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Deep state shill pls go

Woman with trench coat and black hat placing mail in mailbox
Untitled, 2013.
Surveillance of mailboxes in Berlin.
George Soros "Open Society" Secret Stasi images

Whats that picture?

What the fuck is Wikileaks' problem?


It is getting interesting.

I don't get where they are heading.

Yep. Who, what, when, where why and how

oh shit, HRC BTFO

Yeah, this cryptic badselfeater tier shit isnt helping their credability.

Julian's finally discovered ARG's.

Vault 7 is nothing until proven otherwise.

what is vault7?

How does this image pertain to 9/11?

When did wikileaks stop posting legit stuff and start spamming conspiracy bullshit

Possibly part 7 of HRC leaks, maybe 9/11, they're being cryptic as shit so it'd better be for a good reason

Why are her legs so spread? What is she hiding?

shariablue crew fuck off

you're a frightened, deluded, and insecure little man


After they blew their wad with the DNC they're doing anything they can get attention for now.

>I-If we make up some mysterious sounding thing like Vault7 maybe we can drag it out to get attention.

It's Assange's way of proving he has the 'tism


A penis

Now they're pissing me off. Nobody likes a coy bastard.

This is a bit too much drama queen hype bullshit for me.

They're being fucking cryptic because they have nothing. If they had shit they would have released it by now like they did with the DNC.

Vault 7: A vault within Fort Knox full of safety deposit boxes. Inside those boxes are photographs of politicians raping, torturing and killing children kept for blackmail purposes by the jewish deep state.

wtf is going on, im tired of this bullshit

Good goy

I hate when they make these vague riddle tweets.

I get the feeling that these messages aren't for us but are understood by some insider that they are communicating with publicly.

What Wikileaks is doing right now is really no different than their "stochastic terminator", when they were releasing the Podesta emails in small daily batches. They realize that their dumps are most effective when their audience is as large and as mobilized as possible.

Vault7 is probably the seventh folder of fbi s shit on Hillary.
They are threathening releases of information(that they may or may not have) themselves unless fbi does.


The plot thickens.


This. Shills be shillin though

Mmmhmmmmm, well after they keep jerking you around and it's about May or June maybe you'll understand.

I know what this is all about. It's stupid as shit. What fucking ultimatum is that? "You release it or we do." Honestly it's quite the stupid game since the left already don't trust or like wikileaks so they won't believe shit they say.

>surely last time was the last time they will be cryptic about leaks and it turn out to be literally nothing

Say what you will about wikileaks and what they are doing now, but look at this shit, they have started the conversation. People are asking what Vault 7 is, people are talking about it.

Whatever they will release is going to hit hard.

so much shilling ITT

>the "started a conversation" meme

When someone pulls that out you know for a fact that they have no argument or that whatever the subject was was complete bullshit.

I like edging too my man but edging for weeks on end makes my balls hurt.

Nazigold shipped to antarctica and from there possibly agartha via UFOs and submarine while also subverting different organizations and start their own in order to win the ww2 that never ended
From yesterday

the vault7 shit started a week ago fuck off

Source is Open Society Foundation. Founder is the old bastard himself

What ''argument'' do you want? They haven't released anything.
We weren't talking about Vault 7. Now we are.
How hard to understand is that, brainlet?

Seriously. We haven't had a good Wikileaks happening since what? Podesta emails? I stayed at home sick from work today, so it'd be perfect for them to drop it now.

Maybe they are just generating hype? It is a thing that they do. If they never posted anything until a major release, people wont be listening.

Exchange server 2003.

Vault 7 is a pedophelia ring that the Clinton's are involved in as well as a large amount of politicians like Chuck ((Schumer)).

They better deliver after all this teasing.

There were the BND leaks. We'd need some Germans to tell us how impactful they were domestically though.

memb'uh when (((wikileaks))) used to be wikileaks?

Reveals some information at least. Vault7 is a cache of information not a physical object.

So did they say when they're actually going to drop it or are they just being retards with this shit?

Either this or underground bunkers for (((elites))).
Maybe around the northpole from where they rule the world


Reminder: #12.

Building 7! it was a vault of the CIA. Jet fuel can't melt steal beams! 9/11 was planned and the files they tried to destroy are now in wikileaks hands. They have the genes/seed of Hitler that they found in the nazi vault after WW2. and storing it somewhere to bring back MEGA HITLER.




