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He got wing chunged

>Ass kicked


it was a tiny ass scrape on his forehead jesus christ how sheltered are you to think that was an ass kicking

well that was disappointing..

fights like a little bitch

>peoplpe punching each otyher in the street
>'this is what democracy looks like!'

no you nasaly bitch this is what ochlocracy looks like

the reason monson didn't engage was because he saw his opponent was throwing straight punches and anyone thats followed monson's career knows the old fucker took LOADS of damage and that cotton candy keepin his brain together is deteriorated.....he may be a commie but the fucker knows not to get into fights anymore..

Professional """"MMA Commie fighter"""" can't even beat a normie

>bash a fash
>defend democracy, totally legitimate, wah wah cry more nazis

>american fighting back
>this is what democracy looks like
>I've got that on video!!!!!!

So when does the asskicking start?

That guy is a total retard. I enjoyed Fedor kicking his ass while he had a poser sickle and hammer tattoo on his leg.

What I saw someone who could've dropped the Trump supporter but re-thought the matter and backed off. BUT OKAY!

Question here.
Why they always walk in mobs and always have a shitload of phones filming everything?
Also why they are always screaming?

Not even in Brazil we have as many monkeys screaming like that and we were supposed to be the chimpout nation.

Stop culturally appropriating us, burgers.

It's my dream to one day go toe to toe with Jeff Monson, and survive

>how dare you guys want to become uncucked conservatives again, that makes you full blown fascists

yeah, you probably right. He can take a punch and don't feel a thing but if he gives one hand throw at this idiot it would be a long run in court

He is lucky he backed off. The Trump supporter fulfilled his duty to retreat by backing up while the MMA fighter continued forward.

Should have ended in a legal gunshot imo

Because, that's what democracy looks like!?


Well he picked on the wrong guy.

guy's wearing a gun n roses shirt

I could kick his ass without even trying

We should get this guy kicked from the mma. This shit should not slide at all, professional fighters should not pick fights.

>shouting love trumps hate
>as a MMA fighter rushes into a trump supporter

Do these people know what they are saying and how they are acting? This is literally pants on head retarded. Its plain doublethink.

Will this shit go on for the next decade that people randomly protest trump ? Or will they normalize at some point and just shut up ?

hes already out iirc

Its pretty obvious he was holding himself back. Winding up for punches then stopping.

theyll keep protesting until soros has his accounts frozen

Yea how about you not being a little bitch and leave him be? It wasnt much of a fight anyway.

>only women voices shouting

>muh guns every day from americans on this board
>none of these monkeys ever get shot
Explain this

regardless, that was some weak shit for a "mma" fighter

This dude looks like he would star in Sup Forums's favourite film "House of Air"

How retarded do you have to be to chant 'love Trump's hate" as an anti-Trump chant?

This is starting to piss me off and I don't even live in the states. At this point they are so warped and corrupted that the only release is death.

Because they are weak little bitch who need the state they hate to defend them when they protest it

>this is what democracy looks like!
>people bashing each other in public


well ahmed, maybe it's because freedom loving white american patriots aren't bloodthirsty fucking savages like your kind, and will only fire upon another human being as a last resort. i know you sand people are hardly human and thus unable to grasp the value of human life, communist or otherwise, but whites with a triple digit IQ understand how a civilized society is supposed to operate.

you don't understand, user, by engaging in hate speech, those dirty drumpf supporters are perpetuating the most violent system of all time - imperialism.

Oy, a little counter-violence to prevent mass violence is what's needed sometimes!

this was gay as shit, why did you make a thread? why is Sup Forums so shit now?

The mma guy probably realized it was a lose/lose situation immediately.

>hahaha dumb americans cant even fight like men and always resort to muh guns
>Americans why dont you always use your guns instead of fighting

No. Boxers shouldn't pick fights.

It looked like he wanted to fight, but the flag guy caught him off guard with a couple of punches and he immediately backed off.

Its sad though because old people shouldn't be fighting each other. :( they should know better.

