Tfw you realize he was right

>tfw you realize he was right
>tfw you realize (((Sam Harris))) convinced you
>tfw shifty Jews everywhere
>tfw Ben was right
>tfw benpilled

Why aren't you Benpilled yet?

Other urls found in this thread:


I'm already Bogpilled. I'm trying to be a respected member of society not some pill monster famalam

I dont have a problem with Islam, let them do whatever they want. They just dont belong in the west or in Europe.

Amen brother
> Crusades when??

The fuck is a bogpill?
Can you give me a quick rundown?

>all that anger
>red-faced and fuming
>can't stop rubbing his face and hair
affleck is the literal definition of the cognitive dissonance hallucinating liberal



There's a pretty good chance he was on steroids at the time.

Maybe, but it's not necessary, that's literally the kind of psychotic anger and victim complex these people love submerging themselves in.

It's pretty clear that he's having some sort of episode (whether or not it's drug induced). Notice that Maher's panelists aren't spazzing out like that even if they more-or-less agree with Affleck.

He was right. But he fell into the rhetorial/argumentative/Jewish trap of allowing himself to get (justifiably) agitated by Jewish hypocrisy, even as he might not have even agreed with his own point. Jews win. This is the exact thing Jews have evolved to do to goyim for 2k years+.

That's where he fucked up.

So you're saying he was outdone by a shifty Jew?

give me a basic gestalt

The problem is that Islam does and always will think it belongs everywhere. We need more crusades.

why do these """"comedians"""" think anyone should or wants to hear what they have to say regarding politics?

who the fuck told comedians that they could be the political voice of the last 5 years

Two of them.

He got double-teamed by shifty Jews, and ended up looking like a crazy man defending Muslims when what he was really agitated by was Jewish hypocrisy.

TLDR; They're behind the Jewish problem

he proved to be a islam cock lover and a total cuck leftard

I just rewatched this

>isis couldn't fill a ball stadium

What the flying fuck

>having some sort of episode
That's the power of the cognitive dissonance bubble, driving the person into a frenzy rather than forcing them to face the possibility they may have been wrong about what they've believed for years. What's more, it's literally addictive. Their brains deal with people disagreeing with them by reconfiguring their perceptions to believe the reason it's happening is because the opponent is evil and persecuting them. Every time they encounter another disagreement in an argument this reinforces the belief and releases seratonin, giving them a rush of pleasure at being "proved right". It becomes a vicious cycle, feeding in on itself and polarizing the "victim" more and more. Affleck is actually GETTING OFF on it, he's feeling the same kind of rush a warrior feels in battle, it's a blood frenzy for him. This is how the violent SJWs and antifa are born. (To be fair, this can happen on the right, too)

Its the Estrogen that swells up after the Test gets metabolized.
I know you didndu say nuffin but I'm tired of people blaming the testosterone for roid rage when the real cause was insufficient estrogen blockers

protip: they do not agree with afleck. it's like having an angry teenager at the adults' table