Please Sweden

Tell me this is fake...
Where is Breivik when you need him ?

Other urls found in this thread:å-ger-inte-muslimer-gratis-krypskytteträning-xr

He is in all of us

They really want to take the Cuckbowl again from the Germans hands.

Holy shit Sweden... this is the slowest, most entertaining mass suicide ever

where does sweden get all this money?

Every time I read stories like this I wonder 'What exactly is the end game?"

Do white EU elites really believe that these shitskins will be subservient to them after their white genocide?

Do the global elites really WANT genocide of the West and whites? Or do they want something else and this is just an unintended consequence that they are willing to accept?

Because these people WILL establish Sharia once their demographics reach a certain percentage, and they WILL chop off the heads of all EU elite useful idiots.

I need to read Submission by Houllebeque and Icarus Fallen.



>January 15, 2016
C'mon now it's CURRENT YEAR

Svens pay like their entire paychecks in taxes to their daddy state.

Sweden this isn't funny anymore you need to stop before you cause a real paradigm shift in your country.

mfw brevikh literally killed a meme

You need to be above 18 to post here

>shot twice in his spaghetti

I fucking lost it in class

Jewish payback for years of systematic oppression working together with tired old Soviet sympathisers who couldn't deal with Marx being proven wrong on economic theory, so they doubled down on Cultural-Marxism.

There is no great secret cabal leading this shit, just groups of influential people who have a personal vendetta against traditional values in the west. This is also why other highly traditional societies, like the Koreans, Chinese, Japanese etc are basically immune to all this shit.

>Please kill us
>No, really, we'll give you a weapon and teach you how to do it

It makes them feel trusted and part of the country. What is the problem?

Please tell me people here don't actually believe this..

Its fake

Gruesome...but necessary.

He was right...Breivik was fucking right and no one would listen, no one believed him.

Look who's back

>white genocide

Isn't it just air guns though?

Thanks Danebro.

Next question:
But how will the resentful Jews and Soviet sympathizers manage a group of people that hate them (cos muh Dar al-Harb)?

How will they avoid their own destruction?

Or do they want that?

It's old news and they took refugees out for sports shooting. It just happend to be one of their acitivies. (Yes we entertain them as if they were kids, gots to keap them busy so they don't rape as much)

It's fake. It's not sniper training, it's a sport here. Ski shooting. Watch it on winter olympics. The niggers were given a wide range of choices and some chose that. Btw, it's even from norway

They should teach them how to make explosive devices.

You know, to help them integrate.

Taxing the shit out of people that actually have a job.

So you have terrorist training as a sport? Lol.

It's fakeå-ger-inte-muslimer-gratis-krypskytteträning-xr

Its called Biathlon and its a worldwide sport.

You're retarded
Watch winter olympics.


People will believe anything at face value

I think I'm done with this board for a while, gone stale as fuck anyways

>morphius is sitting down
>being watched by morphius

Never heard of it. Source?

Pasta Breivik

One of them drowned, shouldn't he be removed from the kill count? It's not Breivik's fault he couldn't swim.

It's a half truth. Biathlon is a proper sport in Europe, not specifically military sniper training, just shooting black holes in quick succession and then skiing


Why's that funny about it for english speakers? I don't get it. I know the meme of mom's spaghetti and spaghetti falling out of pockets as a sign of anxiety towards women, but it's not really that funny. Care to explain?

>He was right
he was too far right

why the black holes the ones to be shot, fucking racist sport mang

What in the fuck? Is this fake news? The government is literally training third world invaders in how to kill, and of course those people are gonna be swedes.

Here's an idea, don't even ask, if the idiot doesn't provide a source then just ignore it mmkay?

>all those headshots

Mirin K/D honestly

oh I didn't know there was a turkish girl among victims

Wtf I love Breivik now


If they kill Swedes then Sweden wins.

It's not funny. This is funny

When it comes to Cuckistan, nothing surprises the rest of us anymore.

U.S. needs to put Sweden on a restricted travel list. Might as well visit Iraq.

I literally cannot fathom Sweden or how any of this type of shit can continue

I am actually flabbergasted by the stories I see out of this county

Not English speakers it's an old Sup Forums meme for social awkwardness

I'm pretty sure that's a sport shooting club, not "sniper training".
Unless shooting .22LR at a target 50 meters away is "sniping"