Credibility? In over a decade, wikileaks has NEVER lied to us. They are ironclad.


>reminder that Assange is dead

They haven't lied, but they have been overhyping a lot of stuff.

It's a good sign that they are being so vague right now instead of overhyping it.
Instead of ''HOLY SHIT! THEY'RE GOING TO BLOW IT WIDE OPEN HOLY SHIT! HILLARY IS FINISHED!'' it's more ''What's vault 7? What are they talking about?''

shills keep pushing this meme to discredit wikileaks

Plus they kept banging on about saving all the good stuff for when Hillary was in office

They don't control the hype, that's the media's job. Of course they shill their own work, they need donations and good will to keep going.

Has anyone noticed how no news site has covered this except

but there is no credible sign of his life since D.A.K: 16.10.2016

He IS dead

Wikileaks is more than Assange alone

who knows

>never heard of morph cuts

It's a Seed vault built about 1000 miles away from the North Pole.

No genetically modified seeds are allowed entry. Packages from around the world with seeds are sent to this vault to be stored to secure the genetic diversity of this planet.

The vault is dug deep into the permafrost of the Earth keeping it at a constant low temperature even if refrigeration fails. Packages from North Korea have been accepted and they are indiscriminate so long as their fees are paid.

Workers do not check the packages sent to the facility to prevent contamination of the seed specimens so it's possible that people are storing other controversial things in this impenetrable vault.

It's controversial because some people believe it means that there will be a disaster that threatens the genetic diversity of this planet and that the elite are preparing for a back up plan.

It is uncertain if this vault can also house people. There have been tours but only under strict guidance of engineers who show only what they are designated to show.

I'll solve it for you then:
Vaul 7 is the seventh FBI document release regarding hillary clinton's emails and the clinton foundation.
Wikileaks *is* compromised - by the questionably "good" guys.

They are going to release the vault 7 documents, it's going to be full of dirt on hillary and friends. They are doing this so it doesn't look like Trump is staging a witchhunt to go after political opponents. There needs to be grassroots support to go after her, and public outrage, before the FBI take action.

After this there will be calls for arrests and investigations. The FBI and CIA (purged of the worst bad apples already), already have everyone lined up to go. Potentially the arrests happen either way. Might even happen later today, once sessions is officially sworn in.

Wikishit desperate attempt to leech more money off retards, all without releasing anything relevant in MONTHS.

Remember the BOMBSHELL on election night? Yea nothing

Assange is an incredible attention whore

Wikileaks is the opposite of bullshit. Wikileaks is anti-bullshit.

The CIA is having some fun ever since Julian was murdered.

>If they had shit they would have released it by now
People need to slow down their ADHD. There's nothing wrong with them doing a week of hype with one short tweet a day while finishing up the last bit of verification, formatting, etc. They never release things the second they get it. So why not let their social media staff get some excitement going in the meantime?

Wikileaks confirmed infowars tier fakenews garbage.

Look through their history, their twitter has always been shit and run by retards.

Seth Rich

Why do people act like this is the next pizza gate, i remember reading about this more than half a year ago
If anything is fake news, it's this

>nothing Wikleaks has ever released has been false
>infowars-tier garbage


>about this
Mind telling us all what "this" is, Mr. Top Secret Insider?

>the next pizzagate
>implying pizzagate is over

the fuck you talking about, there is nothing about Vault 7 so how can you have read about it half a year ago...?

This cock tease. release the emails.


Do you even wiki

Do you even suck dick?
Cause you sound like a massive faggot to me. that doesn't know what he's talking about.

Folks, you have to admit that something is coming down. It's been too quiet for too long for something to not be brewing.

I think these 'clues' have a meaning that some particular party understands, but the rest of us are just fishing. We'll see, I guess.

Oy vey goyim don't be so homophobic


Wikileaks confirmed compromised, campaign to discredit well underway

No. They do hype their stuff. Julian himself admitted it. But the reason is simple: without hype people simply wouldn't read the entirety of the content they release. They have to create demand so that their leaks aren't wasted.
Same reason why they never throw it all at once. If there's too much to read people simply won't read it.