China vs ISIS

How would it fair?

Other urls found in this thread:新疆恐怖活动

are you mentally retarded?

>How would it fair?

"Fare". Learn your own language. And brush your tooth.


arrahu ackbal

Way better than any other option in my opinion

Even Russia/America alliance won't fully stop ISIS because they are concerned with just killing the people, not the ideas. It's a breach of "human rights violation" if they start shutting down churches and killing people for believing in Islam

Not so with the chinks, they don't care. They will make the entirety of Syria into an extension of the Uyghur provinces, they will force all the arabs to sell alcohol and pork at gunpoint, and they will execute anybody who even posts a mean message on twitter about this

I guarantee you Chinese control of Syria within 10 years = no radicalism

Mosques* not churches my bad


> shutting down churches
> not mosques


theyd have to open their eyes to see what they were doing for starters

The Chinese have no empathy for sand niggers unlike western cucks and would slaughter them all.

China would avoid fighting in the first place. They just want to buy oil. BUT, if say, Isis for whatever reason decided to go maximum Jihad, it wouldn't go over well. China is willing to run over it's own citizens with tanks over the spelling of political words. When Ugurs get upity, they go just short of Nanjing on their asses.

They would also replace the population with loads of Han chinese.

Chinese here

If this happens we would finally have an excuse to cuck the Uyghurs

Fucking stupid CCP party trying to kiss the Uyghur arses

Castrate their men and get Han Chinese men to fuck their women

Glass the Muslim cunts

Confucian pride World wide

Tooth? Which one?

ISIS would get rekt. The Chinese government doesnt bend the knee to the left and would just scorched earth anywhere they think they might be hiding. They don't fall for the guilt-ridden memes the western left do

I think you are being too optimistic, the only reason we dont hear about more muslim happenings in China is because they fucking censor everything

>When Ugurs get upity, they go just short of Nanjing on their asses.

It's not true at all senpai

They do deal with Uyghur terrorists but the fucking dirty mutts have thousands of protestors with them all the time

So maybe one or two Uyghurs get imprisoned, while thousands of other Uyghur collaborators get off scott free

why not just raise birthrates after killing their men and women? it shouldn't be too hard to replace the population. also Uyghurs dindu nuffin. gib them autonomy.

This is only partially true

Chinese government doesn't censor everything.

But some "smaller" terrorist incidents do not get reported on the media新疆恐怖活动

Sounds like a win-win from here

Fuck off, we're full

>Castrate their men and get Han Chinese men to fuck their women
LMAO, you can't even fuck your own women. If you love your communist shit hole so much, go back.

Maybe you guys are not aware of it but a lot of ISIS soldiers come from China. They are not Chineese ofc, they are Uygur people from the western part of country. They are Muslims and have a separatist movement, sort of like Tibet. They are very ugly people, imagine Turkic sandniggers mixed with small eyes Mongolians. So the point is, if ISIS falls a lot of them would come back to China and there would be some conflicts for sure.

Because we don't want to kill ALL Uyghurs

Uyghur women are sexy as fuck

Just castrating the men is enough, they act like fucking Arab refugee rapists when they go to Beijing/Shanghai

Yeah nah eat shit cunt aye fucking try and stop me from living here while Malcolm Turnbull is sucking Chinese cock

for a second, it seemed like it was a copy-pasted single image of a soldier...

You're probably right. That's our judeo-christian values there

>The worst part of a roach and chink combined into one
Open your fucking eyes man.
O wait

Lel it's okay Trent from Punchie

Cry into a pillow while the West Africans are cucking you and fucking your sheila

lol, why do you even want to live here if you love China so much?

Same reason the Anglos who wank over the Queen still living in the traditional land of the Abos I guess?

I'd tell you to get out of my country but your peasant farmer parents probably own more of it than I do.


You're cucked on a financial and a geographical level Davo

Have you converted to Islam yet?

south and west of Sydney have already join the Islamic Caliphate of Bankstown


the chinks would realise about 2 weeks into the campaign that you cant feed your troops ground up cardboard and industrial waste and expect them to be in good fighting condition. gooks eat the dead during wartime, it would get really comfy really quickly.

