IIT things you wish weren't true

IIT things you wish weren't true

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>Slavs on equal footing with Arabs and Asians.

We are supreme, you are all little better than dogs.



It's good we have Paki brothers on our side

Pakistani is the true redpilled nation of South Asia desu



>not posting the superior version

Yet all of them want to live in western countries.

What I like the most is how Paki's suck Arab cocks but Arabs shit on Pakis anywhere they see them.

>Fucking paki thinks he's hot shit


I could never expect someone would be dumber and smell worse than an Indian

Don't get a big head, Pajeet; you win by default.

I mean you can't have your cake and eat it too. If america is cucked then all of europe is prepping the bull

Just like how Indians suck Anglo cock but Anglos call you POO IN THE LOOs?


What's their endgame here?

fucking DESTROYED good one lad

>euro hours
>USA hate threads start coming up
every time

>Canadian being anything but the lowest tier



>Wanting to live in western countries
>Leaving their billon dollar mansion and private jets behind

Destroyed like your Louisiana invasion fleet?

Like your global ambitions?

You do realize that the English are known for being cock-ups the world over.

You could have ended ww2 months earlier and saved all of Germany and some of eastern Europe from the Russians.

Too bad meritocratic promotion falls second to nepotism in your shitty caliphate.

>the irish

Fake as fuck.

>English are known for being cockups
>Descended from english

stfu christian brown man. Bangladesh will have its revenge.


Sure buddy

Wtf is that?

Don't worry he's a khan

>I have English blood therefore I am blind for my countries mistakes
fuck off pakistani, the UK government is destroying/destroyed the white race and it is the duty of every based Anglo to stop them before it is too late

>mudslim currynigger

>Implying American culture has been close to England since the revolution
>Implying the Germans Are not Genetically very similar to French and English
Most white Americans are of German Irish or scandi decent anyway. Depending on the region

>Anything but smelly fruit pickers
Eat shit Punjab

>Destroyed the white race
Pure white are less than 10% in the world, every other so called white is a nigger

Where are you getting these pics?

>mfw we are deporting your child rapist brothers back home
Hope you didn't miss them too much.


East pakistan ring any bells ?

>Thinks he's anything but english

I see the level of education hasn't improved for Mud-Slimes.

Look at the Australian abbo breeding program. They could breed out the abbo through white insemination in 4 generations. Leaving only trace traits that would dissipate into the gene pool and improved immune systems.

>East pakistan
Nope, dont know what it is, must not be important

Pakis aren't Arabs. You're just lower-tier Indians.

Exactly what I said, pure whites are dying out because Brits promoted multiculturalism and globalism in the 20th century.

>Thinks he is descended from Al-Ansar
>Is just poo in the loo

>Burgers think I care

>Brits promoted multiculturalism and globalism
>he doesn't know that Trotsky was sent to USA to promote marxism via drugs in KFC

Whats it like being Militarily subservient to the US.

We can just go in your country and kill some people and claim its Bin-Laden. Who was honestly long dead.

this board

How did you know about that? This is only known in the military here

are you not paying attention? the english are the puppets of the jews and have been for hundreds of years. it doesn't matter what nationality the zionist jew is, they all have the same goal

>Implying thats a bad thing
If you talk about pale then nore than 55% of the world is pale so stop being spastic

>implying you didn't take over that role 70 years ago

Gimme a break. Anyone with half a brain knows that Obama just cooked that story up to help boost his second election

>Osama on dialysis in Paki before war
>can't walk
>No New footage for 10+ years
>Only "new" footage is from behind the back and death mug
>release video with filter claim its "new captured footage"
>Quickly dispose of "osama's" body
>Basically everyone in the Area saying it wasn't him

Yea calling that some bullshit

tfw watching backwater shit pile residents argue with each other over which pile is less shitty

>Implying thats a bad thing
perhaps not for you worst-India but for us whites it's very negative to see your society be destroyed 24/7 by subhumans

Nah it wasn't him, I was in abbottabad at that time, his family lives their but no one knew thar it was his family or where he was.

>celt superior
>irish not

this doesn't even make sense. While mainland europe were being raped by non-whites the irish celts were left alone. The UK and Europe is rightfully irish clay and only sub human mongoloids play down that fact.

>Us whites
>muh wite rase
The way I see it your being given genetic enhancements.

I know I'm saying Obama lied again.

Bin-Laden was a CIA asset anyway. He chilled in Vegas with our hookers fro a while. I'm sure he met his end in some Black site hospital.

we didn't. you're sneaky rats and you still have your finger in everything. the english are the puppets of the jews and we're the puppets of the english

From Ylilauta, son.

But you're like a bootleg indian.

Slavs and nips are cool tho.

>these crude antisemitic drawings surely proves my point!

Sup Forums in a nutshell.

Delete this now.

I wish trannies weren't mentally ill and were just regular anyone else. but that's not the case

that flag is wrong

Anyone have the one with the German Reich, East-Germany and West-Germany?

Correction, better version of india

t. Schlomo Goldberg
antifa isn't known for their intelligence user

>saving Krauts
That's not how it works.

t. non-country

>wanting to be Arab
>not Aryan

I understand how you feel to have no culture separate from India, but wanting to go from Indo-Aryan to disgusting Ayyrab is just pathetic

Im proud of my heritage, dad is of kashmir origins which probably means Im half indian and mom is pashtoon

clean my toilets shitskin

You're below me filthy austrian

t. non argument