discourage anyone from voting AfD. Fight back!


Soros is funding a German version of Correct the Record called Correctiv. They are in this thread shilling for Schultz and trying to discourage anyone from voting AfD. Fight back!


Soros is funding a German version of Correct the Record called Correctiv. They are in this thread shilling for Schultz and trying to discourage anyone from voting AfD. Fight back!





Literally everThing this person wrotw about the afd is what the spd and schulz actually are..
Everyone who visitis /pol for more than a week knows this.

Schulz is a open borders globalist puppet


He is a globalist Jew faggot wanking off into the OPs mouth
Prove me wrong, you can't
Fight me faggot

I don't follow German politics much but I saw your post about Soros and Correctiv, I wasn't aware of this - fuck that Hungarian swine.
I have seen some high-level activity pushing Schulz although it is mainly lame memes, I though it was people being ironic but this all makes sense now.



it would be fucking great but come on

we will get stuck at 13-18%, without some serious happenings nothing will change ever because we still are to comfy.

I don't get it. How does any of that make him /ourguy/? Do redditors unironically believe Sup Forums is now left wing/pro eu/pro rapefugee or something? Is this just bait? I can't fucking tell anymore.

schulz should be hanged

Just die already fuckin commie scum!

Also dont forget to sage, fellow anons.

Soros is funding a German version of Correct the Record called Correctiv. They are in this thread shilling for Schultz and trying to discourage anyone from voting AfD. Fight back!


Soros is funding a German version of Correct the Record called Correctiv. They are in this thread shilling for Schultz and trying to discourage anyone from voting AfD. Fight back!


Soros is funding a German version of Correct the Record called Correctiv. They are in this thread shilling for Schultz and trying to discourage anyone from voting AfD. Fight back!


Soros is funding a German version of Correct the Record called Correctiv. They are in this thread shilling for Schultz and trying to discourage anyone from voting AfD. Fight back!


Soros is funding a German version of Correct the Record called Correctiv. They are in this thread shilling for Schultz and trying to discourage anyone from voting AfD. Fight back!


Soros is funding a German version of Correct the Record called Correctiv. They are in this thread shilling for Schultz and trying to discourage anyone from voting AfD. Fight back!


Soros is funding a German version of Correct the Record called Correctiv. They are in this thread shilling for Schultz and trying to discourage anyone from voting AfD. Fight back!





Kys. Volksverräter.

>1 post by this ID

God I didn't think there could never anything worse than Merkel but I was wrong.

I expect the AfD to get a lot of protest and angry Vote at Election Day, numbers that do not show up in the polls. Thats why I give them a 25% at maximum, but more likely is 20%. Theres a lot of frustrated voters out there and many of them will going to Vote AfD, not because of them being supporting their ideas, ideology or stuff but because sheer anger at the established parties.

Guys please...click on my flag and copy my "pasta" and spread it everywhere

Redditors raiding Sup Forums and spam their Schulz-shill threads everywhere.

Der Punkt is doch der mein freund...diese 25% erzwingen die afd in eine groko mit cdu usw und legt damit deren apparatus lahm..genau was wir wollen..
Das ganze schulz posten lüuft doch nur darauf hinnaus das die spd soviel fahrt bekommt das sie am ende wieder ihre gro ko mit der cdu bekommen und dann werden die spd und cdu die nächsten 4 jahre aggro pingpong spielen während sie uns noch mehr von der ganzen merkel scheiß aufzwingen

There will be no Germany or German people in Jewish Bolshevist Europe.

and then without germany europe can finally be at peace
at last I truly see

>spd und cdu die nächsten 4 jahre aggro pingpong spielen

und das wird deren untergang

Of course it will end in a continuation of the Great Coalition, possibly once again with CDU leading. However a couple of things could happen, such as a weak SPD, a CDU loosing percentages (almost granted), strong FDP etc.

The only way to get rid of Merkel is a putsch inside the CDU, possibly resulting in Schäuble taking over. Seehofer keeps barking but the CSU hasnt any guts. The problem is that the SPD is an entirely cucked party at this point, and so is the CDU. Which are the only two Parties who have realistically an power option inside the current constellation.

So a change has to happen inside the CDU. As long as we talk about things within normality.

>>strong supporter of the german muslim community
>>strong supporter of the jewish community and Israel
>>already said that he wants to help more reufgees in need


Seriously? Don't you see that his statements suck?

if he wins I'm going to dress in full burka, go to germany and claim I'm 2 year old syrian girl that's pregnant with magic invisible prophet child, then collect welfare for me and imaginary kid the next 19years



>He could be /ourguy/
You took a wrong turn, this isn't /leftypol/

Now fuck off to krautchan with this shit.

>local muslimes find out about your sorcery and stone to death in the middle of the street
>merkel will defend their culture

He's certainly being memed better than Frauke Petri dish.