This pic really labeled my metaphors

we're full m8.

Apparently the insides of your mum isn't mate

She's a golden land girt by sea if you catch my drift

USA is a cuck prepping for Kike bulls in Israel

How can the middle east be real if chinese east is only east?

why do chinese men wear surgical masks on their way to work?

so a stiff breeze doesnt blow away their "beard"

faggot, i just made that up. what say you, smelly low-test chinaman.

It would be a fucked war.
If whites left middle east and china went to war it would quickly turn into arabs vs chinks.
Neither of which give a fuck about human life. The middle east and parts of china would just be carnage

L0L East Asian men are high test

Mean while inbred bogan pinkies are low test cucks prepping for Lebanese bulls

How many Lebo dicks have you cleaned today drongo?

The Chinese don't even have a strong NCO corps anymore since they haven't been fighting any wars to produce one. It'd be an absolute mess seeing them try to do coin-op, luckily they can take insanely high casualties without command batting an eye.

KEK nice source m8, i thought chinks were supposed to be smart. as you lay down your head when you sleep tonight and try to ignore the 19 other gook rats who share your mattress' snoring, just remember that your relatives and everybody you ever knew in china, everyone they ever knew, all of their relatives, everyone you hold dear is right now choking to death on the vile industrial pollution that you literal ants can't stop churning out, and theres nothing you can do about it. because WE'RE FULLLLLLLLL

>It'd be an absolute mess seeing them try to do coin-op, luckily they can take insanely high casualties without command batting an eye.

Lel not true anymore

You have no idea about the parents culture in China

All these 50 years literally cry when their son joins the army and we're not even at war time

They protested against the Chinese government multiple times about "harsh training of new recruits"

Faggot CCP reps actually listened to them

Lel our baby boomers are the opposite of yours

It's okay I'll always sleep safe knowing that I'm not choking on Abdullah's cock instead

Have fun in the next few years being buttfucked by Yusuf, Abudullah, Mehmet and all these middle easterners taking over Anglo suburbs cuck boi

Your country has already been CULTURALLY ENRICHED

It's not yours anymore

australia is 93% white. feels GOOOOOOD baby. feels fucking good.

Not so fast cuck boiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

I am Chinese and I agree . Most Mainlanders youth are unfit for military. I bet 90%of the pla solider can't even bench 200pounds. But ISIS is weak af. Some I will still bet my money on cannon fodder Chinese.

I wish china would eradicate the whole islam,

I hope some high rank idol chinese politician get killed by an islamist
and instead that the muslims apologize these ignorant fucks just say "le not all muslims".
Leading to a giant program that forces all countrys to supress and discriminate islam, or else they get economic consequences.
China then fucks up the whole middle east.

1000 years later people in history class will laugh about islam and how the world was so fucking retarded not destroy it immediately.

Well, chinks would sure get A LOT more fresh organs to sell.

Those must be old statistics.

Lel if Muslim leaders like Saudi Arabia start claiming Taiwan is not apart of China and that no Muslim should accept Taiwan returning to China, Chinese politicians might start cracking down on Islam in China


I don't see why they are so worried about their sons going to war, they completely fucked their demographics will the one child policy so a good majority of cannon fodder class Chinese males won't find Chinese females to carry on the blood line anyway.

gook would just eat them. only chopsticks, no weapons needed. isisfags would became literally snackbars.

Flag checks out >.>

They don't have a land border so ISIS would win. Chinese navy could only send one brigade of troops over.

The only tooth he has

ISIS might have a chance against Lichtenstein if nobody helps them. Maybe.

picture related

/thread, i don't even need to answer who would win between these people, we all already know how lopsided it would be. Remember the flamethrower cave incident last year?


I'm assuming you're saying ISIS overwhelmingly?

Liechtenstein is under our protection

It's going to take a long time to undo the damage done by 30 something years of that, I already know they don't have it anymore. The first normal generation isn't even going to be adults until the 2030's.