Redpill #2

War is a necessary evil. Extremely long periods of peace turn populations into cowards who don't believe in fighting for anything other than useless social reform. Every time a major war kicks off, Men are expected to Fight for their country and Woman are expected to aid the Men, which in turn keeps the Nation State productive and Alert. Once said war is over, Humanity tends to advance tremendously fast in Technological progress and the Winner of the war gains an unbelievable amount of True Prosperity. This prosperity does NOT last forever.

War cleanise nation of its brave and strong and make cowards survive.

Well you're mixing war with communism.
Communism kills the best to prevent everybody from rebelling.
War kills both heroes and cowards.


War also tends to bring Deep rooted Unity among the common man of the Nation State. Unity among Men leads to great achievements. Once peace has been dragged out for a certain period of time, the Unity goes away because Men begin to feel as if the foreign threat has dissipated. This in turn causes Men to fight amongst themselves allowing Women to take advantage of this infighting. Eventually the Men become Cowards and the Woman begin to demand a say in foreign policy and government. This then brings sympathy to the Nation Stayes outlook on other tribes of people. Which of course leads to Massive Foreign Immigration, because the Woman of the Nation State want to ensure their genes get passed on.

War is a blood sacrifice to feed the Reptilians.


War for banker's/aristocrats/warlord's gains are beneficial and necessary?

I should give my life and kill others like me so some fat jew can make a windfall off bankrolling both sides? I should give my blood for the power games of the elites?

Nah, fuck that. I wish we could have gladitorial style combat for (((them))) to fight it out for whatever bullshit they want.

Agreed. I don't think there will ever be a major organic war anymore. Considering the fuckery surrounding WW2 and the so called "shadow government".

They don't need war to dominate a population or control an economic system.

>t. french

Of course not, they already control everything as is. Doesn't mean they don't already have "wars" for the siphoning of resources and the creation of wealth for the elite few bankrolling the whole thing - for the bankers lending money, corporations looking for development access, weapons manufacturers, PMCs, corrupt politicians, etc.

The only war I would support is for their ousting. But even that is futile since every ideology and government falls right back into an oligarchy controlling everything.

It's just all so tiresome.

It can be. War is largely disgenic. The weak cannot fight and are left to live, while the strong fight and die. This can be offset by sexual selection of soldiers.

Philosophizing about war like this is a sure sign that you've never been in one or have any chance of being involved in a future one.

Go back to jerking off over Warhammer novels you fucking retard.

Checked and it's true.

Wrong vlad, war makes the fanatics die and reduces testosterone and violence of a population plus nerds like von brawn get funding and knoeledge which make the pendulum swings higher when the war ends.

>the jew says that war is good

>always do against what jews say

>good goy, go overseas and die and leave all the women to us

War is not good, it is just entropy, not matter what, low iq retards will overbreed smart people and trigger a war.

I would expand and say it is specifically the fear of death that is necessary. For all the reasons you listed too, war is simply a vehicle.

>war profiteering doesn't exist