This white Brazilian is correct.


combat sports ≠ actual self defense.

They can help, but it's just not the same.

I'm great at kickboxing and Muy Thai, but actual confrontation makes me crumble, this is true with a lot of people and fighters.

I love Trump and hate liberals, but it's clear Monson didn't want to hurt the guy. Just a bit of a pushing match, really. Monson is the only far leftist I've ever seen that I think is a scary dude. He's objectively an incredible submission grappler.

pick one you dirty fucking ape

Fuckin kek



Tatted up degenerate manlet btfo by an all american real man

Libs are so weak and pathetic

If he were serious the other guy would be dead


be careful shill

It takes a few times of getting your ass kicked before you learn to not freeze up in a fight.

I stress boxing as a self-defense art, with strong emphasis on defense, so that you can keep your composure while someone is throwing fists at you.

he's lucky he didn't have is 2x4


>All those protests that go on to the night across the country

Don't they have anything better to do? Jobs, family, hobbies, education, anything?

Looks like the MMA guy backed off because he remembered where he was

I also love Trump's hate for the left.

What did he mean by this?

Heroine isn´t the best way to go poland.

No but seriously why can't Americans fight.


Ugly ginger bastard, good I hope he gets shot next.

>Mexico Construyeyeyeyeye de parma something something


come on dude

Nice picture to get attention on your post, fag. That wasn't even close to a real fight.

Pic not fucking related.

Really, it looks like they were going to fight but the crowd broke them up. I doubt a MMA guy would have had any trouble with the flag waving fatso.

I really hate when they cut out what lead up the fight.

Because we have law and order here, not sharia law.

This, hes a professional fighter. Felony assault charges probably werent in is evening plans.

Also, this isnt even a fucking fight its a pushing match. Fuck you OP.

Our communists also got fucked up today, not a very good day for pinko scum.


Monson is a 5'9 manlet fighting at heavyweight

Guy is a joke and could be heemed by any welterwight in the ufc

because its inconvenient to the narrative the poster is trying to weave
what we can see is the pinko faggot rushing the american patriot and stealing the flag from his hands

justified self defense is all I see

They can train all they want, they will stil be short disgusting manlets. real men wants to MAGA and are above 1,80

Neither do we and yet we don't shy away from a scrap.
Are Americans just so pussified?
Literally made for bbc (BIG BRITISH COCK)


>duty to retreat


is there a full video???
it starts in the middle of an ongoing tussle, let's see where it escalated from and who actually threw the first punch

Jeff Monson literally got forced to retire because he picked a fight with some no name Russian and nearly died. Now he only does fights in Russia because legally no one will let him fight in America.

>not even touching him
>ass kicked

please let the "no fly zone" and "peacefuhl protesters" memes die

This was glorious, kek.


>when the camera pans to the liberal crowd

This right here is what degenerates look like. These people would never be concidered as a serious group anywhere in eastern europe. Everyone looks like queers. Random silly costumes, if feels like they are competing who would dress up in a most ridiculous color combinations.

Just lool at yesterdays romanias protest, everyone look like they are serious, working people. Compare the to this crap, most of them look like they are doing it for fun. What a joke.

>neither do we

And no you can't fight your problems away.


American pussy was MADE for anglo cock

>Woop! Woop! Woo-woop! Woop!
my fucking sides

not sure if it's same in west but if you got martial art license you can't just beat the shit outta anyone here. that's why i think he doesnt one shot him while his face is clearly open.

t. boxer

Neither is crack

you can have the one on the left and ill take the right, guvnah

>spoken from literally the most cucked place on Earth

Are you actually this stupid or are you trolling?


i meant legally* there is no difference between "attacking with punch" and "attacking with knife" if you got martial arts license


>Its pretty obvious he was holding himself back. Winding up for punches then stopping.

Then why start a fight? Maybe he did not hold back but actually pussied out.

You know that real life fights are not the same as mma?

No professional fighters should not pick fights.